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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. No, it's all in one, and it makes sense also, because there are no other good game engines anyway, so why not use the best. Of course you could buy LE3 only for 3DWS modelling, and it would be still ten times cheaper than some 3D modellers which don't have decent CSG abilities.
  2. You should probably use a vehicle then, because without any suspension they are obviously very bouncy.
  3. You can make a physics hull with physics boxes around the character controller, because other physics bodies can move it.
  4. I think what he asked is if Leadwerks 2.5 runs on Win8 64. It runs on Win7 64, so it should run on Win8 64 also.
  5. Tighten up the graphics a little bit! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjCo2I3ooK0
  6. I like realtime lightmaps, but no engine can do them.
  7. I'm mostly worried about decent, usable shadows. LE2's shadowmapping works only for very short distances, and everything beyond 500 units is just fullbright. OpenGL stencil shadows would provide infinite distance of shadows, which is very important for me, but I think Josh doesn't like them. So I really don't know how to make a decent game with shadows on Android and Windows, because all the engines which actually have decent shadows have no C++ support.
  8. Roland made a skybox making tutorial in the Wiki: http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Making_a_skybox_using_Terragen
  9. Or even shorter: sequence=1+KeyDown(KEY_W) or KeyDown(KEY_A) or KeyDown(KEY_S) or KeyDown(KEY_D);
  10. The program should look first in it's own directory for the .ini files, then in the %userprofile%, and then maybe even in %allusersprofile%, then in %windir%, if it's still not found, then it should start up with it's default settings and create a new .ini file in the folder it asks from the user (program's directory, user directory, all users, windir).
  11. Someone just posted a custom shader for UV scaling and scrolling (=offset), so theoretically it could be possible to use different UV offsets for cubes of the same material/shader, by telling the shader to use different offsets based on some value which different for each cube. The EntityColor could be one such value, so it could be used as a mapping value for a UV offset.
  12. That's what the user's home folder is used for. Many programs save their settings in the %userprofile% directory. You can see there directories which start with a ".", like .gimp, .git, .bash, etc... (yes, on Windows 7, although this is Linux/Unix standard).
  13. The article gamecreator posted describes quite well what the benefits of both approaches are, especially the user comments. I often rearrange harddisks and computers, so for me mobility of programs is most important, because I don't want to reinstall each application each time I move them around, usually even losing data and settings by the uninstall/reinstall. Also the fact that .ini files work on each OS, is a huge benefit when targeting multiple OS in everyting you do.
  14. You can use EntityColor() to color cubes of the same instance differently.
  15. Some installers create registry settings, but it's not necessary as you only need to create a desktop icon (if even that), and a start menu/programs folder/item, and a .ini file to store the settings of the app.
  16. Windows supports also .ini files, so use them.
  17. Registry entries are bad, and not needed at all. They are also not available on real OS, so just use some .ini file instead.
  18. Btw, Whisper's updater doesn't need proxy settings, because it uses IE's proxy settings.
  19. Is it possible to have 7-Zip LZMA2 Ultra compression for the files in the installer? Maybe in the settings somewhere a command line where you can enter whatever packer command line you want?
  20. It failed for me also on Windows 7 64, so I used this updater which works fine on all Windows: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/24-wh1sp3rs-sdk-installer-and-updater/
  21. So do I, I get very stressed by the long compilation times of Visual Studio, because my style of game development is to write small code changes and then compile and test it. CodeBlocks compiles much faster than Visual Studio, and also produces faster code (with MinGW64).
  22. Not from Josh, but I work only with CodeBlocks, so when I get to test LE3, I will test it only with CodeBlocks and mingw64.
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