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Road Kill Kenny

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Posts posted by Road Kill Kenny

  1. Someone needs to make an engine for programmers so I don't blame him in this regard. I for one am sick of them all being about scripting and padded walls.

    However, I'm rather confused because a lot of what LE3 seems to be is padding on the walls so that the n00bs don't cry?

  2. I'm sorry to say but i think the situation will be exactly the same for LE3 for the reasons stated in replies above.


    I remember a thread that started a while ago titled, "What are you going to make with LE3?" (or a similar title). I think someone should start a thread titled, "What have you finished with LE2 in the x number of years it's been out?" but I don't think there would be many posts. The nature of the renderer pulled people to LE who had the romantic notion of making a AAA game or similar; and for obvious reasons - the realtime shadows etc. For small teams and hobby users everyone knows this is just what it is, a romantic bedroom idea.


    Now, Josh is trying to buck this trend by opening up the mobile market, which should increase the user base; or will it?! I don't think it will (at all). infact, even a percentage of his current 'loyal' userbase won't upgrade because the renderer isn't up to that of LE2. I think the difficulty for LE moving forward will be to find it's place. It is a great engine, no doubt about it, but.... whereas once it was the only affordable engine with great visuals, it no longer is. It is now trying to enter an already saturated mobile market, where it will struggle to compete.


    On the question of speed etc... i agree that the engine will look nice on a GTX680, but if you took those system specs to a publisher, they would probably laugh at you and say, "Pass!".




    I partly agree with you and partly don't. For one I agree that the "What will you make with LE3" is pretty damn sad cuz the most common thing was make an FPS games. Not that I have anything against FPS game but, because the basic of an FPS are so flopping easy to create, they pretty much have to be AAA to make it anywhere in the market and that can be too much work graphically... There aren't that many indie FPS games for a reason.\


    On the other hand I don't understand why you think that LE2's draw was the fantasy of creating AAA games. Sure some people are stupid and come here saying they want to make the next AAA crysis or MMO.... however, the people here that actually know how to do anything with the engine are and have been working on things more feasible. Every community has these people that scream AAA this AAA that and they often are the majority..


    Also I don't understand why having a good renderer means you want AAA. Heck 'Rendering' quality and graphical art quality are two freaking different things. For a AAA game you need both good quality rendering and really good art. The art part is the hardest because there can be so much for a 1 or 2 man team to deal with... But why the hell not have a good renderer to offset the lacking quality of graphics in an indie game? My game certainly doesn't have AAA graphics but heck it looks a damn lot better with dynamic shadows... As an indie dev I'll take any advantage I can graphically if It is already done for me to offset my lacking artwork.


    there isn't a single game engine out there that lets you develop 3D mobile games with C++.


    This is simply not true. I won't say what it is in fear of starting an engine war.

  3. I still think that network messages should be transferred in a low priority thread, like only once every 60 seconds. The rest can be done with AI prediction.


    60 seconds is way too long. AI prediction cannot even come close to predicting that length ahead of time.

  4. From what you explained, this is not a problem with RakNet... it is a general networking problem. When I mention that networking is bloody hard I don't mean the RakNet part. Sending and receiving data is a piece of cake.. It's when you have to sync that things get difficult. Latency is an inevitable reality when it comes to Networking and it impossible to keep them completely in sync without doing some tricks.


    Firstly you shouldn't spawn the character on the client first. The client should send a request to spawn on the server... then the server spawns the character and sends back data saying to spawn the character on the client. Server needs to be in control.


    Now you need to go Google networking Linear Interpolation, Client Side Prediction & Correction. My tutorials never covered this kind of problem because they were purely a 'How to' for RakNet.


    Smoke and mirrors.


    You could easily make a paper on each of these topics so I'm not gonna try explain them here.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Hi Ken,


    Like GC said I understand you, I also purchased another engine when there was a heap special offer. You're just following our path so we can easily understand you. The main reason why we are still here is that LE has the easyest learning curve ... if you try anything else after LE you'll find it difficult just because you'll compare it to LE.


    I hope it's not just because of pathfinding in LE3. If Josh can do it 1x with 1 controller size, it's really not a problem to do it 3x with 3 different controller size, everything is there to achieve it quickly ... in the end it's just memory requirement, so Josh has to warn the user in the editor of how much another path grid will cost in memory to determine final game requirement. But really it's not a problem, he's so close to the goal.


    What I don't understand is why he did not try to make this pathfinding system an external addon dll buyable by current LE2 users ... they would certainly have bought it to finish their LE2 game, and still have buyed LE3 after. Probably a technical issue ? But I don't see where ... it's just a command to set startpoint, set destination, query next steppoint. (edit: and commands to mark/unmark blocked places like buildings in rts games)


    Well as I said, it's not surprising that you try another path, it's just surprising because you were progressing faster than anyone with LE2. But maybe it's also the explanation ... people who work hard like you spend equaly plenty of energy ... so they have moments of weakness of their will, I also experienced this, in those moments you start searching elsewhere while your energy refuels.


    What kind of game are you building ? an FPS ?


    You're welcome to come back, you know where we stay ^^


    It's not just because of the single controller size tbh. Although I found that disappointing I already made a path-finding system in LE2 which I considered adequate. The path finding from recast and detour is not simple to integrate and I think that if Josh had to implement it in LE2 as well, then LE3 would be much further away. So I don't blame him for not putting it into LE2.


    I believe that LE3 will someday be better than LE2 in every way you could think of including high end graphics, I have no doubt about that. However, I can't wait around for that to happen.


    I'm not making an FPS... plenty of those on the market already.


    Learning curve doesn't concern me much as I've already found where I'm going and it is well within my capabilities. What concerns me is absolute freedom, freedom comes at a cost of complexity or difficulty which is totally fine with me. The making it super easy to use is partly what has driven me away. However, I have no doubt that for a lot of you it is what you want and it is highly likely to make Leadwerks grow as a community and engine.


    You are correct that my game will take a set back. However, all my artwork is still there.... All the failed experiments are out of the way. I know my game structure and I still have my algorithms. Plenty of which I actually don't have to do or re-discover again. This minor set back is the price I have to pay for a better game with both high end and low end graphics for PC, Android and IOS without having to wait for a product to come out, to live through the initial buggy period and then wait some more for high end graphics.

  6. Hi all,


    I didn't expect my status update to cause so much interest. However, since some of you asked here is my story and explanation. First of all I want to let you all know that I hold no ill will against any of you and I wish Josh and the rest of you all the best of luck with your future endeavours in LE development.


    I've been using Leadwerks 2.5 for about 18 months now and in that time I have gone from knowing pretty much nothing about technical game development to being rather confident with doing just about anything. I didn't even know C++ when I started.. lol


    Now after all that time I find myself questioning the suitability of Leadwerks (specifically LE3) for me and my game. This is not because LE2 or even LE3 is 'bad', it is simply that I do not fit within the target audience of LE.


    I was developing my game on LE2 with the hope of porting to LE3 for the purposes of breaking into the android & IOS market. However, at what cost? The changes that had to be made, to what I knew to be 'Leadwerks', in order to create a larger user base with ease of use, has placed limitations and constraints on me that I simply cannot tolerate within my game. I understand that over time LE3 will get "this, that and the next thing" so that it is better than LE2 but how long will I have to wait? The bottom line is that I can't keep waiting. Sure I could finish my game in LE2 but now I have an opportunity to make my game better and support more platforms at the same time.


    These changes to LE had to be made and Josh had to make the decision to do this in order for LE to survive, grow and I understand that perfectly and wish you all the best for that. However, I'm not going to wait around for LE3 to get up to speed.


    I'm not going to lie.. Every time I heard news about LE3 that I didn't like I went searching for a new engine. Every time I failed miserably in finding anything that would be better. So I just stuck with LE2.5 and continued working. So what has changed this time? Well I finally found what I was looking for and I have to do what I believe to be best for myself and my game.


    I am not going to name the engine I am going to because that is not the purpose of this post. I have no intention of poaching anyone or anything like that. Most of you will probably have no problem with LE3 so enjoy it and definitely give it a go. Josh is tailoring it to a lot of what you guys want and I am just a minority. That is all.


    I had a lot of fun in my time with Leadwerks and the things I have learned along the way will stay with me forever. I always did love LE2 and I never expected that I would be leaving.


    This is also the reason why I have started posting some of my code snippets in the Asset browser.. I really am not a sharer at heart. However, since I won't be needing that code I thought I'd leave some parting gifts.


    At the end of the day "leaving" is the wrong word. I'll still hang around I just won't be developing anymore with LE. I'm not leaving for good either and some day I may return fully if LE3 proves itself in a year or two.


    All the best to yall,

    Peace out.

  7. The Leadwerks 3 OpenGL 4 renderer already has per-pixel motion blur implemented. It looks really nice. However, the OpenGL 4 renderer will take more time to finish.


    Nice to know that the OpenGL 4 renderer for LE3 is already in the works

  8. Nope.. not enough strength as a lvl 3 (which is actually lvl 0) wanderer... But I'm doing a playthrough just trying to get as many secret items as possible.


    Also it is actually a miniturized version of his... But its still huge.

  9. Anyone who has ever played Dark Souls may be able to appreciate this.


    I decided to give myself a challenge by killing the Asylum Demon at the beginning of the game without any Estus Flasks and using the starting broken sword which does only about 2 damage per hit. I died a lot trying to do this but damn it felt good when I succeeded.


    Also because I killed him first time I met him instead of running away I got his hammer as a reward.


    • Upvote 1
  10. Android will be supported from the very start.


    Josh has mentioned in the past I think that he want's to streamline development for it as much as possible to make it easy to setup. Either way there will be documentation on how to use it for Android. You will need the Android SDK & NDK and probably Cygwin as well but IMO I'd wait until you get the official documentation where Josh is likely to explain exactly how to set it up to work nicely with Leadwerks.

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