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Paul Thomas

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Everything posted by Paul Thomas

  1. Tell your host to restore a previous backup. Most hosts do daily, weekly and monthly backups of the whole server. Sometimes they'll charge a small fee for the restoration. If they don't do that, drop your cheap host, and get a real one.
  2. That's my day/night (sun/moon) and clouds video back when I was building EC with LE. It needed improvement. The art was also not that great (programmer art). My plans were to improve the clouds/shaders, fix the moon trajectory, polish it up and move on to a weather system.
  3. Congrats man. The artwork looks great. Can't wait to see more.
  4. After I wrote my reply I kind of figured that it would simply do nothing as a fail-safe. Warning messages would definitely cut it when teaching what to do and not to do, I think.
  5. A lot of heat with grinding metal noise would definitely let me know I did something wrong and to not do it again.
  6. You should probably answer this: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/2707-new-can-i-archieve-this/
  7. Good stuff, MG. I can't wait to check out a video with the progress. Screen-shots for AI doesn't do any justice for it.
  8. GLSL: gl_LightSource[0].position lightDirection = normalize(vec3(gl_LightSource[0].position)); Honestly never tried it with LE but I wouldn't see why it wouldn't work.
  9. This all reminds me of my feature request on the old forum: http://leadwerks.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5807
  10. Wow, awesome job, MG. Going to download the demo and check it out. Great job.
  11. I haven't messed with LE particles in a while so I can't exactly give any help, but I just wanted to say how fantastic that looks. Instantly gives me the vision that the helicopter is about to take off, or landing.
  12. Yeah, figured it was an odd thing to do to block out your directory path, attempting to hide "2.4" lol. Failure.
  13. Not to mention it's only a predicted feature with unknown quality so at the moment it isn't worth anything. You can already create a sky and weather with the current engine; you just have to do it yourself.
  14. Do you even have a license, Wild Cat? Seems kind of odd to "white out" your directory structure in your screen-shots, lol.
  15. Very nice, the roads look great, and it's a good idea how you guys are doing them as well.
  16. Paul Thomas


    Meh, I got bored on this stormy day with my team absent, so I'm playing with some syntax creation. class Vec2 { float x float y function bool SomeLogic() if self.x > 1 return true end end } class Vec3 extends Vec2{ float x float y float z function vec3() return self end function vec3(x) self.x = x return self end function vec3(x, y, z = 0) self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z end function vec3 normalize() vec3 v float m m = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z) v.x = self.x / m v.y = self.y / m v.z = self.z / m return v end function float dot(vec3 v) return self.x * v.x + self.y * v.y + self.z * v.z end function string ToString() return self.x + ", "+self.y+", "+self.z end function bool SomeLogic() if self.x > 0 if self.x == 1 return true else if self.x >= 2 return false end end end return false end function bool SomeLogic(int x) if x > 0 return self.SomeLogic() else return super.SomeLogic() // calls Vec2.SomeLogic() end end } vec3 a vec3 b string c a = new vec3(1, 2, 3) a.normalize() if a.SomeLogic() == true print a.ToString() end c = a.ToString() b = a b.x = 5 b.y = 8.2 print a print b print c array<int> d array<int>[5] e array<int>[5,5] f d[foo] = 5 d[0] = 2 f[0][1] = 2 ' - comment // - comment /* */ - comment block ; - allowed and simply stripped out {} - allowed and simply stripped out if(a > 0){ return true; } if(a > 0) return true end if a > 0 return true case insensitive associate and dynamic arrays function overloading I use to do syntax creation a lot when attempting to build better PHP templating libraries like Smarty. Of course, this is different, but the end result is the same. It parses everything and spits out what it really should do.
  17. Oh yeah, I remember that was a feature request for a long time, since the last forum. Too bad that hasn't been added yet.
  18. Been a while since I've done much with LE, but I remember this part: Local myMaterial:tmaterial = LoadMaterial(FILE) SetShaderVec3(myMaterial.reference.shader, "ShaderVariableName", vec3(0,0,0)) ' SetShaderVec4 ' SetShaderFloat Not sure if that's what you meant exactly, but there you go.
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