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Everything posted by Flexman

  1. Flexman

    Scripted GUI

    Just copy the GUI folder into Scripts, load up the Leadwerks Editor and from the Script Editor load the GUITEST.LUA program. Run. It's quite pretty, could be very useful.
  2. I have a radio tower model and created this script that creates a red Corona and places it on top of the mast. This works fine in the editor. But the Corona never shows in a compiled BMax program. No errors are reported in the log and the materials are loaded. Using Macklebee's controller.bmx code as a barebones test program it still won't show. Typically this sort of problem is due to missing assets from the app directory tree but the logs from both the LE Editor and my compiled programs clearly show it loading the script and assets (and I tested the controller and testscene from the same fold as the editor). Is there anything obviously wrong with this code? dofile("Scripts/base.lua") local antennalight function Spawn(model) local entity=base_Spawn(model) antennalight = CreateCorona(model) antennalight:Paint(LoadMaterial("abstract::flare1.mat"),1) antennalight:SetParent(model,0) antennalight:SetPosition(Vec3(0,model.aabb.h+0.1,0),0) antennalight:SetColor(Vec4(1.0,0,0,1),0) SetCoronaRadius(antennalight,2,2) base_SetKey("collisiontype",COLLISION_PROP) return entity end function Kill(model) if antennalight~=nil then antennalight:Free() end end If I can get models to spawn coronas and light sources it will make lighting night scenes much easier. environment _atmosphere objects should work also but I had to process that in a SceneLoader to get fog and camera distance to work. I'm wondering if Corona's are another special case?
  3. I didn't think mipmaps would be required which is why I spent time trying variations without. I'm now using Photoshop to export it to TIFF and use MAKEDDS with options mipmaps and uncompressed selected. That seems to work fine now. Shrug.
  4. Aha, thanks. Seems it needed the mipmaps for it to work. That's going to work out fine, cheers.
  5. I want to experiment with painting texture layers outside of the editor using Photoshop of .NET Paint. When you create a new map and paint layers this data is stored in a file named <mapname>_alpha.dds. I want to edit this and re-export it. Only some settings in the nVidia DDS export plugin will match the 65,537 kb size but when you load them into Leadwerks Editor they don't seem to work or allow editing. I've tried XRGB 32bpp unsigned (no mips). ARGB 32bpp unsigned and a few more that swap the channels about which retain the same filesize but clearly not good. I have a large map and want to imprint road and river paths from external data sources, and bake those into the map as blended textures. It would be far faster and more accurate than hand-painting. What DDS format is the Leadwerks Editor expecting and can it be made to work?
  6. If I could make a suggestion to the topic starter, add some key commands to adjust various properties such as mass, damping, (spring height etc if a vehicle) so you can fine tune how it plays so you're not always having to stop, re-edit and try again. Not only will it help you find good values for your objects behavior, but it can be great fun too. (Set the spring height of a vehicle to stupidly large values and let the Whacky Races begin). I didn't notice the funny gravity, I set it manually anyway but I'll have to go and check it now (everything seems to fly-drive as before).
  7. Really pretty. Who produced the walking troop models?
  8. I used a mass of about 12 units for a 6 tonne helicopter which gives a pleasing result. Just scale your forces and torque appropriately. But to be a little off-top, I keep seeing the misconception that hammers and feathers fall at the same rate in a vacuum. Which would be true if the objects didn't have mass. But a Hammer or Piano has a substantially greater gravitational field than a feather. They would actually fall faster, just not on a scale you would notice. But it's important if you plan on throwing large objects at nearby planets. Apologies for the digression.
  9. Yes, Framewerks.SetZoom(..) if you're using Framewerk. Just to elaborate a little. Framewerk uses three render worlds, one for your scene, one for the skybox and the other for reflections. CameraZoom(...) only works for the currently active world. And the default FOV is about 90 degrees for a zoom factor of 1.0 (there's a way of calculating zoom for any desired FOV which was on the old forums, shouldn't be too hard to dig it out if required).
  10. Oooh, I wondered what the "List Index" in the Tools menu was for.
  11. I was vexed by this as my camera node didn't have any icon or model I could select to drag onto another one. Once you unselect a node it's invisible. I made one (file attached) that works, it's not high-art. info_camera_node_icon.zip
  12. It needs all nodes after the first to have the target property set to the next node. I'm not clear how you do that in the editor. In the SBX file, you'll notice every object has an ID# and the camera nodes specify the target as a property thusly "target0=<id>" Any clues how to do this in LEditor?
  13. That's pretty much what I get when I use any meters-per-tile setting other than 2.
  14. Ah, it's so obvious now. Add that to ever growing list of dumb things I've done today. Cheers.
  15. Still not clear what "groups" refers to in relation to what I see on this site. I don't think I've been bumped to SDK owner yet so maybe I don't see the same thing as you.
  16. Well...I did something really stupid with the 2.3 updater I pasted my reg code into the Proxy Server field....repeatedly. I tell you, the updater doesn't like that one little bit Dumb user of the day award goes to me.
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