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Everything posted by MarkusR

  1. at the moment, i see 2 main priorities, the scene tree view and the flowgraph. some simple improvements will help really much.
  2. maybe there is a lack of man power, developing is very time intensive. this flowgraph i need. there are some basics missing, i would prefer other new things. the flowgraph render get also very slow at use.
  3. Not the first time, the connections are lost but only at player:fpsplayermr See Yesterday. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=372487550 Today:
  4. please can u add zoom or minimap and movement/scrolling with cursor keys? drag a point over a long distance is not easy.
  5. maybe there is a way to make a raw highmap file from blender or bryce and import then into terrain. import/export map with fbx is a nice to have.
  6. @gamecreator thanks for info, yes house modelling is a pain... but i think the door is my last barrier.
  7. if this remark is in main script, why not use a function RequiredFile("myfile.tex"), it can write a file list and also check if the file exist. but means u need run the game once and then publish. or both together, the user can choose.
  8. @macklebee, ah, ok , i think i can life with a 40 cm wider door. a normal door is 88cm.
  9. yes, but i do not want a 1,5 meter door, i want modell 1:1 scale. the player can go through the left door, but the ai will not without navmesh. i mean the space from wall to navmesh at obstacle, this i want input myself. i guess u use it as parameter anywhere or not? what minimum width i need for a door? edit: removed screenshot using "Mapping standards"
  10. ohh, wow, thank you very much. its works direct
  11. @YouGroove the part u showed there is self.followingtarget=true before from set mode, i would say it not called every frame because if self.followingtarget==false then and then state goto idle. i guess .Follow is a automatic function that is called once and then the engine do self the moving. i did not test it yet. it seems its not the sound,not the collision, not the animation manager, its not the modell. ... if nots called follow its also slow. arrggg ... i see a problem in function SetMode, it called hisself ... i made a counter in it and draw it on screen. this slow down must belongs the script in any way.
  12. in the docu vehicle overview is create missing self.vehicle = Vehicle:Create(self.entity) this is missing also self.vehicle:SetGear(gear)
  13. @YouGroove this part i skipped with if 1==0 then it was not the problem.
  14. today i made a test because i want the navmesh see the doors. can we get a input field player radius, that is used for the space around the obstacles? in the screenshot the left door is 88cm, then come 1 meter and then 1,5 meter
  15. @YouGroove its with the MonsterAI.lua and the Zombie DLC. there is saw only a .Follow call once, maybe u see more. i can try what happens without collision.
  16. Aggror, the player fit in but u are right, because the space at edges or wall it work with 1,5cm door width...
  17. Ma-Shell, thanks, i use only indie version at this moment but maybe can josh build this into engine.
  18. i don't know what the reason is. i believe there is a single call to .Follow once if the state change. josh can better see what the engine do at runtime, i can not debug it, i can not see the source code of the engine. @nick, i use indie only. i do not want use a workaround, i think this simple things should work. @yougroove, at first u must know where my cpu power ist lost.
  19. u using this topic from you too. thats my problem now, what i do wrong? it was a house and this i had collapse. the ground at 2 level have no navmesh. edit: door must have min. 128 width
  20. josh, can u rebuild this scene with a player, 5 zombies+ ground+wall and show me a screen with showstats? in my test scene,if the 5 zombies hit the player at a stair the fps go down to 7. maybe a physic collision issue?
  21. i have a 3d monitor where each row is alternate the left or right eye cam. with eye glasses i have 3d, thats really cool in 3d games. its a nice to have in the engine. i saw occulus rift is supported, but this device is very expensive now.
  22. i understand u had upload the engine as debug build, therefor i suggest the title bar text. the fps is still slow at play release, just used the last update for a minute.
  23. i believe the slow down comes from this row/part (in monsterai.lua) at mode chase if self.entity:Follow(self.target.entity,self.speed,self.maxaccel) then for test i use if 1==1 then / if 1==0 then u can easy remark a block. edit: why not wrote at window tittle bar "Leadwerks Editor (debug build)" at #if debug + " (Beta Version)" at #if beta
  24. test today, i remove the player skript and place a camera inside. the zombies not hunt anything, and its fast ~60fps
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