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Posts posted by macklebee

  1. I just got UU3D because everyone says it great for file formats. My question is, when I pull in a model it still does not have the texture applied. So I import the texture, save it into any format, and reload the file, and the texture is gone again... I am confused, and what the problem is.


    sounds like you need to apply the texture yourself inside uu3d... right-click on the materials' texture and pick properties to bring up the material editor:


    then set your diffuse map to the texture that the model should be using...


    then just save it as the original format or just as a gmf if you wish..

  2. I use convex hull mainly cos its such a pain doing anything else. Takes me ages to do spheres and cylinders.


    no i do that too... just was throwing things out there because i know the oildrum phy is not a convex hull... but i guess it was the wrong collision setting... but i be damned if i can find a response of 3 in the wiki...

  3. Here is the image.


    huh... thats really weird... maybe something else is conflicting? or its a problem in C++? any way you can try a simplified example in C++ and bmax to determine if its language related?

  4. here's 2.27 with the same settings... its working fine for me in bmax... it really looks like the neardof is on in your screenshots... or are you sure you are actually close enough to the tree so parts of it are closer than the start value for the farDOFrange?



  5. I got rid of the cube (playermesh and changed entitytype player to 3. thanks again. It worked.


    well, I am the one that had the code wrong to begin with... but right now i am not too sure why i thought collision response of 3 is swept collision? i can't find it any where in the wiki but for some reason i just thought it was...


    yeah i guess i need to change that code in my blog as well... i didn't really test it as far as running into props... was just using to run around a scene and look at stuff for the most part atm...

  6. That is what I am looking for, not getting it though. I'm only using farDOF and I should mention this is 2.27. I have 2.3, just have not bothered to update this project to it.






    actually that example is from 2.28 and its bmax... i will try the 2.27 and see if that makes any difference for me...

  7. why do your oildrums have a convex hull body? I am pretty sure the prop's PHY that comes with LE is a cylinder...


    also whats the point of the playermesh? and the constant positioning of it to the player? Assuming that it actually serves a purpose, just parent it to the player and be done with it...


    whats the mass of your barrels? have you tried changing your acceleration? also that controller code doesn't have the character collision set correctly... it should be 3...


    have you tried this with the version i posted in my blog?

  8. Playing with DOF settings with FrameWerk. I can't seem to find settings that are satisfactory. For example the settings found in the tutorial (that does not use FrameWerk) produce en entirely blurry image.







    Anybody have any experience with this? I want near objects to be in focus.


    To keep the near objects in focus, you want to set the FarDOF to make things in the background blurry, so:





    This will make anything past the starting point of 5 meters from the camera blurry... its hard to tell if the ending range makes much differences other than it obviously needs to be a higher number than the starting range. I assume it does a gradient of blurring between the two ranges. The strength is what is crucial and sets the amount of blur, where it appears 1.0 is the highest value and 0.0 is the lowest.


    ***Edit-- wmaass, are you using bmax? If so the commands you need are:


  9. "Dead people on the ground, flies buzzing around, slowly zoom out to medium distance, then quick turn to show guy up on hill overlooking the carnage. Take advantage of the god rays by having the sun directly behind him streaming around him"


    sounds good to me :blink:




    sounds like left4dead's opening scene... if you can create that scene, I'd be duly impressed.

  10. In Blitzmax I have

    pointentity (fw.Main.camera,marine:TEntity,3,1.0,0.0)

    and it works fine.


    In Lua according to the wiki its

    entity:Point( entity, axis, rate , roll ) 


    Josk, where is this in the wiki for the lua form?


    ***edit- Ah found it-PointEntity


    There are so many different pages for a single command in the wiki, you just never know what you are looking at it is correct... :blink:

  11. Unfortunately Josh has yet to implement volume triggers in LE, otherwise it'd be as simple as creating a LUA script attached to a volume trigger.


    You can create your own volume trigger right now, however a limited simplified version. Have a dummy gmf with a script that creates a cube that can be scaled based on your property selections and with a trigger collision. Place it wherever you need it.

  12. Another thing you could do is just set the parent of the chunk. Then you won't even have to move the chunk because it will be translated w/ the parent. It will also be destroyed when the parent is (I think).


    yes, this is correct.

  13. no problem, glad i could help... you might want to use this program instead of the controller.bmx program... it allows skybox and water to be set based on your map created by the editor and set hdr, bloom, ssao, etc during runtime... there's nothing special about it, you just get a little more out of it than the controller.bmx..

  14. the problem is this line:



    if you replace model.aabb.h with an actual number, the corona will show up.


    So my guess is that you would need to somehow set this variable as a global value between bmax and lua...


    Or just do it the easy way and set it to a numerical value...

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