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Everything posted by diedir

  1. thank you very much for the scaling possibilities while keeping physics is a must for users, thanks a lot working great for me
  2. Hi personally i put force on Y axis depending of velocity and adding less friction to body as my code is "almost" working as i wanted, here it is: local roue local air = true speed=nil for roue=0,3 do if carobject.vehicle:TireIsAirborne(roue)==0 then speed = math.abs(carobject.model:GetVelocity(0).z) air = false break end end ----si vh sur terre on freine if not air then chassis:SetFriction(0.3,0.2) chassis:SetForce(Vec3(0,-300+speed,0)) end hope it helps
  3. glad to hear all that good news (transparency world)... anything about the new newton version ?
  4. singing "Highway to hell".... great mood...
  5. you are lucky (have something to read) "sorry no new content" for me for now
  6. i found a big problem when my model hurts a big static model when my model hurting static tubes in the AABB of the static model then my car get frozen to static even adding force to move it fails i put "worldsize" very big size with no luck, physics inside static physics not working for me. after colliding with static meshes, the model sometimes flies far in the sky and get frozen; the mass of the car is 2.0 to stick a bit with reality. perhaps it is not enough ?
  7. thanks Lumooja for your tuning tricks i will try that later too, for the moment, i set the world at Vec3(1000) and cannot reproduce the weird physics since... hope it vanished
  8. Thanks for your answer never knew about that end of the Newton world (wasn't 12.21.2012 ?) i am curious though while my world is 256x256 wide but i will try if it happen again... soon i presume thank you
  9. Hi all before updating the graphic driver to 10.7 on an HD 5850 with vista 64 with LE 2.40, i never notice that: at beginning of my scene all is ok but near the end of the terrain limit (20 meters ~=), while playing with my car, jumping and crashing, suddenly the physics stops to respond : the car stays in the air with no steer and a limited to nothing torque (wheels turning a bit then stop) only solution is to start the scene again... i try to add a "SetForce(model)" in z axis to force physics but only work a time... is it the ATI driver or otherwise an Newton physics issue ? i don't try to reverse driver, tricky thing i assume... am i the only one in that case ? thanks for answer or testimonies
  10. very nice models, please not desert camp... hell camp ?
  11. well i am not selfish or jalous, sharing the topic to all as long as interesting talk/people there ! take a beer and have a look, that's my way...
  12. diedir

    River Editor

    Great work, very well done ! brilliant ! bravo
  13. Thank you Lumooja i have to dig that a bit, isn't a feature that LE could (should) include ?
  14. Hi all i know that in C++ with the good (DLL ?) library ( can't remember which one) people can bind a gamepad to his game, but in LUA ? is it possible to link a library, and if yes, how ? did someone did it with lua full scripting ? it is really a must for a race gamer to have a wheel or a gamepad (prefer it) thank you
  15. you need to update one more time because Josh made some new terrain tweaks some days ago update and the shaders pak will be up to date. hope it helps
  16. Yep exactly what i need, thanks Rick for asking (formulating...?) and Thanks Josh for agree i can't wait for this
  17. looks great, congratulations big work indeed
  18. Hi Macklebee, Always in coding troubles on my side, i would really like those triggers too, if that is not too much asking. Thank you very much for this
  19. diedir


    ok i got it working 3,0,0 1,0,0 Great ! i would prefer an example of callback in lua though...
  20. diedir


    got an error in compiler : but translate said OK
  21. Ha ! thank Rick for your answer that is what i understood from your previous posts. it is bad news for me
  22. Hi all does "setcallback" working in LUA ? I need to know if and when/where the bullet i throwed, touch another entity (body). if someone could post some lines of a simple sphere touching a cube, with the callback generated, it would be great. thanks everybody have nice day
  23. i am trying to work only with lua, not easy but not so bad, great so far.
  24. thanks for the code look really easier than i thought, i will try this at home (shhht) i am at wrk now... Thanks a lot great community here i am happy ! ) EDIT: Your code works as i wanted, very helpful for me. Thanks a lot
  25. Really nice work, i will try it sooner. Thanks a lot for sharing, great job
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