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Road Kill Kenny

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Blog Comments posted by Road Kill Kenny

  1. Well I'm not suggesting we become jack of all trades but it is good to be ok in some areas and really good in one area than to be really good in one area and have no idea about the others.


    Generally when you work on a skill you start out learning a lot and your improvement per hour is very high... so on a graph of skill gained over time you start out very steep... Then you reach a peak where getting better starts to require more and more effort. So what I'm saying is its a good idea to make the most of that quick skill increase part of the curve for all different skill areas and then focus the rest of your time on your primary focus i.e. programming.


    The problem is not in coming to pay others to do it. The problem is when you start complaining that the world is against you and you don't do anything about it etc. etc.

    • Upvote 2
  2. Thanks guys,


    @Roland, Yes I think you are very right, we have to make mistakes to go further. I found that even though my my previous failed attempts at making games gave me knowledge about game development that I would not have gained doing a feasible project..... However, I think it gets to a point where if you keep making the mistake it starts to be not so useful anymore.

  3. Other cool stuff would be if we could register callbacks that fire when the controller reaches the move to location(s) so we can easily tell when it's reached it's goal so we can then do something else.


    I was actually thinking the same thing. This would be cool. eg. in a stealth game an enemy hears a sound, paths to where he thinks the sound came from and then look around or something like that.

  4. This is probably the one thing I am most excited about for LE3D. I'm actually trying to create a simple GoToPoint() functions on my character controllers in my game. However, as it stands it is just line of site and at best it will be node based path finding. Just don't have the time to figure out / learn how to do the full thing so this feature will be flipping awesome.

  5. Yeh basically I would do it the same. Just like the states are created dynamically from the database, the abilities in say and RPG game would be dynamically created from the database as well and stored in a vector. I would probably make a different type of button than a Gui element button for this otherwise I risk overloading the functionality of a button. However, just like the database specifies what state activates when you click a button, an ability button will have an ability ID target set. So when you click it that ability button would have a pointer to the ability manager and it would attempt to activate whatever its target ability is from within itself.


    So basically I just have to itterate through every button and update it and based on the data installed into the buttons they will automatically manage themselves.

  6. @Rick - The only reason I didn't make it dynamic for the editor is because there is no reason to. It's an unnecessary complexity at least in my mind and unlike the game UI, which you are likely to change, the editor can pretty much stay the same. I could have done it but I don't really see any point in doing it. Also I don't want the editor to be edited in game..... that would be a bit counter productive so I don't want editor buttons and game buttons to be treated the same at all.


    As for your guess it is not correct. I don't have to assign elements to a function at all. They are capable of being completely dynamic and everything I could want to do with them is mapped out so It can totally be data driven.


    @pixel cheers

  7. The only negative is it takes a lot of work to get setup especially the way I'm doing it. It was one thing to set up the databases and your standard ddd setup but to make even the UI editable in game makes things much more complex. Especially because I wanted to make it have no bearing on the final code once editor is turned off. What I mean is, I wanted the editor to have no performance effect and be isolated from everything else which was a challenge.


    However, I'm counting on the fact that this time spent is going to be payed back once its finished because productivity will be much more and it would be highly reusable.


    A reasonable trade off I think. I'll call it an investment in my time for a more permanent solution.


    You might be interested to know that even the gui elements for the Editor are data driven. However, instead of dynamically creating them they had to be created individually using hard code but all their data is straight from the database as well.

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