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Everything posted by Jazz

  1. Found this character I forgot about when I was playing around with bvh animations using MakeHuman and Blender.
  2. Well it says Spacewar but still uploads them lol.
  3. Hmm. So you are running your project's .exe without the editor and it still doesn't work? Not sure what to do there.. Edit: Just noticed it says spacewar when I hit screenshot!
  4. Thanks for the hint gamecreator. I just found this in the docs: Note that the Steam overlay will not work when the game is launched from Leadwerks editor, though Steam initialization will be successful. Works when the exe is run.
  5. Does your frame rate increase if you change them all to dynamic? Curious...
  6. For lights, cast shadows has a major performance impact. I tested 16 point lights at infinite view range. Full fps if set to just dynamic. 18 fps with static+dynamic+buffered.
  7. Strange. Other people can do it. Are you using Win 7 too?
  8. Steam overlay/screenshots aren't working even after multiple 'fixes' so I'll just post a test pic here.
  9. Jazz


    No. I haven't tried that yet and so far I don't require it. Could always smooth it by making more waypoints.
  10. Jazz


    Playing with waypoints after checking out Nick's tutorial (Thanks Nick!) and thought I'd play with them using a different method. With this script you can use any entity as a waypoint, including the player, barrels, pivots, etc. Remember the larger the entity the larger the range detection must be. They can be a child of anything or not a child. Just don't make it a child of a moving entity. They will go in order of targets entered or if Random roaming is checked it will be (duh) random. Make sure to create a navmesh. So far I've only tested with 5 entities roaming simultaneously. Fun to mess around with Edit: Added simple smoothing AIwaypoint.lua
  11. This worked for me but I'm using Win Beta. Just noticed the sliding door. Goes wonky unless you choose manual activate.
  12. I was able to jump out the window on the skywalk Nice game
  13. How do you expect to hit the player with a sphere blocking him.
  14. The christmas sale the DLC was like $35. I bought it then tho I doubt if I'll use it anytime soon. I'm sure it will be on sale sometime again.
  15. Hmm, pick/gotopoint work fine in FPS mode...
  16. Looks like a z-axis problem. Here if you directly at or directly away pick doesn't work. :/
  17. Check the script I updated in post #26. Works fine in there.
  18. See how it works for you now. DogAI.lua
  19. I think beo6 is right. It's mob AI so you should pick from mob to player. if (world:Pick(posMob+Vec3(0,1.2,0), posPlayer+Vec3(0,1.6,0), pi, 0, true)) == false then return 0 end -- did we hit our target? if pi.entity == self.entity then return 1 end
  20. I had this problem with the postprocess shaders. I went into C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Leadwerks\Workshop\251810\Preview and deleting everything in there fixed it for me. I believe I deleted the postprocess shader archive in \251810 too since it was in there at the time. Might want to back up first just in case.
  21. I've only tested using the largest terrain size. Water covers most but not all of the map. Just make a new project using terrain size 4096 and turn on water.
  22. Yeh problem is I can't find any assets in the style I need. Will have to do it myself. Also, sounds like a tall order Nick, but I trust in your knowledge ;D
  23. I find coding easy compared to modeling and I'm sure there are a lot of people in the same boat. Like gamecreator says finding models that all fit the "scene" can be a problem unless you do it yourself or hire someone.
  24. Yes I was wrong and didn't realize it was just a CSG. Haven't used glass yet. It should work fine.
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