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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Canardia

    One Last Thing

    I would think a game engine should provide as many as possible features which are needed to make games, especially if those features are used often in various games. Rarely used features can be of course left out, but still give the users a possibility to implement them themselves.
  2. Canardia

    Happy New Year

    As always, make games, not engines. Every game needs its own framework though, but let's not call them engines, but rather game frameworks. Game engine sounds like a general purpose framework, which they are not.
  3. You can compile it with mingw64 ( http://qt-project.or...ki/MinGW-64-bit ) using the "-O6 -static -w32" options, then the users don't need to install any MSVCR runtimes (which is often impossible due to security reasons and company policy). Your code also runs about 2.5 times faster then, and compiles about 30 times faster, and you have the latest C++ standard syntax available.
  4. I would use a physics door, because then you have automatically all the logic to block access to the room. Instead of TurnEntity, just use SetBodyOmega with CalcBodyOmega.
  5. The difference shows when you use realtime shadows in a 3D game, like I did in my CellBall game. Works with 600FPS on S2, but only 10FPS on Nexus 7.
  6. Canardia

    Happy New Year

    Will there be a limited collector's edition box also, or maybe source edition? With a crawler toy or robot toy, or the famous Leadwerks coffee mug.
  7. MouseZ() is used to detect rolling of the mouse wheel. Use only relative values though, because the absolute value is "stuck" whereever you started and left it. So you kinda need to do like this: (before main loop): mouse_z=MouseZ(); (in main loop): mouse_old_z=mouse_z; mouse_z=MouseZ(); mouse_z_diff=mouse_z-mouse_old_z; and then use mouse_z_diff only in your game.
  8. Keyboards have usually a Page Up and Page Down key, but not Scroll Up and Scroll Down keys: KEY_PAGEUP KEY_PAGEDOWN To pause/resume a game, you should make a variable which is used to skip the major part of the main loop. Usually in pause mode the game still renders something, like a blurred image (at least in Crysis).
  9. Here is a open-source and free procedural texture library with full C++ source code: http://libnoise.sour...ures/index.html
  10. From what I understood, LE3 does not use Apache Ant, but Eclipse. Theoretically Ant can replace Eclipse, and then the apk building can be fully automated. Also in Shiva3D you can use Eclipse instead of Ant, and then the Eclipse import/export is a manual step.
  11. My friend bought a Nexus 7, and its performance is quite horrible with 3D games compared to my old S2. I think you can get S2 now really cheap and it's still a highend 3D phone.
  12. I think you can code in C++ and Lua with LE3 for all platforms. As long you have everything available as source code in C++ or Lua (which you should have anyway), your game code will work on all platforms.
  13. There's no need for that. You trust that it will be the best. Unity sucks, Shiva has some really nice shadows, but no C++ coding. LE3 has to beat Shiva.
  14. Yeah, you're right. I'll kick myself in the *** to get it done.
  15. The first thing I will do with LE3, is to do a impression review. How the installation worked, how I managed to find the documentation, and how to get started with LE3, and produced something useful.
  16. Let's see who's will be better, competition is always good Monkey has also a similar approach, but it's not enough C++ specific for my needs and it has garbage (collection).
  17. Settings up the Android compiling tools is pretty simple. I've made instructions how to set them up for another engine, and I think it should work quite similar for LE3. It's really just about following the instructions and not take any shortcuts. Install few SDKs or Zip files into certain locations, set a few system env vars like like JAVA_HOME, ANT_HOME to point to the their directories, and that's it. With a single command like ant you can just compile your C++ code into a Android .apk file, no need for Eclipse ****.
  18. I used XP 32 as long I could, but then my PC broke and I had to buy a new one which had 16GB RAM. So I had to switch to Win 7 64 to use all RAM. I think in 5 years I will be still using Win 7 64. Never really needed DX10/11, but it's a nice bonus to have.
  19. VS11 is horriby buggy, I think it was never released and died in its beta version, and it fails even to uninstall and to open C++ files with various mystical errors. Use VS12 or CodeBlocks+MinGW64.
  20. Canardia


    A per-entity undo would be also cool. Sometimes you made something wrong with one entity, but you want to keep the rest how it is.
  21. HideMouse(); When you want to move the mouse again in menu mode, then have somekind of variable like menuenabled==true, and then it's enabled then don't use MoveMouse() to center the mouse.
  22. Both the character controller and the vehicle have some hacky code, so they don't work like normal physics bodies.
  23. What I mean is that you need to create a seperate physics hull around the vehicle body.
  24. I think it doesn't support direct physics forces, like the character controller, but you have to push it with another physics body.
  25. Now it's all supported and united. LE3 will be awesome, even in its first release. I would buy or use any other engine, if they were better (and I have wasted a lot of money on **** engines).
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