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Everything posted by Alienhead

  1. Outstanding.. I outgrew LE and can't run Ultra.. so I been fiddling as of late.. the good news is I now can add c# to my list of coding languages.. I really don't like it but hey, it's good to have another notch on the belt.
  2. Did AMD when? I sure hope so.
  3. Alienhead


    Also when I do get loaded up, clicking on a some mats or mesh models will crash the editor after a few seconds. I have to manually ctrl alt delete and shutdown preview.exe before I can even attempt another load up.
  4. Alienhead


    Not sure if this helps any but... with the last few dev builds the editor does not always load up. I would say 3 out out 5 times it sits theres and memory gets used to the point my mouse won't move. I either have to do a power-cycle or get lucky with ctrl alt delete and shutdown the app.
  5. Alienhead


    Negative, just a silent shutdown. Sometimes I have to power boot my system, it''ll sit there and then slowly become nonresponsive. Is this the same command used to switch to the single viewport mode in the editor? That option in the editor acts identically to trying to run this script.
  6. Alienhead


    Amd rx 7600 xt. I'll test the function out as soon as I get off work.
  7. Alienhead


  8. Alienhead


    I would say 9 out of 10 models I import this happens to. The ones in the project template are OK. If i click a model I import that does not have a thumb, I have a 50% chance of the editor closing/crashing. If it loads up the preview window and I hit save then I usually get a thumb the next time I load up the editor. Not always though, it's really hit and miss.
  9. Alienhead


    Is this an AMD thing still? I usually never show generated thumbs for models if it's even getting generated.. And also for MATS, when I create a new mat it shows as blank box. This has happened since the early beta's.. Was wondering if it was tied to the amd drivers as well. BTW, amd released new drivers this week.. No improvements with all the issues I've had using the engine.
  10. Free Stylized PBR substance textures - awesome selection of quality toonify skins. https://freestylized.com/
  11. I'm looking for some additional way to get these gltf animated sequences into the engine. The current animation pipeline is pure torture Would it be anyway possible to add a command allowing us to Append an animation sequence to a preloaded armature ? Or actually, anyway way whatesoever - other then the current way. I've just spent the last 4 hours in Blender video tutorials trying to merge some bird sequences into a single file. I've failed on all accounts.
  12. Sure Josh, I'll send it up.
  13. These are the positions my World:Pick is giving me.. everyone of them are off by some weird amount. I've got to quit for a few days, I'm to frustrated to get anything accomplished. for t=1, self.Amount do local piv = CreatePivot(world) ; piv:SetHidden(true) local c = crow:Instantiate(world) ; c:SetPickMode(PICK_NONE) local pick_info = nil while pick_info == nil do c:SetPosition(self.entity:GetPosition()) c:Move(randomFloat( -(self.aabb.size.x/2),(self.aabb.size.x/2)) , self.aabb.size.y/2, randomFloat(-(self.aabb.size.z/2),(self.aabb.size.z/2))) piv:SetPosition(c:GetPosition()) piv:Translate(0,-50,0) pick_info = world:Pick(c:GetPosition(true), piv:GetPosition(true), .25, true) if pick_info ~= nil then piv:SetPosition(pick_info.position) c:SetPosition(pick_info.position) end end table.insert( self.crows, { piv = piv, mesh = c, }) end
  14. Heh, you just nailed it.. local world = CreateWorld() in the main.lua. I've been messing with LE and lua for to long to let that one slip by hehe, but then again we never had to call the world in LE when creating AN OBJECT. ::>?) TY !
  15. Yup it's getting called, placing this code in the Start() method hides the transparent box. ( as it should ) self.entity:SetHidden(true)
  16. Ahhh i didn't see that typo.. and I was sure hoping that was it.. but correcting it still yields nothing. Thanks though.
  17. Placing this code in my main.lua ( before my main loop ) works fine. But if I move the code to my component's Start:Method() nothing shows up. I'm positive its something Im doing wrong.. but Im puzzled as to what it could be. I need a nudge ! function randomFloat(lower, greater) return lower + math.random() * (greater - lower); end misc.lua: ( just a require-module with a bunch of home brew routines in it. ) local amt = 10 crows = {} for t=1, amt do crows[t] = CreateBox(world) crows[t]:SetPosition(randomFloat(-2,0, 2.0), 2.0, randomFloat(-2.0, 2.0) ) end
  18. The latest update I get this when attempting to run a project from within the editor - 2 PS: runs in debug mode ( f8 )
  19. Try creating in the root, c:/ , c:\
  20. c:\games then i tried c:\ then I got it to work with c:\games - after renaming my my project to 'games'. Since the editor makes a sub directory based off the name of the project, I thought I'd use regular ole C:\ then let it make the sub directory.. This is where all my troubles begin.
  21. RaR handles up to 8,589,934,591 GB but still limited by fat32. Besides, rar isn't open source is it? EDIT: Nvm, just found thgis https://github.com/peazip/PeaZip
  22. Fixed it by not selecting the c: root as directory, now my projects are like c:/game/game/home - which sucks but oh well.
  23. Yes dev branch, no folder changes in the thumb view area whatsoever. That was 'one' part of the editor that was working for me. I'm finding hard to believe that all these problems I'm having is AMD related... If i close the editor, restart it the one folder I click on I get this - Then nothing happens again regardless of what i click.. I sure aren't dragging and dropping the folder.
  24. Is it just me or does the last update not display thumbs anymore? No matter what folder I select it just shows the main project directory.
  25. Oh sorry, thought I pasted the link into that message. https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/mech-drone-8d06874aac5246c59edb4adbe3606e0e
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