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Posts posted by ParaToxic

  1. YES IT WORKS :) :) :) Thanks. The trick is that you export the whole mesh without animations, convert it throug UU3D.The second thing is that you animate the mesh in C4D with the mesh and materials like the other, export it to u3d.Then you open UU3D and delete the groups and select all vertices and delete them too.Thats it.

    Thanks again ;)

  2. Ahhh now I know the problem.When exporting a mesh with a joint in it to fbx and use the fbx2gmf converter I become the same result as in the soldier mesh.When load it in U3D and save it as gmf it creates an other object at the top of all others.The normal mesh becomes an other object a layer underneath....


    I will try to make it with fbx2gmf converter, maybe it works ;:)

  3. So I have to move the Null-Objekt down to the bottom ? Because in C4D this is the Skin-object, which is converted to this "Null-Objekt".

    Yes the right leg isn't right yet, it is only a testcharacter, the final follows


    EDIT: It seems that the soldier mesh hasn't got a mesh in it , but only the bones, because the hierarchy show's that this file contains only the bones ???


    Look at that :



  4. Hei I have rigged my character and made a little testanimation.In one file is the character, rigged with joints but no animations and a second file are only the animated joints.

    When I load the animation with LoadAnimation to the mesh it doesn't work.

    I also downloaded the Soldier from the Asset store and it doesn't work too.

    Maybe you can tell me where the problem is...


    TModel base = LoadModel("abstract::soldier.gmf");
    int seq = LoadAnimation(base,"abstract::idle.gmf");
    // Spin cube until user hits Escape
    while( !KeyHit() && !AppTerminate() )	
    if( !AppSuspended() )
    Flip( 0 );	

  5. I have a little problem.I riged the character I made and saved it.Now I have a problem with the weighting at the right hand and fingers.

    But how can I copy the weighting from the left hand to the right ?? ( The skeleton and the mesh is symmetric)


    Would be cool when somebody could help me

  6. What exactly are you trying to pick ??? I can remember that you can't pick the terrian mesh direct or models ,where you have to get the mesh of the body first ( A model is a body, which has a mesh as child, so you have to get the child and read your key from that )

  7. Hei guys I have a question.In my game I would like to have a character from the first person view ( so you can see the body from the head position ) and now I have a question to that.When I want to animate for example a pistol for the relode, shoot and so one I can't make millions of animations for the character that he is walk and shoot, run and shoot, walk and relode......


    So my idea was , that in LE you can load the animations from file and I would like to divide the character to some parts like the legs, the spine area ( the upper body part) and the arms.Then I can have 3 animations for the legs like idle/walk/run and soone for the upper body part and can make my weapon specific animations only for t he arms.


    Is that the right way to do that or is that possible to use 3 skeletons for one body ??? ( Do I have to divide the skleleton to my needed parts or use the whole skeleton and animate only the part I use ?? )


    Thank you

  8. Hey ya I have a question about some cinema4D technique.I have here my low poly model of a character and now I want to unwrap some regions seperated in multiple textures, that means I want to unwrap the head and make a texture for it, than the cloth ......


    Can somebody tell me how I can do it in C4D ??

    I mean in the UV Editor you can choose objects and materials to unwrap but no selections of one object.

    I hope you can unterstand me ;)


  9. You can easylie set some keys for your entities ( for example for the Gun you create a lua and Set a key with the name "Entity_Type" and the value "Weapon_Gun" or something like that ) and then pick the entity in the scene and look if it is a Weapon_Gun or not.

  10. Hei guys, I have here a rigged character ,made with the Character tag and now I have some bvh ( Mocap Data ) files and want to copy the animation of the imported mocap skeleton to my own rigged character.


    I saw a plugin XReTarget ,which copys the target bone animation keys to a second rigged body.But the plugin doesn't work for me.


    Does somebody know how I can copy the animation data from the one skeleton to the other ??

    Thanks ;)

  11. Hei ya I need some glass for my level and I downloaded the refraction effect for the editor with the material file.

    Then I put in an other bumpmap for other refraction and now I have no shadows, nothing.

    Is that possible to add colored shadows to the glass material file ??

    I tried the script of the colored shadow tutorial and added the textures and shaders for glass effect to the material file and became a big failure ;)


    So can somebody help me ?? ( Or maybe explain me how the colored shadows works )

    Thanks :)

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