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Everything posted by ESP

  1. Windows 7 Pro. Dedicated LE machine. Ok till now. Robin
  2. Have not even installed eclipse or any android/ios Stuff. This is just plain old Leadwerks 3....
  3. As I seem to be getting nowhere in porting to Android, I decided to remove ALL traces of LE3 and Eclipse from my machine. After doing a fresh download all I get is a 'Failed to launch' error when trying to compile anything (even DA). Anyone got any ideas? Robin
  4. I thought Flash was dead and we all need HTML5 now? Plus Flash does not seem to work on Android.... Robin
  5. Context:setblendmode ?
  6. ESP


    Just tried it I notice that you no longer need (or have) to press a create button. Robin
  7. ESP


    It is still a box. Can you draw a box and then delete the sides? Robin
  8. *bump... I really don't see myself getting very far in LE3 if I can't solve/get help for this... It has to be something trivial, but I've been stuck for a week now. Robin
  9. Hi, Any chance we can get these to view off-line? Robin
  10. * bump... My material file generated by the editor:- //Leadwerks Material File blendmode=0 castshadows=1 zsort=0 cullbackfaces=1 depthtest=1 diffuse=1.00000000,1.00000000,1.00000000,1.00000000 specular=0.000000000,0.000000000,0.000000000,0.000000000 lightingmode=1shader="shaders\dynamic\diffuse.shader" texture0=".\ivologo.tex" Robin
  11. *bump Back in work today. Need to understand why I get nothing on Android. function App:Start() self.platformname = System:GetPlatformName() if self.platformname=="iOS" or self.platformname=="Android" then Device:SetOrientation(1) self.usetouchcontrols = true self.window = Window:Create("",0,0,1000,600,0) else self.usetouchcontrols = false self.window = Window:Create("",0,0,600,1000,0) -- self.window = Window:Create("",0,0,1800,1440,0) end self.context = Context:Create(self.window) self.world = World:Create() self.camera = Camera:Create() self.camera:SetRotation(35,0,0) self.camera:Move(0,0,-20) local light = DirectionalLight:Create() light:SetRotation(35,35,0) --Create a model and apply the material local material1 = Material:Load("Materials/fabric/ivologo.mat") self.model = Model:Sphere(32) self.model:SetMaterial(material1) self.model:SetScale(6,6,6) return true end function App:Loop() if self.window:Closed() or self.window:KeyHit(Key.Escape) then return false end self.model:Turn(0,Time:GetSpeed(),0) -- self.context:SetColor(0,0,1) -- self.context:Clear() local p = self.window:GetMousePosition() p.z = 5 + (p.x/50) + (p.y/50) p = self.camera:UnProject(p) self.model:SetPosition(p) Time:Update() self.world:Update() self.world:Render() --Display the device information on the screen self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) self.context:DrawText("GetOrientation : "..Device:GetOrientation(),2,2) self.context:DrawText("GetAcceleration : "..Device:GetAcceleration():ToString(),2,22) self.context:DrawText("GetMousePosition: "..self.window:GetMousePosition():ToString(),2,42) self.context:DrawText("platformname : "..self.platformname,2,62) self.context:DrawText("UPS : "..Time:UPS(),2,82) self.context:DrawText(System:GetMemoryUsage(),2,102) self.context:Sync(true) return true end
  12. I was following the examples... I now get a textured sphere but not on Android. It would appear that it is doing something because of the UPS() drop but I see nothing.
  13. Hi Guys (and girls ) I give up. What am I doing wrong. I do not get a texture on my sphere. 'ivologo.png' is 256x256, LE3 creates a .TEX and .MAT but I see no texture..... Robin
  14. It would appear not to be in lua at all.....
  15. ESP

    [LUA] Sphere

    Ahhh. I was getting Model::Sphere and Shape::Sphere mixed up. Cheers for that Robin
  16. ESP

    [LUA] Sphere

    Lua newby alert self.model = Model:Sphere(0,0,0,0,0,0,10,10,10) gives me - error in function 'Sphere'. argument #3 is 'number';'Entity' expected. Huh? Robin P.s. it would be great if the error messages could be cut and pasted.
  17. Do you understand anything he types?
  18. Because it would be nice to know :-) I want to know the keycodes on Android. Robin
  19. Checked those obviously, but they check to see if a specific key has been pressed. I want to know which key (any key) has been pressed. Robin
  20. How do I determine what key has been pressed? (LUA) Robin
  21. I get the same on Windows. On Android I just get 0 bytes used Robin P.S. *YouGroove - Do you have some pathological need to answer every question?
  22. If the details lower the FPS drop them
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