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Posts posted by Admin

  1. Vehicle physics are not supported in LE3, so it would be useless.

    We have a lot more control in Leadwerks 3 with motorized joints than we did in Leadwerks 2, which had problems with vehicles rolling away unintentionally; we can just use a motorized joint now to control the behavior precisely. All that's needed is a linear spring joint for suspension and vehicles will work.
    • Upvote 3
  2. This is going to be an odd explanation, but this is actually the correct behavior:


    Brushes that have a script attached to them remain as brushes and don't get collapsed into model geometry. Brushes are not just simple polygons, they have volumetric properties that we intend to use in the future. However, simply rotating a brush does not update its geometric information, so the plane equations that define the faces don't get updated, and the shadow render pass misses some faces. This is actually the reason that tutorial uses a model instead. The brush class itself is not part of the official API because of complexities like this. A case can be made for documenting and exposing some of the brush API, but this technically is not a bug.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Screenshots and videos have to have a certain rating to go out on social media.


    The screenshots strip and gallery are meant to show the most recent shots, not necessarily the best. It's not really up to us to decide what should be shown, as there are many people with various levels of expertise. I'm not terribly concerned with the quality of each screenshot; I just want to see a constant flow of activity.


    And while we are at it please do a real scale of the images instead of having us load 5 full resolution images to then view as thumbnails - the site is bad enough on a cell phone with out that.

    That I actually can do.

    • Upvote 1
  4. We've got a lot of new assets for the Workshop, and need help getting them ready for Leadwerks. They need to be imported, checked, and we need collision meshes added to them. In order to make the process go faster, I am splitting the work into teams headed by Aggror and Shadmar. Each of them will have their own team of helpers they will manage.


    If you'd like to volunteer to help either of them, please post a reply in this thread, or send them a message. The slowest step will be adding collision meshes to complex models, but this really should be done for optimum performance.


    Thanks for your help!

  5. In your object script there should be a PostRender function



    function Script:PostRender(context)
    App.context:DrawText("Value: "..self.val, 100, 100)

    Keep in mind that App.context might not exist, if the script is running in a C++ program. So it's best to just use the function argument context.

    • Upvote 1
  6. You do not need to initialize Steam, but there might be something else going on there the DLL does automatically. The reason for this is we don't want to double the number of build we have to provide for Steam and non-Steam versions, as it would slow down every release.

  7. The header files and libraries are not included with the demo, but you can try the command set out with Lua. The C++ projects are just shown there so you can see how they work. I'll add a note on the download page.

  8. The soften filter can be used to decrease repetitiveness of a texture at a distance. It blends the texture into the average color of all the pixels, as it gets further away. It's probably not that useful anymore.

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