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Road Kill Kenny

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Posts posted by Road Kill Kenny

  1. In this video you can see them actually harvesting crops. I'm not sure how they did it, because it's not exposed in the official API:


    I'm pretty sure it was part of Klepto2's custom engine DLL which exposed the paint vegetation to the API.

  2. Chuggers are bad enough when they invade your retail therapy, but targetting a game SDK support site? What's next, joining games of Counter Strike: Source and advertising in the in game chat?


    Yeh pretty sure they already do that kinda thing :|

  3. Have you set up the collisions for the model as well as the entity type. EntityType(TEntity, int type) and Collisions(int, int, int)?


    So for example if your one model is called floor and your other model is called ball:

    LE::TModel floor = LE::LoadModel(".......");
    LE::TModel ball = LE::LoadModel(".......");
    LE::EntityType(floor, 1);
    LE::EntityType(ball, 2)
    LE::Collisions(1, 2, 1) /*This sets up a relationship between types 1 and 2 to
    1(meaning they will collide) if the 3rd parameter is 0 there will be no collision
    and if it is 2 a collision will be registered but not actioned.*/


    Also ensure that the .phy file name is written exactly the same as the mesh name except with a .phy extension. Thats all I can think of for the physics at least.


    As for the color's I've had that happen before but only with skinned meshs.. Though I use UU3D for export so I can't really comment on what you might be doing wrong in that respect

  4. He's Australian, and they live in backwards land, where cats chase dogs, cars drive people, toilet water flows the wrong way, and summer is in winter.


    Who's Australian? Thought me and TJ where the only ones here. At least that I knew of.


    There is just one thing wrong with what you said there Josh and one thing I just don't understand about American toilets. WhyTF are they so easy to block compared to the ones in backwards land (which actually don't swirl in any direction its actually more like a big waterfall.... lol) tongue.png

  5. I take it you mean previous versions of the Leadwerks engine, right? Not as in, "look at other 3D engines from other developers"? 'cause I've looked at a ton of them lol. I'm kind of surprised I didn't come across your engine sooner. Probably would have saved myself a lot of time and aggravation if I had.


    Well, for the time being, I have the evaluation for the current engine which is giving me plenty to look into, etc.


    Thanks again!


    Yeh he means look at the difference between Leadwerks 2.X which is the current one and the upcoming "Leadwerks" (pka LE3D) which is coming out soonish (though nobody but Josh knows exactly how soon that is). The differences are pretty big between them due to the focus shift.

  6. I can understand it. A lot of the time I come on through the portal and all I see is ads. If I want models I have google.


    Then again I can't say that having an ads sub-forum is a bad idea. However, So long as it does not show on the portal.

  7. Yeh I've had this problem with the controller as well. More specifically with the rotation. I had spawn points and spawn rotations and what would hapen is it would be at the correct location and rotation for 1 frame and then it would snap back to default.. Can't remember how I fixed it though. lol.


    Also just a minor suggestion on another note. Maybe you should use a pivot instead of a cube.. or better yet just a TVec3 variable denoting the spawn point. But whatever floats your boat I guess.

  8. Yes, I would like it please, but it needs to use OpenGL 2.1.


    Out of interest Josh. Why OpenGL 2.1? From what I understand in my recent learnings is that since OpenGL 3.0 the way OpenGL operates changed a lot and a lot of the code/spec for OpenGL before 3.0 was depricated making programming with OpenGL<3.0 and >3.0 a completely different ball game.


    Is it just to keep it simple? Or for mobile support?

  9. Ok I have it all setup in vs2010 with FreeGlut creating a window with an OpenGL context. I am using the Unofficial OpenGL SDK which includes FreeGlut and a number of other libraries. However, as I assume you don't want to confuse them with all matter of different libraries I commented out the code for everything but freeGlut. it is currently setup to use OpenGL 4.2.


    Let me know if you still want it. I'm still pretty new to this stuff but I managed to render a triangle with this setup so it must be working biggrin.png

  10. Ok. Well My current setup is with the old glut......... I went through a few guides to get it all going only to find out that it was out of date and that the guides I was following was using depricated OpenGL code angry.png (damn you out of date tutorials and books).


    However, ironically I was planning to create a new setup OpenGL environment on VS2010 with the freeGlut tonight when I get home from work. So if I'm successful I'll send it your way.

  11. Excuse my ignorance. I've only been into pure OpenGL etc. for a short time and I'm using freeGlut to make the window with an OpenGL context. Is SDL a similar thing to freeGlut? is one better than the other?


    Anyway sorry for going off track.. back OP.

  12. Well for anyone who wants a function for C++ that they can re-use every time its pretty simple:


    #include <math>
    float GetDistance(LE::TVec3 start, LE::TVec3 end){
     return sqrt(pow(start.X-end.X, 2) + pow(start.Y-end.Y, 2) + pow(start.Z-end.Z, 2));

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