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Everything posted by Mumbles

  1. I was kind of thinking that same thing. You would assume anyone wanting to sell their game would vote basic graphics in order to hit the most machines. Tell that to id or Epic... I don't see them building Open GL 2.1 renderers anymore. Actually, I don't really see Epic using Open GL at all these days. Relying more in the console market to fill the void of PC users who aren't up to spec... Actually, is there any reason this poll is private? Would there be any significant problems with seeing who wants support for each platform? Right now, all it would really reveal is which two users are looking forward to OSX support...
  2. Where's the option for "not interested in mobile platforms" for the second question? Of the two available, I'd go for Android, but really, I only picked that because 'none' wasn't available...
  3. I don't know, but doesn't your first buffer need BUFFER_DEPTH as well as BUFFER_COLOR?
  4. The problem is that some dishonest individuals reset their trials, meaning that they never have to buy the software, and it's almost impossible to prevent.
  5. The LE3 deferred renderer will not work on SM3? Strange considering the LE2 one does, doesn't it? Mind you my experience with SM3 cards on LE2 was slow (big time), and at this point, only you would know if your FFP implementation works faster on SM3 cards than the deferred renderer does. Or is it because so much functionality of LE2 was unavailable on SM3 cards?
  6. What is "o" in this example? Because if it's not an int, then why would you use the "pointer to an int" typecast? (Line 1) Also, by converting your pointer to an int, 'pointer' will not be a hex value, every digit will be 0-9. Print it out to the console if you want but I'm almost certain that by casting it out of a "pointer to a" type, that the A-F values will be lost. Essentially, what's happening is: o is a pointer to an object. The value is (for example) 0x20 (of course in reality, you would never get such a low number) pointer is declared as an int, but we are not ready to assign its value just yet because we have to do some casting first , in the order of right to left a temporary pointer is created, it has the same value as pointer (0x20) but this pointer instead declares that the target memory contains an int, not an object. a temporary int is created, it has the value value 0x20 which has a binary representation of 00100000, which is 32. pointer is initialised to this temporary int value: 32 because you are putting the int into the stringstream, and not the pointer, "32" will be added to the string stream, not "20" Object *ObjectPointer = &o; //If o is an object, do this one, otherwise do the one below Object *ObjectPointer = o; //If o is a pointer to an object, do this one, otherwise do the one above std::string hex; stringstream ss; ss << hex << ObjectPointer; should keep it in hex... Either that or I've gone a bit cuckoo...
  7. Ah, so you're the one that leaked crysis 2 then How long before we get a sneak peak of this one?
  8. Moderators belong more on community forums, whereas this, no matter how you look at it, is a company forum, although we do have a community here too. It boils down to what would the repercussions be if Josh gave moderation powers to someone, and he later finds out that this person can't be trusted with them? Anything bad this moderator does in the mean time reflects badly on the whole company...
  9. Some time in April the server was rolled back by about 6 months. There may have been some news updates in that time that were lost.
  10. Mumbles


    Are Sony that picky? Didn't Naughty Alien have a screenshot of a modified LE working on the PS3 like 9 months back (as in, before the rollback)?Anyone else remember it?
  11. This thread wasn't the first one in this category... Being such a well known standard, how can C++ be less collaborative in nature than lua? I mean I haven't heard of Gamelib in lua, whereas anyone using C++ can just plug it straight in and have it working more or less instantly. I know I claim to have a degree and all, but you might have to spell this one out for me
  12. I think the attachment got lost during the server rollback. Well, it won't have been lost, but it will have been renamed, so might take a while to get it restored. Unless Filax kept a copy of it and comes back to forum to re-upload it...
  13. Since not everyone's a programmer, you absolutely must not deprecate the command MakeFPSGame()... Otherwise some people won't be able to use the engine
  14. Maybe you have been pressing your eyes too much...
  15. I guess I could just kill everyone indiscriminately. Won't do a damn bit of good without putting junk posts on the other topics... ...Now there's an idea
  16. Grrr, I had the oldest thread and you've just revived it ...I never did get round to killing someone.
  17. It's not spam if someone else has the same problem, searches the forum, and finds this thread.
  18. Mumbles


    I believe the official line was "maybe" to PS3 support - but certainly not from the word go...
  19. Well, I'm sure you saw that one coming...
  20. CSS isn't really coding. Now JavaScript on the other hand. Sloppy as it is, is very similar to what you'll need for Leadwerks, so it's something to start with.
  21. Where is this rumour. I've never heard it before. And what's so wrong with precompiled binaries? Sure it means no one else can expand someone else's work, but I find when looking at other people's code: No matter how well the code is written, it's usually still pretty hard to follow. I'd use free (or cheap) compiled libs over open source any day. You do mean this werkspace, don't you? Not some obscure one with the same name? I mean wherever I look, all I see is encouragement, especially in the gallery.
  22. You don't really need that chart: LE 2 as a game engine, does almost everything you'll need for a 3D game. The only feature that's really criticised is its networking. But if you need that, you can just use a third party library (could be static or dynamic) to handle that. After all, you will already be using Leadwerks as a third party DLL in your language of choice.
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