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Posts posted by Roland

  1. truebones.com has a **** load of BVH files, that can be linked to your mesh, and give you ready made animations..


    FOr us non-artist types, it make for a nice rigging model. :)


    Yes I also really recommend trueBones


    I bought their MegaBones (2400 BHV animations) and that will surley cover most weird demands

    of animations.


    Use Blender to rig and animate. Its quite simple.

    - Import your model to Blender

    - Import the BHV file

    - Parent the model to the Armature and let Blender do the skinning

    - Make any needed corrections to the skin

    - Export to FBX.

  2. That didn't need very sharp eyes, and it popped up 2 big error dialogs when trying to run gamelib example from wizard :)

    And I found a bug in gamelib also which makes it crash (you could hotfix it by copying line 542 (scene.game=this;) as new line before line 541), I'll make a quick fix today.


    I dont like loose hotfix files spread around so I rather make a new version and upload it.

    Then everyone know what he has.

  3. Bug: project.rc is missing #include "resource.h". You can download the correct .rc file from gamelib's resource.rc and use it as project.rc in ProjectWizard.


    Thanks Lumooja for your sharp eyes.

    Yes ... you told me yesterday and I forgot. I'm an old man :blink:


    I will make a new upload this evening

  4. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=103

    File Name: ProjectWizard 2.3.1 Beta 2

    File Submitter: Roland Strålberg

    File Submitted: 07 Feb 2010

    File Category: Tools and Utilities


    Time for BETA 2 of ProjectWizard


    This is fixed

    - Fix paths containg spaces

    - Remove hardcoded path in some bmax templates, d:\rimfrost\Leadwerks is used instead for $(MediaDir)

    - Double characters in paths will become single... as in C:\GrassDir -> C:\GrasDir

    - VS2008 console+gamelib add to many files (probably all framewerks files)

    - Removed personal logos

    - Made some changes for Gamelib together with Lumooja.


    Please make bugreports here.


    Click here to download this file

  5. no problem glad i could help...


    also just confirmed something with length of directory names for choosing the location where the project will be created... It truncates the name or removes a letter from a folder whose name is longer than 8 characters... For example, I tried to create my project in 'C:/GrassError/' and it create the project inside a new folder at 'C:/GrasError/' ;) weird...


    Aaah. I think I now the reason for that.

    Thanks a lot for that info.

  6. it appears there are some issues with any paths that have spaces? or anything with longer than 8 characters for a folder name? i am getting weird folders... It will not create a folder in my desktop folder, but it truncates part of my name and creates a new folder with the game directory in it?


    Also, when I can get it to create a folder, using the basic bmx, it places this inside the bmx file:

    RegisterAbstractPath( "C:/rimfrost/Leadwerks" ) 

    instead of what I said was my SDK folder....


    This is because you have hardcoded that into the basic.bmx code instead of using the "$(MediaDir)"


    testing the next example...


    Edit-- whenever you click the BMAX configuration it only shows LUA and Framework as possible choices. But if select BMAX, then close and reopen the ProjectWizard, it will show BASIC as a possible choice as well.


    The rest of the choices appear to work just fine... other than to point out that the bmax examples use framewOrk and not framewErk as listed in the project options...


    Thanks macklebee.


    Added to my TODO list (see first post in this thread)

  7. Hi


    A BETA of the new updated ProjectWizard in now avaible in the Download section

    You can report errors here.


    TODO list for next update (planned for next weekend 6-7 Feb):


    - Fix paths containg spaces

    - Remove hardcoded path in some bmax templates, d:\rimfrost\Leadwerks is used instead for $(MediaDir)

    - Double characters in paths will become single... as in C:\GrassDir -> C:\GrasDir

    - VS2008 console+gamelib add to many files (probably all framewerks files)

  8. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=100

    File Name: ProjectWizard 2.3.1 BETA

    File Submitter: Roland Strålberg

    File Submitted: 31 Jan 2010

    File Updated: 31 Jan 2010

    File Category: Tools and Utilities




    Now the BETA version of the updated ProjectWizard for 2.3

    is avaiable.


    Download and extract into you Leadwerks directory to

    replace current ProjectWizard and Templates


    You may reports any errors in the forum.


    If you want to restore the old wizard

    just delete ProjectWizard.exe and the Templates directory

    and run an update.




    Click here to download this file

  9. Maybe the VS version could be a dialog field, so it wouldn't waste visual space on the Wizard. Then there could be 2005, 2008, 2010 in the dialog list. It would give a more professional touch to LE, since many 3rd party libs are still only available as VS 2005 projects. And since the dialog field takes only 1 line of visual space, there could be also more options:

    • Visual Studio 2005
    • Visual Studio 2008
    • Visual Studio 2010
    • CodeLite
    • GNU C++
    • DevShed C++
    • VisualAge C++
    • Borland C++


    There is plenty of space avaiable, the problem is that my time is more limited. :lol:


    Ok Rick. Sound that I have to continue support VC2005 just for you them B)


    I'll keep it as it was then and there is no VS2010 released so that will have to wait

  10. I think a better way to fix the MessageBox problem is to set character set: "not set" in the project properties.

    Else you run into the same problem with all other Windows functions too.


    Yes. Thats will have same effect as MessageBoxA.

    So my the sample will then use MessageBox for Windows (compiled non-unicode)

    and puts for Console (I might in fact use std::cerr instead).

  11. Your LEO, Framework, c++ example complies with an error


    1>.\Kattemaksu.cpp(13) : error C2664: 'MessageBoxW' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'const char [29]' to 'LPCWSTR'
    1>        Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast
    1>.\Kattemaksu.cpp(22) : error C2664: 'MessageBoxW' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'const char [29]' to 'LPCWSTR'
    1>        Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast


    I have noticed that also.

    Its fixed in my templates


    #include "leo.h"
    using namespace LEO ;
    #if defined( _WINDOWS )
    void ErrOut( const char* pstrMessage ) { MessageBoxA(0, pstrMessage, "Error", 0 ); }
    int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance,
    					HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
    					LPSTR lpCmdLine,
    					int nShowCmd ) 
    void ErrOut( const std::string& message ) { puts( message.c_str()); }
    int main( int argn, char* argv[] )
       // Set graphics mode        
    Engine engine("Example - LEO with Framework",1024,768);        
    if( !engine.IsValid() )        
    	ErrOut( "Failed to set graphics mode.");
    	return 1;        
    // Create framework object and set it to a global object so other scripts can access it        
    Framework fw;        
    if( NULL == fw )        
    	ErrOut( "Failed to initialize engine." );
    	return 1;        
    // Set Lua framework object        
    engine.SetObject( "fw", fw );                
    // Set Lua framework variable        
    Lua lua;        
    lua.PushObject( fw );        
    lua.SetGlobal( "fw" );        
    lua.Pop( 1 );        
    // Get framework main camera        
    fw.main.camera.SetPosition( Vec3(0,0,-2) );        
    Material material( "abstract::cobblestones.mat" );        
    Cube mesh( CREATENOW );        
    mesh.Paint( material );        
    Cube ground( CREATENOW );        
    ground.Scale( Vec3(10,1,10) );        
    ground.SetPosition( Vec3(0,-2,0) );        
    ground.Paint( material );        
    DirectionalLight light( CREATENOW );        
    light.SetRotation( Vec3(45) );        
    while( !engine.IsTerminated() )        
    	mesh.Turn( Vec3( AppSpeed()*0.5f ) );                        
    	engine.Flip( 0 );        
    return engine.Free();

  12. Ah, then you sent some old files, and destroyed my fixes :(

    I fixed it in the text files earlier, the exe was unchanged.

    You should always compare the latest LE version with your source, since sometimes LE has newer versions.


    But I havent sent any files since 2.14, ages ago!

  13. Add the file <leadwerks installdir>/CPP/engine.cpp to your project.


    There was a change in some headers since the current ProjectWizard

    was released which leads to manually adding this file for LEO projects.


    This will be fixed in next release of ProjectWizard

  14. Hi


    One thing I find a bit annoying is that its not possbible

    to edit a material inside the editor. It would be great

    if one could select an Entity and hit "Edit material"

    to bring up the MaterialEditor with the Entitys material file

    loaded (or default values if it has no material file).

  15. Hi Roland,


    Here's my little contribution to your project ;)


    program exemple1;
    {$ifdef FPC} {$mode delphi} {$endif}
    uses Classes, SysUtils, LeadWerks;
      Framework: TFramework = 0;
      Lua: Pointer;
      Camera: TCamera;
      Light: TLight;
      Material: TMaterial;
      Mesh: TMesh;
      Ground: Tmesh;
      RegisterAbstractPath('C:\Program Files\Leadwerks Engine SDK');
         // Set graphics mode
         if Graphics(1024, 768)=0 then Exception.Create('ERROR: Failed to create set graphics mode.');
         // Create framewerk object and set it to a global object so other scripts can access it
         Framework := CreateFramework;
         if Framework=0 then Exception.Create('ERROR: Failed to create Framework');
         if Framework<>0 then
            // Set Lua variable
            Lua := GetLuaState;
            lua_pushobject(Lua, pointer(Framework));
            lua_setglobal(Lua, 'fw');
            lua_pop(Lua, 1);
         Camera := GetLayerCamera(GetFrameworkLayer(0));
         PositionEntity(Camera, Vec3(0, 0, -2));
         Light := CreateSpotLight(10);
         RotateEntity(Light, Vec3(45, 55, 0), 0);
         PositionEntity(Light, Vec3(5, 5, -5), 0);
         Material := LoadMaterial('abstract::cobblestones.mat');
         Mesh := CreateCube;
         PaintEntity(Mesh, Material, 0);
         Ground := CreateCube;
         ScaleEntity(Ground, Vec3(10, 1, 10));
         PositionEntity(Ground, Vec3(0, -2, 0), 0);
         PaintEntity(Ground, Material, 0);
         Light := CreateDirectionalLight(0);
         RotateEntity(Light, Vec3(45, 45, 45), 0);
         // Activate Framework Postfilter Effects
         while (KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)=0) and (AppTerminate=0) do
            TurnEntity(Mesh, Vec3(AppSpeed*0.5, AppSpeed*0.5, AppSpeed*0.5), 0);
         on E: exception do
            Applog(PAnsiChar(' Exception occured ! '+E.message));


    I wonder if there is a difference in FPS between the C++ versions Framewerk/framework ?


    Good luck too :)


    PS: i did not test this with delphi, only lazarus/freepascal




    I dont know if there is any difference is FPS between Framewerk/framework.

    My best guess is that if there is a difference its very small and can be

    ignored. But that's just my guess.


    There are currently no plans for supporting Delphi or Pascal in ProjectWizard.

    But if you could send a complete sample with project files included I may

    add it. My biggest problem here is that I have no knowledge of Delphi.



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