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Everything posted by Alienhead

  1. Loading this model 25 times results in a -1 error, out of host memory. PC has 32gb.
  2. Hmmm out of device memory, this is a 8gb card.. and the error occurred on Editor load up, no map was loaded. Okay ty for the info.,
  3. Alienhead

    What is

    I get this all the time and not sure what it's related to.. Vulkan error -2. I'm using a RX 6700 XT ( 8gb ) card.
  4. OKay, so we dont have to worry with Time:Speed() and timing in general ? PS: Im super pumped about Ultra Engine, I have 750 for those little fox models walking around on the screen with little to no FPS drop! Of course I'm running a RX 6700 XT card but regardless, this is a HUUUUUGE improivment over LE. I always wanted to make a TD game in LE with a few hundred invaders but could never balence it out ( fps wise ), i'm well on the way now.
  5. How do we handle frame tweening with the lack of a physicsUpdate() caller? I noticed when I loaded 500 animated models that my aniamtion speed was noticbley slower. Normally in leadwerks I could tween the animations to smooth it out. Also, regarding the animated models. I wish to learn to procedure for more than 1 anim sequence within a model. Are we to append these animations via a 3d editor or do I need to load with code in each independent animation sequence ? Does Instantiate() work on animated mesh ? I keep getting an error with I try to animate a copied mesh. I dont understand the method to set a script to a entity in code... Is there a method? Add: oh yah, the LUA example of loadmap in the docs only shows C++ https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/LoadMap?lang=lua Thanks. EDIT: Found the script attach : entity:AddComponent(Mover)
  6. thisObject:SetPosition(x,y,z) Ultra is so new, and If I know Josh I would think he's got plans to do some tut's later on.. In the meantime, Ultra behaves a lot like Leadwerks does and there's plenty of stuff floating around on how to use Leadwerks. Myself, I've made available complete, entire game projects with heavily commented code for people to download and learn by.
  7. transform is just the class in unity that exposes scale, rotate and position to the caller. Josh has saved us from having to redundantly call this class to handle simple operations. I'm quite certain however in c++ version you could simply create a class or header labeled transform and point to those operations if you really required it. I for one am quite grateful that these pointers are hidden and not required, a huge time saver.
  8. I've been trying different things all morning, I just can't seem to get my editor view to show PBR effects such as terrain tessellation. Any advice? ty
  9. Josh is it to late in the engines development to consider a .blender native importer? or would this fall upon the end-user? The idea of a pipeline using a very popular free modeler is very intriguing. Make changes to the .blender file and they appear in the game window etc... Import cameras, lights, lightmaps, materials etc.. A lot of the media on sketchfab has blender download options as well... oh well just a passing thought.
  10. Yah that sucks... Coming from Leadwerks where all my media is in FBX format sucks to. :()
  11. When opening the Poly Haven plugin from the top drop down menu I keep getting a Stack Size error then immediate shutdown. Also the 'settings' option under neath the Poly Haven option on the drop down is of very small scale. Unlike other pop up windows throughout the editor.
  12. Also while I reopened this thread, I really need some advice here. Let's say for practice I'm trying to download a model from sketchfab ( for the sake of argument let's say this character https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/character-for-university-game-project-5751d328d0294242b882219d598e4c6b ). What is my pipeline for getting this model into mixamo, download a single animation sequence then getting that sequence back into Ultra. I've been at this for two straight days with zero luck, I'm feeling very counter-productive and I can't stay that way hehe.
  13. As in LE, ability to make filter folders in the map view list, I got tons of blocks I'm using to make a terrain and my tree view is becoming very sloppy.
  14. Gotcha, thanks a million.
  15. Does lua 5.3 lack the Import("filename") ? Has this changed or is there an alternative ? Also, the new method of SetScript()?? Thanks.
  16. None whatsoever, heres the render in max.
  17. Not sure where to put this topic as it fits none of the forum categories available. Any model I export from Blender and or 3dmax gets a shine applied to it. I have been over the export settings, the materials in Ultra and everything else imaginable but I cannot see where my models are getting this glossy added to them.
  18. After updating to the most current build, i cannot run the editor any longer.. it starts up with the intro screen screen then immediately closes down.
  19. Alienhead

    VR Performance Test

    I know the first game I'm gonna be making in Ultra.
  20. Valve Texture File Loading Valve Package Loading Quake 3 MD3 model loading Skip to any time in sound Up to 32x hardware multisample antialias
  21. Whoa! I learned a lot about the engine just be reading that page. Nicely done man.
  22. I think Sodium Vapor is it!, there so much music on that site, sometimes I fall asleep before finding the right feel tune. I just love reading all his little intro texts for each song, 1 million game ideas just in those text intros Thanks.
  23. https://helpx.adobe.com/substance-3d-painter/technical-support/technical-issues/gpu-issues/gpu-drivers-crash-with-long-computations-tdr-crash.html TdrDelay and TdrDdiDelay.
  24. I'm not sure if this is irrelevant or not.. but I get this all the time on my radeon 6700 rtx.
  25. I need a GOOD city life arcade theme... what do you suggest?
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