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Everything posted by Yue

  1. For some reason I'm thinking about entering the c ++ world, and I think the motivation is in leadwerks. My goal is not to make a video game, at least for now, if not rather learn, and the new challenge may be focused on c ++. Thanks for the comments.
  2. I recently got the leadwerks edition of c ++, my question is that, should I use c ++ to obetner better performance in my project ?, Advantages, Disadvantages, both in Lua and C ++? Thank you.
  3. This is the entrance conduit to the underground refuge on Mars.
  4. The idea was to create an elevator to go down to the shelter .... it seems that I will have to think of something else. It could be the best thing to enter the refuge when the player teleports below the section of the terrain. This would imply giving it a lower position in the same room that will be in two parts, one above the ground and one below the ground.
  5. The idea of loading another world, is not that it is very flashy, loading times each time you out and enter the shelter.
  6. Hi, I need to know if it is possible to make a hole in the ground. The idea is that you need to create a shelter beneath the surface of Mars, and I need to remove some of the ground to create an access inside the shelter. Any suggestions? Or in such a case when this inside hide the ground, is that possible?
  7. Hello, it will be in first person, but not shooting, and in third person when you access a vehicle. New video, final rocks for terrain on Mars.
  8. Ok, no problem, The process is automatic, and can not be changed. According to the controller that measures more or less 1 meter with 85 centimeters, the data of step height is already defined and no access to the change to be customized. Now the problem is that rocks are created with the terrain painting system, and the model has different options of collision system, so the one option of collision compatilbe with step height is the collision type box. And that's when you climb the rocks without problem. Step Height Documentation.
  9. I need to change the value of step height, so that my player can pass over small rocks without problem. I'm using the character controller
  10. https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Source_SetPitch
  11. Ok, no problem, here working whit SetPicth.
  12. Thanks You. self.entity:SetFogColor(0.941, 0.756, 0.537, 1 )
  13. I want to know if there is any command to accelerate a sound and to listen faster. What happens is that I have a player who walks and runs, the sound of walking needs to accelerate it to look good with the player's running movement. Any suggestions?
  14. Yes, attach script file to camera.
  15. What am I doing wrong? self.entity:SetFogMode(true) Perfect, Fogo color White. Error on self.entity:SetFogColor( 0, 0, 0 )
  16. Character Controller.
  17. According to your experience, you can squat the character with SetInput ?. Try to make a character with RigiBody, but it does not look very nice to say, it is unreal, to handle forces and speeds.
  18. Thanks You. Where info controller from rigid body??
  19. I need to bend the player to go through that hole in the wall. Any suggestions?
  20. I need to know when a sound is running, paused, stopped and able to evaluate events according to those results.
  21. Ok, no problem here. I'm crazy about this. xD. working perfect.
  22. Yes, Jugador = Player.
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