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Everything posted by ZeroByte

  1. Hi Rick, great job on these Thingoids, but i have a question. I can get this to work in the Editor, but how do i get it to work in my c++ app? Example, if i drag the Windmill into my map, then run my c++ app, i can see it spinning and squeaking, but the character i setup in the Editor doesn't move, just in the Editor.. Thank's for any tips, sorry if this is a dumb question.
  2. Thank's for the link VicToMeyeZR, i have my project setup like that. I think i was confusing the "driver_truck.lua" script with the "vehicle_monstertruck.lua" script.
  3. Thank's Wchris, just tried it, work's great.
  4. Since there is no LoadScript in c++ anymore, How could i get this to run in my c++ project? I'm using LEO with support for Lua, from example Lummoja posted. Just plain project with character controller. If i drag the monstertruck into my map, i see it's in there rolling around, but how do i load the "driver_truck.lua" script? Thank's for any tips..
  5. Ok i get what you're sayin, thank's for the tip..
  6. Hi, can you add get vehicle wheel speed, and also vehicle brake ? Thank's..
  7. Thank's for the info TLD, i knew something was mesed up in that script. I just suck with lua scripting, so i never fixed it.
  8. Wow, this is really great work, thank's Von04.
  9. Thank's for sharing that code Ubu, it's working nice now. If anyone want's the vb.net version, i'll post the code.
  10. Ok, i missed the comment "//custom class" duh. How did you define the FreeCamera, in you custom class? Thank's
  11. Well done Ubu, look's like you got it working nicely, nice screenshot. Hey, i'm trying to use that code in vb.net, but i can't find the FreeCamera in this line. FreeCamera fc = new FreeCamera(Framework.Layers.Main.Camera); // Custom class In vb.net it look's like this Dim fc As New FreeCamera(Framework.Layers.Main.Camera) It say's type FreeCamera is not defined. Any idea what i'm doing wrong ? Thank's.
  12. Same problem here too, vsync on it's smooth, vsync off jerky.
  13. Wow, that' look's awesome, i like the birds too, nice work.
  14. Ok, thank's Lazlo, these are nice headers.
  15. I see what i'm doing wrong now, i was declaring everything as IntPtr, like old header's from Tyler.
  16. What should i put instead of IntPtr's then ? PS: i only posted my project, no dll's, just my code.
  17. Yes, i'm trying to get custom buffer working with your header's.
  18. I'm really enjoying the screenshots being uploaded to the gallery, nice work to everyone uploading.
  19. ok, i changed the project to visual basic 2008 express. Imports System Imports Leadwerks Imports Leadwerks.Engine Imports Leadwerks.Core Imports Tao.Platform.Windows Public Class Form1 Dim apprun As Boolean Dim buffer As IntPtr = 0 Dim World As IntPtr = 0 Public Shared Sub GetSize(ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer) width = 800 height = 600 End Sub Public Shared Sub MakeCurrent() Wgl.wglMakeCurrent(Wgl.wglGetCurrentDC, Wgl.wglGetCurrentContext) End Sub Public Shared DGetSize As New GetSize(AddressOf GetSize) Public Shared DMakeCurrent As New MakeCurrent(AddressOf MakeCurrent) Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load OpenGlWindow.InitializeContexts() RegisterAbstractPath("C:\LE2.3") World = CreateWorld() OpenGlWindow.MakeCurrent() buffer = CreateCustomBuffer(DGetSize, DMakeCurrent) SetBuffer(buffer) Dim cam As IntPtr = CreateCamera(Nothing) Dim c() As Single = {0, 0, 0} CameraClearColor(cam, c) Dim pos() As Single = {0, 0, -5} PositionEntity(cam, pos, 1) Dim light As IntPtr = 0 light = CreateDirectionalLight(0) Dim rotate() As Single = {45, 45, 0} RotateEntity(light, rotate, 1) Dim position() As Single = {0, 1, 0} PositionEntity(light, position, 1) Dim box As IntPtr = CreateBodyBox(1, 1, 1, Nothing) Dim posbox() As Single = {0, 1, 0} PositionEntity(box, posbox, 1) Dim meshcolor() As Single = {255, 0, 0} EntityColor(box, meshcolor) DebugEntities(1) DebugPhysics(1) DebugLights(1) apprun = True Me.Show() Me.Focus() While apprun And Not AppTerminate() = 1 Me.Text = "FPS: " & Timing.FPS.ToString SetWorld(World) Timing.Update() Leadwerks.Core.UpdateWorld(Timing.Speed) Leadwerks.World.Render() RenderWorld(World) Drawing.Render() OpenGlWindow.SwapBuffers() Flip(1) End While End Sub Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing Me.Close() Leadwerks.Core.Terminate() End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim scene As IntPtr = LoadScene("abstract::test.sbx") End Sub End Class
  20. ZeroByte

    .NET Headers

    really, i had a problem with vs c++ 2010 beta 1. but i haven't noticed anything wrong with vb 2010 beta 2.
  21. Hi, i'm trying to get the CustomBuffer working with vb.net and Lazlo's .net wrapper. I took out the engine.dll, jointlibrary.dll, newton.dll files. Any idea what i'm doing wrong, i did have it working, with an older version of LE, and tyler's old wrapper. Thank's. Edit: I'm using visual basic 2008 now, but still won't render.
  22. ZeroByte

    .NET Headers

    Ok i will, thank's, problem is, i have to use visual basic 2010 beta 2, or it doesn't seem to work at all.
  23. I chose c/c++, but if i could get Lazlo's .net wrapper working with custom buffer, i would probably have chose vb.net, no c#, cause vb.net not an option. I'm just a lot faster coding with .net, could always port to c/c++ later, if i had to.
  24. ZeroByte

    .NET Headers

    Hi Lazlo, great work on this .net wrapper. I'm using it with vb.net, and custom buffer, with Tao OpenGl Framewerk. So far, i can only change background color with "CameraClearColor(cam, c)". Can't seem to get anything rendering yet, probably something i'm doing wrong.
  25. Thank's DaDonik, it's working.
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