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Posts posted by macklebee

  1. If you keep up with the payments, lol.


    I'm just playing anyways. It's pathetically dumb to download the hacked version of LE and go to the forums expecting some help.


    Edit: And ironically I just finished eating a turkey sandwich.


    yes, to freely admit it and ask for help is very questionable :)



    actually was eating one while writing that and was thinking I would kill anyone that touches my sandwich... and i am still hungry :)

  2. Macklebee,

    To be fair, having a Demo is so that potential Users 'can' get a feel for the program. There is a big difference between a 60" tv and a piece of software. That's why games have Demos, to give people a taste of the whole thing.


    Apparently there is a demo of version 2.3 coming out in about a month. That should give you a better idea if the Leadwerks Engine is for you.


    And yep, I think these Forums are great.


    To be fair, he wasn't using a demo. He freely admitted that he stole the software. Let's not romaticize it by calling it pirating. Let's call it for what it is: stealing. But the problem is everyone has this opinion that since software isn't a tangible thing and they are just downloading it from the internet, that its not stealing. But of course it is. Its just harder to police software than a physical object. But I see absolutely no difference in pirating the software and someone stealing $200 out of Josh's wallet. There is no rationalization that is defendable for stealing someone else's property, whether it be a tv, software, or a turkey sandwich. It's stealing pure and simple.

  3. Not in the protocol itself, but there's plenty of libraries that use UDP and implement their own layer on top that adds acknowledgement, packet ordering and guaranteed delivery.


    like Netwerks...


    Networking in Leadwerks Engine is based on the enet library. The fast UDP protocol is used as a base, but packets are correctly ordered or sent with a "reliable" flag for important data. Although the UDP protocol is "connectionless", the Leadwerks networking library automatically initializes and maintains network "connections"
  4. I need to apply that logic to everything in life. Hey guys at bestbuy, I am going to test a 60" flatscreen tv and just use it until I feel comfortable enough to buy it. Man, with this new system I can get alot of stuff for christmas to "test" until I feel comfortable enough to actually legally buy it. Wow, I wonder why no one has ever thought of this course of action before? I see no reason that this shouldn't apply to everything... :D

  5. You could also load the models, but with sbx you could open the scene in editor and adjust some road nodes, and then paste the code back to your C++ program.

    That would be fine for the developer to do, but the goal here was for the end-user(player) to be able to spawn railroad tracks. Since the player will not have the SDK, the smart thing to do would do this by lua script to automatically spawn your type of track, line up your tracks, etc...

  6. A sbx file doesn't have to be a complete scene, you can also load multiple sbx files, each having some other parts.

    All LoadScene does is to add entities to the world, it doesn't delete old entities .


    In this context, whats the benefit of loading a SBX file as compared to just loading a model?

  7. Well obviously, but I was wondering if it were somehow possible to use the nodes that Josh created, those that are being used in Editor.


    a modified version of it i would guess... you could try spawning them with a camerapick and see what you get... the problem you need to work out is how to adjust the rotation and handle the linking via your game instead of the editor.

  8. Because it would enable players to lay railroads for instance while playing the game. Hence the reference to Railroads. Although I agree I wasn't to clear on that.




    That would work. But can be it be done without reloading an entire scene?


    yes it can be done, you just have to program it to do so...

  9. No problem, with that.

    Since I dont know if I do something wrong with the slider and this forum got other "possibe bugs" thread like "Why does the road go like this?" I thought it was ok to post here.


    I never noticed that parts of the forums are protected because I have full access as long as I can remember. :unsure:


    I'll post in the Tracker then...


    yes, i know... it wasn't specifically pointed at you but all SDK owners... technical requests regarding how to do something in the SDK should be kept in the private forums since registered users are the only ones that should need this info. All SDK owners need to stop posting these type of questions here.


    You should use the Editor forum for this question, and not the bug tracker until its a given that its a bug.

  10. The slider for adjusting the shineyness seems to be broken. It seems it does nothing if I adjust it.


    Do I need something special?


    This kind of stuff needs to be kept inside the correct forums. General Discussion is meant for general discussion not specific questions on how to do something with the new editor. The reason we have protected and open-to-the public forums is because of illegal copies of the SDK. The goal is to only provide technical assistance for the SDK/editor/whatever inside the protected forums, not out in the public to give illegal users any benefit of the advice given to actual registered SDK owners.

  11. found the issue with the firepit crashing a bmx program whenever it was loaded into a scene...


    inside the firepit.lua's GetKey function the return has too many parameters:

    return self.super:GetKey(model,key,value)

    and it needs to be:

    return self.super:GetKey(key,value)


    This is the reason for the GL_INVALID_VALUE error that crashes bmx. :blink:



    now to figure out why i can't get other standalone lua scripted emitters to work inside bmax... :unsure:

  12. ok... sounds work... Interestingly enough all I had to do was just change "fw.listener" inside the oildrum.lua file to "listener". It appears "listener" is setup already inside the editor to be equal to "fw.listener"?? so that change allows the sound to still work inside the editor and in bmax...


    Still getting the occasional GL error with emitters or they just do not show atm...

  13. tyler, I think you edited too much... you do not appear to be creating a mesh/surface anywhere for you to be able to paint a material. I haven't looked at the code too much yet, but just looking at how the road nodes work in the editor with the grid off, skybox set to a solid color, and wireframe on, i can see the mesh plane? being created between two points... your code shows a link but no mesh/surface being created...

  14. is there any thing else that needs to be done? do I need to do a "GetScriptObject" in the lua scripted entity?


    using the above functions and this in bmax to set the globals:

    SetScriptObject("fw", fw)
    SetScriptObject("world_main", fw.Main.world)
    SetScriptObject("world_transparency", fw.transparency.world)
    SetScriptObject("world_background", fw.background.world)
    SetScriptObject("camera_main", fw.Main.camera)
    SetScriptObject("camera_transparency", fw.transparency.camera)
    SetScriptObject("camera_background", fw.background.camera)
    SetScriptObject("listener", CreateListener(fw.Main.camera))


    and right now I do not see emitters or hear sounds driven from lua scripts...

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