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Everything posted by MarkusR

  1. i had created a suggestion for a simple node search/filter.
  2. @ectreemhost daz studio is more for rendering. carrara is a good modeller with fbx support.
  3. because of much file duplicate i like to see a asset database and in game i use a reference. and in editor we can select the content we need, this put a link in db. :LoadFromDB("KeyName") unique key in database then we can use a main database together also for a online asset store (also for free things) but that means we need a asset manager app. with this db the publish knows what it is used. other idea is to make a asset template folder outside project folder and all u need in game will copied to the project folder.
  4. the cockpit is more a sphere where u put the camera in. i would memory the cam in the sphere script as property. if it set if self.cam ~= nil then self:SetCamToCokpit(self.cam) end at top Sphere script Script.cam = nil --entity "Used Cam"
  5. i already had changed the app lua that i can see benchmark out put with f11, this was release mode, means used the right play button. my wip map in debug mode have 1 frame per second. without beta the zombies was slow too. runs the physicupdate same speed with framerate/worldupdate? @nick.ace ok i will test this with character controller too @dariddar thats a good idea compare without editor on screen.
  6. thats very good, before my publish output was very big.
  7. hello, i got 15-20 frames if u have 5 zombies in front !? my questions is why? my card can render millions of polys per frame, so seems this is a script issue? where is the do nothing loop? or black polyhole i used sync(false) i expect much more of frames per second. crysis 3 runs fine on my maschine.
  8. How can i unselect the "Select Object" Button in Toolbar? if i want create something there is allways something behind and then i select a object and cannot create the csg/sprites etc. please make for cgs also, click again and its not selected.
  9. until u can try this. i try xor but can not do, don't know if we have a bit class in lua. if u stay/wrap in the byte range 0-255 u can overlap with a keyword. the codeblock change some b to UPPER case ^^ function Script:Crypt(text) out="" b=0 for i =1, text:len() do b=255-text:byte(i) -- range from 0 to 255 out = out .. string.char(B) end return out end -- MR function Script:Start() cam=Camera:Create() end --This function will be called after the world is rendered, before the screen is refreshed. --Use this to perform any 2D drawing you want the entity to display. function Script:PostRender(context) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) local a= "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Hello ,. ÄÖÜäöü +- °!§$%&/()[]{}=?@" context:DrawText(a,0,0) local b=self:Crypt(a) context:DrawText(b,0,15) local c=self:Crypt(B) context:DrawText(c,0,30) end function Script:Crypt(text) out="" b=0 for i =1, text:len() do b=255-text:byte(i) -- range from 0 to 255 out = out .. string.char(B) end return out end
  10. maybe exist a Just-in-time compiler cache? i know from app game kit, they compile the source code to bytecode for a/the/his interpreter core. other word for compiled is translated.
  11. yes, pivot should also work but don't know if u can save this combination as prefab. u need to turn the pivot. the other objects are relativ to it. the door is subobject. if u use the script offset, a normal door have x offset +0.44 m or -0.44 m. if the house wall is rotated +90 or -90 degree i remember i had exchange the x and z. but there was no preview in scene, so i used the other way.
  12. do not use the offset in script , its in world coords (relativ). move the mesh or pivot for the door to the left or right. if u use a 3d editor move the mesh to the left or right to the world center y axis. often a export use this world center 0,0,0 as mesh center point.
  13. it means print("hello world") <- i had used DrawText(...) in PostRender save run hello world print("hello markus") save run hello world i don't know what happens between save and run the lua script in engine.
  14. MarkusR


    then i guess before beta this flag was skipped
  15. sure i saved , also i saw propertys i had add for test was listet below scene tree view at modell script propertys. this are updated at saving.
  16. i saw also and not like, maybe because of roundings ... allways it looks the object is not at ground. josh knows it. did u try self.world:SetLightQuality(2) in app lua? i read this is best quality.
  17. MarkusR


    i believe -> is similar the dot elsewhere its a constant in Window class, i guess u must write it upper case. did u try Window->FullScreen ? can u print the value on screen before. or maybe fullscreen not work in linux u need nvidia or amd driver, or its a bug.
  18. there is a better possibility to generate the scene objects like houses with doors,windows,roofs,furnishing. take a look at sims 4 or take a look or demo of Punch Home & Landscape Design Premium http://www.punchsoftware.com/ i mean i wish the leadwerks editor can do something like this.
  19. recursive GetParent should also bring you to root item from any entity, but i not tested myself.
  20. in docu i had read f6 compile script and run. ok if the script not compiled, its possible that u make a temporary file of it? maybe was a file locked by windows and this can't overwrite but then i expect a message or error. i can explain as on error resume next.
  21. maybe this help you World.ForEachEntityInAABBDo
  22. there was no error, the engine used a temporary compiled older script and not my saved one. i had add a print row and the output not appear on screen and i wonder why. means i does not see my changes in script at run game, really. then i saved the map with new name start it and it was ok. switch back to my normal wip map it was ok also. it happens only once for me so don't care but please wrote a note.
  23. emm, how can i draw a background pic on screen and than the 3d scene? seems self.world.Render() clear the screen unwanted in App.lua that means also if u show a skybox it clear the screen for nothing if there is not a if then. i found SetClearColor in camera class but it not work if alpha =0 as workaround i can try a background pic on a 3d object.
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