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Everything posted by SpiderPig

  1. I saw that they weren't documented, why can't they be used in c++? I hope that in the future they can be. EDIT : Just created a terrain in the editor and loaded the map into c++, but the picking still didn't work
  2. I've run the updater then updated my project via the Project manager without success. Here is my terrain set-up code and my pick code; //App::Start() Terrain* terrain = Terrain::Create(1024); terrain->SetLayerTexture(0, Texture::Load("Textures/Terrain/grass_diffuse_1.tex")); terrain->SetLayerScale(0, 3.0, 3.0); //App::Loop() if(window->MouseHit(1)==true) { PickInfo pickinfo; Vec3 pos=window->GetMousePosition(); if(camera->Pick(pos.x,pos.y,pickinfo,0.2,true)) { Entity* selected=pickinfo.entity; } } Perhaps I'm not setting up the terrain correctly?
  3. Is camera->Pick() supposed to work on LE3 Terrain? Or am I using the wrong method...
  4. That'd be the shot, thanks. Is there any documentation for CallFunction, SetString & GetString? I looked under "Entity" but found only SetString with not much info...
  5. Can SetString() be handled in the script so when a value changes I can execute some code? ...rather than checking for the changed value in UpdateWorld() - like LE2 handled SetKey()...
  6. Thanks for that. So SetKeyValue() can only set keys that have been predefined then, like an entity's name or something...
  7. I want to handle the event like in LE2; function object:SetKey(key,value) if key=="key1" then self.key1=tonumber(value) else return self.super:SetKey(key,value) end return 1 end ...or does LE3 handle it in a different way?
  8. I mean in a script attached to the entity, so when I call SetKeyValue() from C++ I can perform Lua code on that entity.
  9. What's the correct way to handle GetKeyValue() & SetKeyValue() in Lua now, so I can make custom keys?
  10. Here's MyProject.zip, just in case you need it. MyProject.zip
  11. Hmm, I wonder what I'm doing wrong then... I might try a clean install later and see if that works.
  12. Didn't work, I cleaned the solution and the project.
  13. I updated Leadwerks 3 this morning, created a new C++ project, opened it in VS 2010 Express and upon running it just crashes with the error ; Unhandled exception at 0x00e4e9c4 in MyProject.debug.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000024. So I commented out all of the camera movement code to see where I'd end up, and I got a new error ; A buffer overrun has occurred in MyProject.debug.exe which has corrupted the program's internal state. Press Break to debug the program or Continue to terminate the program. For more details please see Help topic 'How to debug Buffer Overrun Issues'. Any Ideas?
  14. self.world:Clear() in Lua throws an error.... attempt to call method 'Clear' (a nil value) ....or is that what you meant by you forgot to tag it for lua?
  15. Aggror's correct. I want to load different levels as the game progresses. Currently if I load level 1 then load level 2, both levels are merged....I may have to figure out a different method.....
  16. I mean I can load a map with Map:Load () which returns its success as true or false... But is there a Map:Release () function? Or a way to easily remove the contents of that map from the game?
  17. Can you free / release a loaded map?
  18. They are materials. They are in the materials/developer folder.
  19. Okay, so if I'm understanding this correctly, GetOrientation() doesn't detect which way the user is holding their device... that would be the job of the accelerometer, yes?
  20. This may be a dumb question; but with mobile, how to rotate the game depending on which way you hold the phone? Should it be automatic or is it programmable by using "GetOrientation()"? if so, I've printed the results of "GetOrientation()" and it returns 0 regardless of pone orientation.
  21. Ah, that's the Character Rotation... half of it's name is not visible perhaps that's why I didn't pick it up.... actually I've noticed that any properties text that's above a certain length gets moved to a new line and is chopped off... Any way it's fixed now, thanks.
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