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Posts posted by ParaToxic

  1. Hey ya,

    I would like to make a scene or an environment with a kind of apocalyptical atmosphere.I saw a very cool scene:(post-2191-0-18228500-1355520241_thumb.jpg) in that game and would like to make a similar one.


    This should look like a very hot scene ( you see that in the pic ) with this dark yellow ambient.


    Maybe you can give me some suggestions for that.

    I also search for a website with free sky maps ( cubemaps ) for that kind of scene.


    Looking forward to read some comments :D

  2. I don't think there is a way to do that, but you can build your project as a win32 application ( you need some special files for it) and create your own console. This is very easy, you just create a Window with a listbox and add your debug informations there.



    Here is my solution.On the left is the debug box and on the right you see the variables and the values.You can insert references to each type of variable in the manager ( you see it doesn't work very well, because the listbox sometimes get one entry twice)

  3. Hello guys I have a question about spline implementation.

    I have some nodes for different menus in my main menu and want to have a fading of the camera position and rotation from one to an other node.


    I thought about splines ,but how can I do that in C++ ??

    And if , is there a way to do that non linear ( I mean exponentially for example)



  4. Hei I have a problem in my code.I'm programming a 3D menu and have some components like Buttons,Sliders...

    Now I wan't to use Raycasting to get the button be selected from the mouse and soone.

    I load my button with LoadMesh ( not a model!) and set the Key to "MENU" with a value "BUTTON"


    In my Update function I have the following code:


     if(GetEntityKey(_raycast.entity,"MENU") == "BUTTON" )
      IMenuComponent* temp = (IMenuComponent*)GetEntityUserData(_raycast.entity);
      temp->_state = B_SELECTED;


    But I never get the BUTTON value of the key.I get allways a null-string.....

    Can you help me with that ??


  5. Hello Josh or somebody who develop the LE3 engine.I'm wondering how the input system looks like for LE 3 for android or iOS ( I mean the touchscreen).

    Which commands you will use in the engine ?

    I mean for mobile games you have controlsticks, or some detection for moving the finger left,right....

    Would be interesting to know something about that :)


  6. Hey in my current Game developing process I want to include a kind of AssetLoader, which loads a file with a list of all Assets used in the game, load them and now I would like to aks you if I should hide them ( the meshes ) or what else I could do ??

    The idea is that I have a Mediasystem which loads a video in the Intro state in a seperate Thread and in the mainthread I want to let the Assetloader loads all Assets, so that later the map loading process takes only a few secs because it loads the assets from the memory or cache.


    What do you think ?

  7. Hello I made yesterday a simple room for my game and today I made some lighting in purelight for it.Everything is ready but how can I export it to the Editor ?? I only see in some folders the exported lightmap but purelight create his own UV maps for the models and now I don't know how to merge that to the normal diffuse maps.

    'I looking forward to hear a solution for that :)


  8. Hey I have a question. I would like to learn more about shaders and would like to write some surface shaders. Now I see the shader framework works with FragData[0,1,2] and not only with FragColor like in the Post processing part.


    But what is done with this FragData data ?? I see some stuff like the diffuse and normal data is stored in Fragdata[0] , specular and gloss in FragData[1] and I think this is something what is seperated for the lighting part of the framework.


    But what exactly is done with the FragData ???


  9. But whats about all the games with that effect ?? Look at BF 3 or Mirrors Edge ( these inside scenens with the colored walls ).

    How do they do that ??


    I only need this color bleed effect, for example that colored walls reflect their color to near objects

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