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Everything posted by SpiderPig

  1. I'm pretty much a newbie to lua, so forgive me if the question turns out to be obvious; Instead of using the abstract file system, how do I get the script to load files only from the same directory as itself?
  2. I found it in the top-left corner of the console window, thanks. But is there any way to do it globally from a tab or button in the Visual C++ Properties so that any project that compiles with a console will have that large buffer size? @Brent Taylor : Thanks, I was also after code to do this a while back.
  3. I'm not sure what you mean by the top-left corner..., I'm using C++ 2008....
  4. Does any one know how (if its even possible) to extend how many lines the console window can have?
  5. Reinstalled 10.1 and fixed everything - Thanks
  6. Yeah I have an ATI Radeon 5800 graphics card with the exact problems in the other forums. * now installing an older driver * Thanks
  7. I've recently updated to 2.43 and now when I run my projects from C++ the terrains texture is rendered as a 2D image in the top right hand corner of the screen and the terrain is no longer visible as a 3D object. Even when I load a previously created .sbx file into the editor it does the same - as well as when I create a new terrain in the editor then texture it. Anybody else had the same problem?
  8. Has any pone seen Blitzwerks Terrain on The Game Creators Forum? That's what we need for Leadwerks.... Blitzwerks Terrain Link
  9. A terrain system with more flexibility would be nice, like; An increased number of LOD levels, Being able to control what the maximum / minimum LOD level is, A map which will set certain quads to not update past a certain LOD level, or to stay a certain LOD level (useful for buildings in the distance, so when you zoom in the building isn't floating or buried), Being able to set which areas are visible by a command, instead of just by the editor, Cave maps, River maps, Road maps, Increased amount of textures....which I think is already planned, Do I dream too big?
  10. Ah I see. Thanks for the heads up Lumooja.
  11. How is a height between 0 and 1 of any use? Are all vertex heights in a terrain decimals are they?
  12. Got it working by pointing to DrawText. Thanks Josh...
  13. I was thinking that - I'll give it a try
  14. That's a Leadwerks command isn't it? I'm calling this function from a dll...
  15. The description says it! I've made a function in a dll and I want to write text to the screen through it (on the leadwerks buffer), but printf only prints to the console. I could make do with that but it keeps adding to it every loop and it's not pretty... Does any one know how to print to the screen using C++ commands? Or - printing to the console and erasing text from the previous loop? Thanks!
  16. Haha, Just figured it out once I posted it... I had to do; TPick pick instead of; TPick* pick and call on it like so; if(MouseHit(1)) { if(CameraPick(&pick,camera,Vec3(MouseX(),MouseY(),100),2,0,0)) { EntityColor(pick.entity,Vec4(0,1,0,0)); }; }; Well, hope this helps someone else Though how do I check which entity I'm picking in order to change the color of only that entity? The following code didn't work for me; if(MouseHit(1)) { if(CameraPick(&pick,camera,Vec3(MouseX(),MouseY(),100),2,0,0)) { if(pick.entity==cube) { EntityColor(pick.entity,Vec4(0,1,0,0)); }; }; };
  17. Hi, CameraPick() is givening me the following error; "Unhandled exception at 0x752c9b60 in game-Release.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00000000." and then it goes to this line in "Disassembly"; "752C9B60 rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr [esi] " This is my code; TPick* pick while( !KeyHit() && !AppTerminate() ) { if( !AppSuspended() ) // We are not in focus! { if(MouseHit(1)) { if(CameraPick(pick,camera,Vec3(MouseX(),MouseY(),100),2,0,0)) { EntityColor(pick->entity,Vec4(0,1,0,0)); }; }; UpdatePlayer(); UpdateAppTime(); UpdateWorld(AppSpeed()) ; // Render SetBuffer(gbuffer); RenderWorld(); SetBuffer(BackBuffer()); RenderLights(gbuffer);//ComputerTexture=GetColorBuffer(BackBuffer(),1); Flip(1) ; } } I tried it without setting the color of the picked entity or a mouse check but it still crashed. What am I missing?
  18. Tried it in C++ but it gave me a weird result by rendering it to the same buffer it was getting its data from....
  19. I think this still comes under the same topic: How do I render lights and shadows to the ComputerBuffer? I tried this code but I get no change at all; TBuffer currentb=CurrentBuffer(); TWorld currentw=CurrentWorld(); SetWorld(ComputerWorld); RotateEntity(cube,Vec3(0,EntityRotation(cube).Y+=1,0)); UpdateWorld(AppSpeed()); SetBuffer(ComputerBuffer); RenderWorld(); SetBuffer(ComputerLightBuffer); RenderLights(ComputerBuffer); ComputerTexture=GetColorBuffer(ComputerBuffer); SetMaterialTexture(mat1,ComputerTexture,0); SetBuffer(currentb); SetWorld(currentw); I've created a directional light after the creation of the ComputerWorld and ComputerLightBuffer is exaclty the same as ComputerBuffer. What am I doing wrong? EDIT: Figured it out. I have to get the color from the light buffer instead of the geometry buffer... TBuffer currentb=CurrentBuffer(); TWorld currentw=CurrentWorld(); SetWorld(ComputerWorld); RotateEntity(cube,Vec3(0,EntityRotation(cube).Y+=1,0)); UpdateWorld(AppSpeed()); SetBuffer(ComputerBuffer); RenderWorld(); SetBuffer(ComputerLightBuffer); RenderLights(ComputerBuffer); ComputerTexture=GetColorBuffer(ComputerLightBuffer); SetMaterialTexture(mat1,ComputerTexture,0); SetBuffer(currentb); SetWorld(currentw);
  20. What happens if I don't call "FreeEntity()" at the end of my program? Does the entity remain in memory? Just wondering how important it is....
  21. Yes, It'd be nice if they fixed that. I could make use of it...
  22. GOT IT!! I was exporting from UU3D to .obj and converting it via the objtogfm.exe because the .gmf plugin in UU3D hadn't worked in the past and I'd forgoten about it! All is good now, thanks very much for your help macklebee.
  23. Yeah, your model did. But I did the exact same thing to mine and it didn't. I tried a cube exported from blender with the same materials and through the same process and yet nothing again....no idea...maybe my programs are in need of updateing or somthing. I have UU3D v3.0 and blender 249.2 and leadwerks 2.4.
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