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Posts posted by reepblue

  1. I'm curious why if a material has a roughness of 1.0, it's still reflecting the scene with a probe. I want this texture to be 100% mat.



    	"material": {
    		"displacement": [
    		"metallic": 0.0,
    		"pickmode": true,
    		"roughness": 1.0,
    		"shaderfamily": "Shaders/PBR.fam",
    		"shadow": true,
    		"texture0": "./Textures/wall02.dds"


  2. If you were to save this as a material, open it the editor, then do File -> Save on it, the custom property (myproperty) will be deleted.

    	"material": {
    		"displacement": [
    		"metallic": 0.0,
    		"roughness": 1.0,
    		"shaderfamily": "Shaders/PBR.fam",
    		"shadow": true,
    		"texture0": "./grid01.dds",
    		"texture1": "./grid_normal.dds",
    		"myproperty": 1

    I want to store the surface property in the material without worrying about it getting overwritten. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. Seems you can see some artificing with the cluster rendering when having the camera preform a zoom, The best way to demonstrate this is to install this component in a CPP project and replace the character in the start map with a simple camera that has this component. Use Z and X to toggle zoom.

    The zoom out code isn't right, but that's not important. I just recycled code I already had. 

    Also, I might add that the starting zoom value needs to be stored on start because Zoom affects the camera's FOV value.


    • Thanks 1
  4. Somethings I've brought up during the call.


    • Beams (Like lasers but just stretches a sprite between one point to another w/o a raycast.)
    • Script (For loading and calling lua script functions.)
    • Ballsocket (For swinging ropes, lights, etc)
    • Tag Filters (Used with triggers to only allow entites with certain tags to trigger.)
    • An Animation Controller (Used to animate models that otherwise don't need any additional functionality. 


    • Relay (Much like the one I posted)
    • Random Outputs
    • Auto Save

    Like I mentioned, I recorded the conversation so we can refer to that.

    • Like 1
  5. The separate window is the better route imo but I also hate losing the window.

    It's much better when you got a dual monitor setup though.

    I really don't like the idea of "It has to be one way or the other" since everyone had different setups.

  6. Wanted to get a start on these after today's discussion. Here is the first draft of the logic components. I'm kind of limited on what I can do without any argument support. 

    I've made the following:

    • Auto - Used to start things on Start or Level Load. (Inspired by logic_auto)
    • Relay - Used as a switch or a delay between connections. You can toggle the component to cut or rejoin connections. (Inspired by logic_relay)
    • RelayTimer - Fires outputs on every interval. (Inspired by logic_timer)
    • PrintMessage - Simply prints whatever to console. 

    This is only my first draft to continue the discussion!


    • Like 1
  7. No. Unlike Epic Games, Josh isn't 40%+ owned by a Chinese firm. 

    What modifications you have on mind? I'm sure Josh will be able to see if he can add it in as a future update. He has been pretty open in discussing how everything works too so you shouldn't need to do much reverse engineering.

    Source code would be nice but I personally don't see a need for it if everything is working. 

  8. 16 hours ago, Josh said:

    Yeah, I was thinking the brush fragments should be placed under a single pivot that gets created, if a carve operation results in more than one brush.

    If/when the group feature is implemented, it would be better to auto group the brush segments.

  9. This lua script will generate a working VS project with Premake. Replace "Game" with the title of your project. I store premake5.exe and this script in a "Tools" folder where my preprocessor also sits. 

    I might make a git repo in the future depending how often this will change. 

    -- Define Ultra Engine Paths
    UltraEnginePath = os.getenv("ULTRAENGINE")
    if UltraEnginePath==nil then return end
    -- Define Game Directory (Relative to this premake script)
    GameDir = path.getabsolute("..")
    -- Define Root Source Directory
    SourceDir = GameDir .. "/Source"
    -- Define Soultion Directory
    SoultionDir = GameDir
    -- Define tools Directory
    ToolsPath = GameDir .."/Tools"
    -- Workspace
    workspace "Game"
        location "%{SoultionDir}"
        startproject "Game"
        configurations { "Debug", "Release"}
        filter {"system:windows", "configurations:*"}
            architecture "x64"
        project "Game"
            targetname ("Game")
            location "%{SoultionDir}"
            language "C++"
            cppdialect "C++17"
            staticruntime "off"
            editandcontinue "on"
            flags { "MultiProcessorCompile" }
            conformancemode (false)
            -- Game Location
            debugdir ("%{GameDir}")
            -- OBJ Output Location
            objdir ("%{prj.location}/.vs/%{cfg.buildcfg}")
            -- Include Directories
                -- Engine
                -- Local Source Directory
            -- Global Defines:
            -- Shared PCH
            pchheader "UltraEngine.h"
        -- Visual Studio Exclusive
        filter "action:vs*"
            systemversion "latest"
            entrypoint "mainCRTStartup"
            pchsource "%{SourceDir}/UltraEngine.cpp"
            -- Preprocessor
    			--"\"%{ToolsPath}/preprocessor.exe\" +path ../"
        filter {"system:windows", "configurations:Debug"}            
        filter {"system:windows", "configurations:Release"}
        filter "configurations:Debug"
            kind "WindowedApp"
            targetsuffix "_d"
            runtime "Debug"
            symbols "on"
        filter "configurations:Release"
            kind "WindowedApp"
            runtime "Release"
            symbols "off"
            optimize "off"

    My batch script:

    @echo off
    :: Check to see if Ultra Engine is installed and defined.
    if not exist "%ULTRAENGINE%" (
    	echo ERROR: Unable to find Ultra Engine installed on this PC! Try running the editor first!
    	EXIT /B 999
    echo Found Ultra Engine at: "%ULTRAENGINE%"
    :: Go into the Tools folder.
    pushd .
    cd Tools
    premake5.exe --file=premake5.lua vs2022


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