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Everything posted by ESP

  1. Notepad++ gives me... dofile("Scripts/base.lua")function InitDialog(grid) base_InitDialog(grid) --custom properties group=grid:AddGroup( "Beacon" ) group:AddProperty( "blinkspeed",PROPERTY_INTEGER,1000,"Blink Speed") group:AddProperty("beaconcolor",PROPERTY_COLOR,"","Beacon Color") group:Expand(1)endfunction Spawn(model) local entity=base_Spawn(model) entity.antennalight={} entity.blinkspeed = tonumber(model:GetKey("blinkspeed","1000")) entity.beaconcolor = Vec4(1.0,0,0,1) entity.lasttime = AppTime() entity.blinktoggle = 1 for i=0,2 do entity.antennalight[i] = CreateCorona(model) entity.antennalight[i]:Paint(LoadMaterial("abstract::flare1.mat"),1) entity.antennalight[i]:SetParent(model,0) entity.antennalight[i]:SetColor(entity.beaconcolor,0) SetCoronaRadius(entity.antennalight[i],1,1) EntityViewRange(entity.antennalight[i],800,1000) end -- Fixed light positions on our antenna entity.antennalight[0]:SetPosition(Vec3(0,35,0.1),0) entity.antennalight[1]:SetPosition(Vec3(1.5,25.2,0.1),0) entity.antennalight[2]:SetPosition(Vec3(-1.5,25.2,0.1),0) base_SetKey("collisiontype",COLLISION_PROP) --An update function for one instance. Declaring the function as part of the entity table allows us to use "self" for the table function entity:Update() if (AppTime()-self.lasttime>entity.blinkspeed) then self.lasttime = AppTime() self.blinktoggle = -self.blinktoggle if (self.blinktoggle>0) then self.antennalight[0]:Hide() else self.antennalight[0]:Show() end end endendfunction SetKey(model, key, value) local entity=entitytable[model] if entity==nil then return 1 end if entity.model==nil then return 1 end if key=="blinkspeed" then entity.blinkspeed = tonumber(value) elseif key=="beaconcolor" then entity.beaconcolor=StringToColor(value) entity.beaconcolor.w = 1 entity.antennalight[0]:SetColor(entity.beaconcolor,0) entity.antennalight[1]:SetColor(entity.beaconcolor,0) entity.antennalight[2]:SetColor(entity.beaconcolor,0) end return 1end--Update function, called during every UpdateWorld()function Update(world) if world==world_main then local model,entity for model,entity in pairs(entitytable) do if model.world==world then entity:Update() end end endend Nice looking editor though Robin
  2. I get... dofile("Scripts/base.lua")function InitDialog(grid) base_InitDialog(grid) --custom properties group=grid:AddGroup( "Beacon" ) group:AddProperty( "blinkspeed",PROPERTY_INTEGER,1000,"Blink Speed") group:AddProperty("beaconcolor",PROPERTY_COLOR,"","Beacon Color") group:Expand(1)endfunction Spawn(model) local entity=base_Spawn(model) entity.antennalight={} entity.blinkspeed = tonumber(model:GetKey("blinkspeed","1000")) entity.beaconcolor = Vec4(1.0,0,0,1) entity.lasttime = AppTime() entity.blinktoggle = 1 for i=0,2 do entity.antennalight[i] = CreateCorona(model) entity.antennalight[i]:Paint(LoadMaterial("abstract::flare1.mat"),1) entity.antennalight[i]:SetParent(model,0) entity.antennalight[i]:SetColor(entity.beaconcolor,0) SetCoronaRadius(entity.antennalight[i],1,1) EntityViewRange(entity.antennalight[i],800,1000) end -- Fixed light positions on our antenna entity.antennalight[0]:SetPosition(Vec3(0,35,0.1),0) entity.antennalight[1]:SetPosition(Vec3(1.5,25.2,0.1),0) entity.antennalight[2]:SetPosition(Vec3(-1.5,25.2,0.1),0) base_SetKey("collisiontype",COLLISION_PROP) --An update function for one instance. Declaring the function as part of the entity table allows us to use "self" for the table function entity:Update() if (AppTime()-self.lasttime>entity.blinkspeed) then self.lasttime = AppTime() self.blinktoggle = -self.blinktoggle if (self.blinktoggle>0) then self.antennalight[0]:Hide() else self.antennalight[0]:Show() end end endendfunction SetKey(model, key, value) local entity=entitytable[model] if entity==nil then return 1 end if entity.model==nil then return 1 end if key=="blinkspeed" then entity.blinkspeed = tonumber(value) elseif key=="beaconcolor" then entity.beaconcolor=StringToColor(value) entity.beaconcolor.w = 1 entity.antennalight[0]:SetColor(entity.beaconcolor,0) entity.antennalight[1]:SetColor(entity.beaconcolor,0) entity.antennalight[2]:SetColor(entity.beaconcolor,0) end return 1end--Update function, called during every UpdateWorld()function Update(world) if world==world_main then local model,entity for model,entity in pairs(entitytable) do if model.world==world then entity:Update() end end endend Robin
  3. This is a fresh install of XP (with its 150+patches ) purely to run LE. Nothing else but Blitzmax installed The right mouse button still pans the camera... Robin
  4. U suppose I just have to wait till Josh awakens Robin
  5. Hi, I can use paint, visibility and vegetation. I cannot sculpt, flatten or smooth. That applies to loaded 2.28 into 2.3 and created 2.3... Robin
  6. Cheers. A bit tortuous and we loose formatting, but at least I get the code. Robin
  7. ESP


    Very nice. Thanks. Robin
  8. Hi, I've updated my drivers but that makes no difference. On getting 2.3 I removed all traces of previous versions. I've just re-downloaded 2.28 and it works fine. I can load a 2.28 terrain into 2.3. I just can't sculpt it. Robin
  9. Hi, Did anyone work out how to cut and paste code from the forum? I just get one line no matter where I paste to... Robin
  10. "Dead people on the ground, flies buzzing around, slowly zoom out to medium distance, then quick turn to show guy up on hill overlooking the carnage. Take advantage of the god rays by having the sun directly behind him streaming around him" sounds good to me Robin
  11. Worked in 2.28. Now nada Robin
  12. It just does not work. The circles move around as I hold the left mouse button down. Just no 'sculpting'.... Robin
  13. Nope, Nothing I do will change the terrain.... Robin
  14. Hi, How come I cannot sculpt a terrain? Is there a secret key combination? I create a 128x128 terrain, Get a couple of circles in sculpt mode and I press mouse buttons and nothing happens. 2.28 worked???? Robin
  15. The language is case sensitive Keep trying till it goes blue Robin
  16. Poxy case dependant languages Robin
  17. I had to use PRINT ??? Robin
  18. I know... We have over 500 posts to catch up on so far.... Robin
  19. My e-mail to download the engine was waiting for me at work Monday morning I'm just awaiting access to here, not 2.3. Robin P.S. I think my fav. part of 2.3 is ctrl-g
  20. I too am waiting. Can anyone explain what Josh needs from me to get access to the forums? Robin
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