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Posts posted by macklebee

  1. That is strange, because I don't get that at all.


    Ive always had this problem... and I remember others posting about this on the old forum but I can't seem to find those posts...


    yep, I am creating the decal in the transparency world... using your code! B)

  2. Yes, just apply a different material.


    I fixed the math function name thing. It's in the sync folder.


    by just changing the math lua script you made other scripts have errors now. Edit-- excuse me I meant the other scripts like driver and fpscontroller that use lower case clamp instead of the new Clamp inside the math lua

  3. Josh, I notice that the new class lua script does not get the global objects for framewerk like previously done in the base lua script. This prevents script based entities like emitters from being actually seen in a bmx program from what I can tell. Do you suggest editing the class script to include these:


    or edit the individual scripts that would use any of these to get the global objects?


    also see that globals.lua was completely commented out... is there a reason for that or for the absence of the GetGlobalObjects?

  4. I think there is still a bug with this. It was working fine, but then I manipulated the terrain and it stopped working. Mackle, could you test out your code with manipulating the terrain? What I did exactly was create a small mount, then run the game a few times. That works. Then flatten the terrain and try it again to see if the terrain still collides with LinePick.


    ?? why would it return the terrain on a linepick if the the terrain was flattened? if there is no actual terrain between the camera position and the cube position then it won't return a terrain... or maybe i am not understanding what exactly you are trying to get me to do...

  5. The problem is the fact that the road_node script is using the wrong variable names for three of the math functions: 'Round','LinesIntersect', and 'AngleDifference in the road_node script and using 'round', 'linesintersect', and 'angledifference' in the math script.


    Since the math functions are used in other scripts you need to change the road_node script to use the lower case naming conventions.

  6. hmmm that code works fine for me... except if i drag and drop more two of the objects onto the screen, and then delete them it leaves the first cube, because the second cube create effectively is now 'cube'


    you should parent the cube to the model in creation... then it gets deleted no matter what...

  7. Lumooja, I tried the fix you suggest. The app now compiles and runs fine, but I still get the "null framewerk" message on exiting.

    I also agree with Mack that we're all eager waiting for Josh to express something about the shaders.pak issue. ;)

    @Mack: I was checking bmax's renderer.bmx in framewerk.mod but couldn't find anything about postfiltername = "_adjust", but several instances of postfiltername all around the code, so I guess a similar fix for bmax is a bit more complicated.


    from what i can tell the bmax framewerk hasn't been modified for the "adjust" shaders... but there is still something wrong when a program that ran fine two days ago now crashes with an error referencing josh's ShaderReference.bmx source code. even simple functionality in the editor is not working now... this is not good.

  8. You don't need to put anything back, since when Josh uploads the new shaders.pak, your Renderer.cpp will be returned to the original version also (when you run the installer).


    if it was something as simple as him uploading the shaders.pak, i would assume it would have been done by now... between simple functionality not working in the editor to programs crashing now that worked two days ago, this points to something more than just a shader problem... but without some kind of ackowledgement from the only person that knows what is going on, who can really say what the issue is or how long its going to take or how exactly the stuff you are working on right now is going to be affected by whatever it takes to fix the problems...

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