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Road Kill Kenny

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Posts posted by Road Kill Kenny

  1. Wait... let me get this right.... instead of steps like this:


    1. PointDistance(TVec3. LE::TVec3) // If you are in bmax or LUA, otherwise simple math funciton in C++


    You do this:


    1. CreatePivot();

    2. PositionEntity(pivot, Vec3);

    3. GetEntityDistance(pivot, camera);


    .... I don't see the logic here.

  2. Hi all,


    The title is rather self explanatory but I'll elaborate. I'm trying to find out how to get a 2D XY point on the screen from a visible XYZ position in space.


    See what I am trying to do is make a data driven cinematic / story event class which goes through a bunch of data and does certain actions depending on the data and steps through a bunch of different actions in sequence.


    So one of the actions that I want to create is for a 2D cartoon like text bubble to pop up adjacent to a 3D character. Now I know the character position and if I can determine what that position is in 2D on the screen I'll be able to easily position the text bubble so it is pointing to the character.


    So any idea's? Its sort of like I need the opposite of a CameraPick.

  3. @tournamentdan That % is well worth it. None of these phone games would be making any money without that marketplace. If you had to hunt down mobile games from just anywhere online, most games would just never be found and that means making no money. So paying a % to these marketplaces is well worth what you are getting in return. This is why most everyone is trying to get on Steam. More exposure = greater chance for more money.


    Then if one wanted to take the route of using an engine that charges royalties then it too can be considered worth it. Sure you might only get 40% of sales after both take their cut but because you used both of these technologies you really only did 40% of the work because they are doing so much for you.


    I totally agree with you here.


    It's a trade off and an easy on at that. Pay a small fee per sale and get more sales or pay no fee per sale and get significantly less sales brodering on no sales. This whole model of online stores is what makes indie game dev possible in the first place as indie's have no chance of funding a full in store retail release at least most of us.


    If you think about it it is pretty dam good compared to in store retail as you don't ever have to pay for manufacture, shipping etc.... so the fee's are much less. I remember when my bro worked on a fully commercial 'big company' game, they were only getting about $20 from the sale of a $80-$100 game, all the rest went into paying the retailer, paying for shipping and manufacture etc


    on an off note...

    I remember when buying games online and not getting a box was just wierd and at the time I didn't like it... How wrong was I as I now have over 150 games on steam. At one point in history every one was so confident that the world was flat and they ridiculed one person for suggesting it spherical.... I think sometimes it's good to give new things a chance instead of bashing it or you might regret it. Not saying it will do well or won't do well. I'm saying that no one can truly tell or predict at this point whether it will do well or not. However, often great opportunities and outcomes come out of taking a great risk. One I'm willing to take.

  4. Whatever dudes.... Just wish people wouldn't beat down every thing that's different. The atmosphere here has become so negative here of late


    I could go through another round of response and arguing but i'd rather just end the cycle here because there is no point. I'm not trying to force my opinion on you.



  5. Well that was some rather typical responses of negativity and not being able to see the good in anything. Well done for that. This has nothing to do with ground breaking technology, this has something to do with opportunity.


    @Dan no there are is no in game advertising to make money. If you read more you would find that only a part of your game has to be free. This can be anything you want, it can be a demo or trial if you want and the player pays for a full game upgrade... Or it could be micro transactions.... etc. etc. etc.


    @Whoever, its not trying to go head to head with PS3 & XBox



    I can think of more good things about it than just the cost here's a small list:

    • Free SDK
    • More 'steam like' approach to game approval (not hell like the XBox and PS3)
    • Lots of people will have it because its cheap -> massive audience
    • Easy to develop for
    • It will massively increase the audience I can reach.... because

    Sure your not going to be playing the newest most graphical game but Imo most of the newest most graphical games suck balls. This is not about ground breaking technology (thanks for stating the obvious) this is about opportunity.


    I'm not excited about playing games on this particularly I'm excited about making games for this because I know I am incapable of competing with the endless resources of EA etc. with realistic graphics etc. etc. etc.


    Well.... whatever guys.have fun trying to compete with the CoDs, the BF3s and such and do please enjoy trying to port your game to XBox and PS3 and don't forget to be full of joy when you have to pay thousands of $$ for a dev kit and go through a hellish approval process. wink.png

    • Upvote 1
  6. Hi all,


    Maybe I'm a bit slow and you all already know about this but some people are trying to make an android based game console which will only cost about $99 to buy. The console is legally hackable and it is going to be easy to develop for and and you get the sdk with any purchase of the console... so no expensive dev kit like xbox and ps


    Its called Ouya and they started a kickstarter campaign to raise money. Their goal was $950,000in 30 days................... it has only been 3 days and they have raised $4 million!




    In my opinion this is a god send to us indie developers as we will be able to break into the console market without the aches and pains in the *** of Microsoft and Sony.


    I would imagine that a lot of parents would buy this for their kids as its cheap and also I'd imagine a lot of PS3 and XBox owners would own this as well because well.... whats $99 next to your high end console of $350 - $700 (AUD) depending on when u bought it.


    Also because it is Android based, I wouldn't imagine it wouldn't be too hard for Josh to support it as LE3D already supports android.


    Yes I know it is not nearly as powerful as the big consoles but imo it doesn't have to be. We aren't all AAA studios here on LE after all.


    What are your thoughts people.


    My thaughts -> Im excited.

    • Upvote 1
  7. i am wondering if blender is exporting hidden layers. i will have to dig a little deeper. regardless the gmf converter should have given an error if it couldnt read the mesh. i didnt make the model so i dont know all of its nature but the fbx has serious issues. thanks for looking at it macklebee.


    Make sure you delete the lights and camera in your Blender scene. Otherwise they get converted into those wierd planes you see in that screenshot

  8. Not sure about this..... but if the one that comes with LE doesn't use framework() then it makes sense to be faster because framework uses HDR by default.


    If it doesn't then I don't know.


    Man I think LE or rather OpenGL hates ATI... or at least mine. My computer is high end except the graphics card which is average and ATI. I don't ever get more than say 320fps in debug build without anything in a scene..... Yet I can pretty much play any game that exists on PC with full graphics or near and decent fps.

  9. Dang never realized how difficult it is to read code when there is no white spacing / tabing lol. I assume it copy pasted that way.


    Looks a lot different to my Content Factory but it looks fine to me. However, if you are loading from .sbx then I guess it makes it more difficult to register entities to the factory.. Unless you either make your own scene loader that parses the .sbx file (which is just a .txt file) and loads things as appropriate use databases..


    hmm... just realised thats why mine seems so different... it's because my content factories have database functionality and handle the database reading and storing data as well. Makes sense now lol.

  10. If you want to I think you could make a pivot and make it the parent to all entities you load. Then free the pivot and all other entities will be freed also, I think.


    It sounds like a bit of a dodgy work around to me. (sorry no offense)


    I think it's better if you just have a content factory class to keep tabs on all of your entities and free them and create them as needed. That way all the entities themselves are in one place and the other appropriate classes have access to the content factory.

  11. Hey guys,


    Last night I put my old car up for sale on www.gumtree.com.au Today I got a text from a guy asking me a question and asking to reply by email. Without Thinking (stupid) I did reply but didn't give him any details. Then I got this email back from him. The whole thing looks suspicious and I found this stuff out:




    Here is his email below It's rather funny. Not to mention full of holes. I also include my final response to him which I enjoyed writing.


    - Note how he says he read my ad on gumtree but then wants to arrange paperwork to transfer registration..... If he read my ad he would know that I'm selling it unregistered... lol and who writes like this anyway.



  12. I don't know the how everyone else would do it in the industry, however this is how I would do it:


    1. Shoot a ray-cast from both the left and right foot bones directly vertical


    2. If if either ray hits something at a distance greater than X (you decide was x is.... close to 0 I'd say),

    - adjust the model offset from the model to the controller by moving the model down by the amount of the longest raycast.

    - Move the foot bone with the shortest raycase distance up by whatever that distance was.


    Ensure that if the raycast length difference between the left and right are no greater than Y otherwise it will look silly.... In this case the character should probably fall down the hill or slide down it or somthing.


    This should give the effect of your character adjusting their footing while on hills. I've seen this done a lot in 3rd persons and this is just my way of understanding it.


    To edit animations manually in run time by moving bones check out this short little tutorial of mine that I did a while ago:

    - http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/articles/_/programming/character-animation-tricks-tutorial-r83

  13. Haha that's kinda funny. The reason those curves didn't turn out properly when you traced my original design the first time is because that design was a schematic design and not to scale in anyway. In fact I was just using paint.net to draw it roughly. Anyway looks good glad to see I could contribute in some way in the short time before I went full ball on my own project.


    Anyway good job turning it into a proper model from the schematic.


    peace out.

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