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Everything posted by Gabriel

  1. Hello, I have a small question, I have an animated object "a horse with some animations, idle, run, etc. .." this animation is at position (0,0,0). l like to know there is a way to merge two animation, first animation of my horse and animation of a bone (one bone) with only position and rotation? thank you for your help? Gabriel
  2. Oups sorry and thank ;-)
  3. i try to get in Lua script my instance name with GetKey("name") but return a nil value ... function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) AppLog(object.model:GetKey("name")) -- <-- return nil ? ... object.model:GetKey("position") work ! how to get my instance name ? PS: in file Class.lua at function object:GetKey as no process for the key "name"!
  4. How long will LE3D available? There is a beta? Where can I download it: D? Thank
  5. I had never programmed in LUA, I thought I LUA or Basic was the same. I'm stupid to believe it ^ ^ I bought a book on Lua and is more than a vulgar BASIC interpreter, I just found an incredibly powerful language, but not enough restrictive. I say this because I found a solution to my problem and also with the help of "macklebee" and as I would like to benefit everyone, here is how I solved my problem: Piste = {} -- as global local function FindEntityByName(name) for model in iterate(CurrentWorld().entities) do if name == model:GetKey("Name") then return model end end return nil end local function GetSurfaceCouloirByName(ModName) local ModPiste=FindEntityByName(ModName) assert(ModPiste~= nil,"pas trouvé de piste "..ModName.." dans la scène") local MeshPiste=ModPiste:FindChild("U3D_STATIC_MESH") assert(MeshPiste~= nil,ModName.."trouvé mais pas de mesh portant le nom U3D_STATIC_MESH") local NSurfacePiste=MeshPiste:CountSurfaces() assert(NSurfacePiste > 0,ModName.."->U3D_STATIC_MESH n'a pas de surface !!!") local SurfacePiste=MeshPiste:GetSurface(1) return SurfacePiste end local function StorePathToTable(NonPiste,Surface) local CntVertice = Surface:CountVertices() assert(CntVertice > 0,"la surface n'a pas de vertice ! <StorePathToTable(Surface)>") Piste[NonPiste] = nil Piste[NonPiste] = {} Piste[NonPiste][0] = Vec3(0) for i = 1,CntVertice do Piste[NonPiste][i] = Surface:GetVertexPosition(i) end end local function ShowPathList(NomPiste) local t = Piste[NomPiste] local lt = #Piste[NomPiste] - 1 AppLog(lt) for i = 1,lt do AppLog(t[i].x) end end function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) AppLog("Begin------------------------------") local TheSurface = GetSurfaceCouloirByName("Cou1") StorePathToTable("Piste1",TheSurface) ShowPathList("Piste1") AppLog("End ------------------------------") ;-) thank for all Gabriel
  6. ok, but how can I manage that?, in my case, I use the script of models, for example when I place an object on the scene with the editor, I want this object if there is an object in the scene with which it can interact. In this way the only thing I have to do is execute the loadScene ("myscene") and the rest is automatic as in the editor.
  7. Hello, I wish I had access to all objects in my scene with the script editor (mesh,surface ...) I tried this: function class: CreateObject (model) local object = self.super: CreateObject (model) e = CurrentWorld().Entities f = FindChild (c, "couloir01_2") <- "EXECPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" ...... Between me and my editor, there is no way to talk about it continually meets EXECPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. I'm trying to open dialogue, but nothing;-) someone has an idea to reconcile myself with my editor?
  8. ok normally, i try next mount to run your game engine on Xp Embeded and I'll tell you if it runs well
  9. XP Embedded is all like windows XP, but very ease to mobile platform, we are developing on this platform game designed for game room or casino. our products is a bit like atari or sega consoles, but more advanced (two touch screens 23 and 47 inch). Good night ;-) yeah here it was already night Gabriel
  10. LE2.5 work on Windows Xp Embedded ?
  11. try with static int _cdecl NetUpdate(lua_State* L) { ... } May be that the name convention is not recognized by Lua! In "C + +" all are decorated like @@foo(ZER_@) but not in "C" Can you tell me if it works like that? I'm interested;-) Gabriel
  12. Hi macklebee It works great , But I thought it would give me the "TEntity" with GetTarget function :-( i think it gives me the "TModel", type(GetTarget(0)) return "userdata" could you tell me how to retrieve the object "TSurface" starting from a model? Thank you for your invaluable help, Gabriel
  13. Ok i try again your code in my object Many thanks for your help
  14. Hi macklebee Oup you are right, the smilies was ironic, but you guessed it. The application does not find the links and then goes 8 times by the MessageBox ("pfff"). I tried your solution, if you are right then I think the event "UnlockKey" come too soon! In the tutorial, I see that using this method in an event "Update", so I do have'm also without success :-( To overcome this problem, I try another method "GetChild" which works perfectly in "C / C + +" because I instantiate the object "scene". example: TEntity LoadScene scene = ("abstract:: test.sbx"); Entity = cheval1 FindChild (scene, "ch1"); " But in Lua in my model, I do not know how to have access to the object "scene", I even assumed that the parent object was the scene, but in return I have a nice access violation: - ( Is there an event for the end of the creation of the scene? If you have an idea it is welcome.
  15. Hello I have few object in my scene, and i link the Horse1 with Horse2 with Link(0) I try with this code and the responce stay the same "not linked" :% function class:CreateObject(model) .... for n=0,7 do chemin = model:GetTarget(n) if chemin == nil then Notify("Not Linked") else Notify(";-)") end end .... the responce stay the the same :-) Not Linked,Not Linked,Not Linked,Not Linked,Not Linked,Not Linked,Not Linked Please Help me ;-) Gabriel
  16. humhum, je dois bien avouer que ce n'est pas très claire, même pour moi google traduction
  17. Hello, Someone explain to me why this code does not work completely? function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) local timer1 = 0 local ani = AnimStart local source1 = CreateSource(sound1) function object:SetKey( key, value ) --Notify(key , " - " ,s value) if key=='animationseq' then v=tonumber(value) if v>=0 and v <=15 then AnimationSeq=v AnimStartNext = AnimationStart[v] AnimEndNext = AnimationEnd[v] --Notify(AnimStartNext) --Notify(AnimEndNext) else Notify("Valeur animation 0-15") end end if key=='animationspeed' then v=tonumber(value) if v>=0.01 and v <=3 then AnimationSpeed = v else Notify("Valeur pous animation Speed 0.01-3") end end end ..... To be more precise it works, but I feel that the function does its ancestor called over the scene. When I fontion SetKey how everything returns to normal but if the property but not much changed in the basseclass. PS: LUA code is associated with a 3D object gift I wish I could change some properties. Gabriel
  18. Hi, use this : HWND hwnd =FindWindow("BlitzMax GLGraphics",AppTitle); ShowWindow(hwnd,SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED); AppTile is the name by default is "" or use SetAppTitle( AppTitle ) ; befor Graphics(..,..); ;-) Gabriel
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