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Road Kill Kenny

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Posts posted by Road Kill Kenny

  1. If / when you manage to get familiar with all LE's features as well as some important coding techniques you begin to be able to figure out a way to do just about anything. Whether it is the best way to do it or not is another story. However, I find there aren't too many rules in game development, if you come up with an idea of how something might work... try it.. you never know it might just work. If it fails not all is lost you will have learned something from the experience and will be better for it.

    • Upvote 2
  2. I would manually update the bone positions and orientations because it will mess up the skinning if you start reparenting bones. Just create a physics skeleton using the same hierarchy as the model's bones.


    good point

  3. If the bodies are parented to the bones then the bones have control. Therefore, the character can be animated. If the bones are parented to the bodies then the bodies have control and it will be ragdoll.


    I would also play around with disabling gravity mode on the bodies when not in ragdoll and also changing their entity type so they don't collide with anything. However, because they are parented they should collide anyway.

    • Upvote 1
  4. position pre-made physics bodies in the same position and orientation as the animation bones. Then connect them with joints and set their constraints the. Apply physics to those bodies and whalla you have Ragdoll.


    That's the basic concept but it is very much a fiddly piece of work and a bit of a glossy thing that isn't necessary until you have gameplay.

    • Upvote 2
  5. If you mean scrolling and scaling textures on a mesh then there is no simple command for it. You either need to make a shader to do it (though I don't know how myself).. Or you need to change the texture every frame to make an animated textures.


    It is possible to change the UV's of an object to scroll and scale a texture on a mesh. However, this is incredibly slow... I think it's possibly the slowest thing that a graphics card can do so I wouldn't recommend it.

  6. What kind of online game were you thinking of making?


    Also is this your first game or have you made some before? If it is your first I would recommend staying away from online until you have more experience.


    Also "It's very simple actually." is not actually true. It is actually relatively complex. Not necessarily difficult to send data over a network but making that data work nicely for you is another story.


    For online games take a single player game and multiply the difficulty by 10 and that will give you an idea..... if by online you mean mmo then multiply that difficulty by 100 instead.

  7. I'm getting an Alienware X51 because I don't have the time to make a desk and I want a fresh new start with my computer. Also, it's really nice looking and I can upgrade the graphics card to the GeForce 8800. Hoping that I can get $200 for Christmas rolleyes.gif Can't wait to get animations in here and not have it run at 15 FPS all the time haha


    Ah a glorified Dell

  8. I wonder how much effort would be required to support this for LE if any.


    If you don't have to change anything about the rendering then you could probably implement it without official LE support as it comes with an API for the motion sensing and such.


    However, I’m not sure if the rendering would have to be different for peripheral vision. I’d be interested to see if you could just change the camera view angle or if it is more involved like having the camera clip plane be rounded rather than flat.

    However, I’m not sure if the rendering would have to be different for peripheral vision. I’d be interested to see if you could just change the camera view angle or if it is more involved.

  9. C++ is not much different from C#, maybe even a bit easier, because you don't need to declare those horrible function headers. Also C++ was developed by many organizations over many years, while C# is a Microsoft product, so I guess that tells something about the speed and quality also smile.png


    What ever you do... Don't mention the war!

  10. Maybe try something like this:


    Not sure if this is the exact code or what exactly GetChar() returns if nothing is hit cuz I'm at work and can't check. But it should give you enough information to figure it out.


    bool AnyKeyHit(){
    int key = NULL;
    key = LE::GetChar();
    if(key != NULL)
     return true;
     return false

  11. what are you calling TurnEntity on?


    Also forget the dummyObject... I don't see what purpose it has. The pivot is supposed to be the dummy object itself that is parented to the player and then the camera is parented to the pivot. From what you're showing there it looks like you are creating a pivot and not doing anything with it.

  12. I haven't done this before but it seems like it can be done by having an extra dummy object. Meaning you'd have the camera parented to the dummy object which is then parented to the character. That way, you can rotate the dummy object which rotates the camera around the character but not the character itself. But rotating the character would rotate both, unless you unparent the dummy object. Hope that makes sense.


    This is the general idea. Although there are ways to do it without a pivot... I'll still explain using one.


    Camera is parented to a pivot which is positioned (not parented) to the character. The reason you don't parent the pivot to the character is because if you do, you lose any possibility of smoothing.


    For a good smooth camera you need to position the pivot at the characters position each frame except using the Curve function.




    1. Create you objects: (this is psuedo code so not correct syntax)

    LE::TCamera cam = CreateCamera();

    LE::TPivot camPiv = CreatePivot();

    LE::TController player = LE::CreateController();


    2. LE::EntityParent(cam, camPiv); //Parent the camera to the pivot


    3. LE::MoveEntity(cam, LE::Vec3(0, 0, -followDistance)); // Move the camera back by a certain distance


    4. In Main Loop Position campPiv to Position of player except using the Curve smoothing function.

    5. Also in main loop use user input from mouse movement to rotate the Turn the pivot allowing orbit around the point.


    There are better ways to do this without a pivot but this should be easiest for you.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Makes sense. As a pointer holds a physical address in memory using the ++ operator sounds like it would just increment the position in memory or do nothing... one of the two.


    The overloaded ++ operator you defined in the class is defined for an object and not a pointer to an object. Sounds right to me


    (*asset)++ is what you want but I'm sure you know that already by now

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