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Everything posted by Alienhead

  1. Desktop ryzen 5 5600x, 32gb ram, 770watt PS, 2gb ssdrive, radeon 6600rx
  2. I made a 64x64 terrain, it seems it got hung up for about 30 secs, amd crash report came up.. anyways went to restart the editor, and it crashes before the editor ever loads. I'm not sure if you are wanting all these error reports at this time but thought I'd mention it, I'm really stuck right now. Most everything I try results in this crash, I have to uninstall the entire package and reinstall to get back in the editor.
  3. After saving a map file, regardless if an entity is parenting or not - results in editor crashing as soon I try to start the editor up again. I created just a brush box and saved it as Map1.ultra, silent crash on next load up.
  4. On Radeon 6600Rx the editor crashes when switching to a single viewport.. Geforce is ok.
  5. Soft Shadows in Leadwerks? No way. . A lot cheaper than directional lighting... still got some ends to clear up but it appears to be a go!.
  6. This has been a challenge but with lots of shader rewrite and help from philliphaven, I am now able to say I got ssao, bloom, irsadjust, outliner, godrays, volumetric clouds, rim liner, and toonSat all behaving with each other. Now to squeeze in some Fov/dof
  7. Another look, another color palette, after messing with these colors for a few hours straight it all starts looing the same hehe.. this is probably the setup im going to run with. break time.
  8. A new look at toon shading. Any ideas, or suggestions on this look? tyvm.
  9. Of course it is, one of the best engines I've ever used to be honest.. It runs excellent on older hardware so if your planning on distributing a game made with it you have pretty much have the full spectrum of pc-gamers at your fingertips. Newer engines are to much worried about rendering, and super-exposed realism effects and PBR's when in fact only ' Only 8.2 percent' of the PC-gaming community have rigs capable of handling such engines ( quoted from google AI ) and actually even lesser than that if you break it down to pc, ios, linux, webgl and WebGPU support. I have a fairly decent modern gaming PC and I can hardly run the slower-than hell Unreal Engine editor. So if your targeting that 8.2% then your audience is very slim, while Leadwerks gives you the full spectrum pretty much. The only sad thing with LE is it's abandonment, it needs some repair in quite a few areas to put it on the map as a top 10 engine for older to mid range pc gamers. The next engine I pick will have to offer LTS, at least bugs that are apparent could be fixed since the product is still publicly sold.. With all that said however, I'll continue to use it until greener pastures are found. If Ultra offered rendering-pipeline options it could be that engine but that's a lot to ask for from an engine made by a single person.
  10. I'm pretty sure we don't have engine source code with the install.
  11. It would be really cool and helpful to have say like 3 to 4 different 'very short' game simulations to demonstrate the flexibility of the engine, this thread is not the first time, or the first place for that matter, I've heard people discuss Ultra as a first person shooter engine ala gameguru. Even Leadwerks was deemed as a 1st person shooter engine but as we all know that is far from the truth. 1) 3rd person template 2) 1st person shooter 3) tow-down click and go template. 4) perhaps a driving sim. etc..etc.. I understand this is not part of the engine's duties but when you unveil the release it sure would help the masses on deciding which engine to go with since there are literally dozens of AAA game engines available at this time and for free. In most cases you only get one shot at showing off the power of Ultra engine before the potential customer drifts elsewhere. Times are quite a bit different than when Leadwerks was released. All this wasn't really required back then - however the market was just starting and options were limited. You've put a TON of work into ULTRA, and that's just in the past 2 years I've been hanging around here. Ultra deserves to have the same validity as other 'team-based' developed engines have/had.
  12. I haven't posted anything in quite sometime, I thought I'd take this time to display my latest work, this is a spin off of AvBot ( a small gamejam I did last year a featuring Bullethell theme), but built around real game elements, it was to be a Towerdefense gamejam entry but due to a loss in my family I had no time to finish it and meet the deadlines. So I'm taking my time on it and creating what I feel is one of the more fun Tower Defense games you could ever hope to play. I'll do a video sometime this weekend. Introducing what I call a Toonville shader - all in one shader that handles ssao, edge enhancements, fov, outliner, rim and outline distortion all in one package. Many many thanks to HavenPhillip| whom laid the foundation for most of what went into the shader, it would not had happened without his Blogs and continuous support on ssao as I slowly but surely grasped shader coding.. The game is already playable to an extent, I'm starting the optimize and polish stages, then I want to add some cool UI to it and create a handful of maps. Should be done before the new year! I'm also considering placing it on Steam's EA or perhaps itchio's Refinery, haven't decided yet.
  13. Yes, your media within the zip cannot be touched. No way, no how. I had deleted on accident, a project GameJam awhile back, the only access I had to the models from that project were in that zip file. Even with the best compression hack software I failed miserably until I eventually gave up. lol.
  14. 9 times out of 10 you are missing some media, only things in code that use the load function get moved to the zip. if your loading filename with a varaible like: fish = {} for t=1, 10 do ent = Model:Load("models/fish"..t..".mdl") end then those files are not present in the media .ZIP file and you'll crash on a compiled run. I ran into this when I first started out with LE too. you can work around it by rem'ing some load commands. -- ent = Model:Load("models/fish1.mdl") -- ent = Model:Load("models/fish2.mdl") -- ent = Model:Load("models/fish3.mdl") and so forth. The zipper will pick up those files from the rem'ed code and you can still use variable naming to load mass media.
  15. Gotcha, point a Vec3() position with math instead of an entity.. cool.
  16. Handy function there, .. but don't forget LE has an optimized Point built in. https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_Point
  17. Did you self-scale the model ? or scale via the editor's 'Resize' feature, it actually makes a huge difference. I found it way helpful to scale any animated mesh or boned objects outside of leadwerks and just bring it in at it's actual size, You cant resize then collapse a boned mesh in the editor without deleting it's hierarchy and that screws everything up.. Normal meshes you can resize in the editor then collapse when your done and it will retain a 1 to 1 scale which is what you want for picks and such.
  18. Ultra is not quite Mythical as you may think.
  19. Check out AABB. https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Math_AABB_IntersectsAABB
  20. Very nice!, you've made some huge progress in a short time.
  21. Josh has a few members with EA.. but for the majority of us we're sitting in the wings...waiting.. Oh the demos we could already had made with a beta phase.
  22. Also, you'll probably, at some point or another, want to align an object to the terrain slope. This line of code will save you a lot of hunting. entity:AlignToVector(terrain:GetNormal(x,z), 1, 1, entity:GetRotation(true).y)
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