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Everything posted by DerRidda

  1. The editor always fails to start for me at the moment just hanging up during the splash screen and closing after some time. This is not related to the Workshop, I'm unsubbed from everything and have deleted all workshop files from my disk. After deleting all leftover Leadwerks folders and config files and completely reinstalling the application I have figured out that Leadwerks isn't even getting to the point where it creates a log or config file before hanging up completely, it only manages to copy over the demo project.
  2. You ought to try this and add a Razer Hydra to the mix if you can get it. http://www.virtualrealityreviewer.com/GAME-detail/half-life-2-vr-mod-oculus-rift-development-kit-2/
  3. Somebody seems to have manipulated other people's entries, everyone now has marked every time slot as available for everybody except Josh.
  4. This string looks wrong, it should be an underscore between the en and US and you are missing utf-8. Try this instead setlocale(LC_ALL,"en_US.UTF-8")
  5. Sorry, this was directed at Josh to help him find out how he should implement deleting projects by moving them to the trash on Linux. The last bit was a joke. An intentional misspelling of Linux to Loonix, loon being slang for lunatic, a crazy person.
  6. Apparently the XDG standard for this is $XDG_DATA_HOME/Trash and if $XDG_DATA_HOME isn't set it should default to $HOME/.local/share/Trash (which is the standard trash folder under Ubuntu). So, first check if the data home one exists, if yes, move the folder there. If not, check for the one in .local/share and move the folder there. If both don't exist yell "Fix yo Loonix, dawg!" at the user.
  7. This is workshop related, I guess the transition in how workshop files are handled is causing trouble. I unsubscribed from every workshop item for Leadwerks and deleted the Workshop folder in ~/.leadwerks and now it starts up again.
  8. The latest beta build fails to start for me, it just crashes during the splash screen. While doing so it deleted the config file and also leaves the log file completely empty. So I can't really provide any detailed information because I'm bad at hooking up gdb or anything else to stuff that's starting through Steam.
  9. 1) Ubuntu 14.04 with Unity is the only officially supported distro at the moment. That being said you should be very well off with Lubuntu functionality wise but if the UI doesn't look right under LXDE you will have to live with that. 2) Do you mean packaging for your created games? It doesn't do distro specific packaging, it just zips everything up. Dependencies for games are fairly slim, I think it's X11, GLX, glibc and OpenAL. Pretty much only dependencies you have automatically fulfilled on any modern desktop distro. 3) The editor you should absolutely buy on Steam every other place is kinda treated second rate at the moment, your games can be sold outside of Steam though, that's up to you. 4) The editor is 32bit everywhere and the engine is 64bit on Linux and 32bit on Windows. 5) The USD199 edition still exists but is sold differently now. You buy the USD99.99 Indie Edition and add the USD99.99 Standard Edition DLC on Steam. 6) Mobile export is gone for the time but Mac support is still planned, just doesn't have a high priority now, so don't count on it being there soon.
  10. It seems like clicking inside the viewports is now always in drag-to-select mode even while shift/capslock is not pressed/enabled. No bounding box is drawn (with or without shift) but it is there and all objects inside it are selected on mouse release. Transformation and translation widgets are unusable now because of constantly being in drag mode making the editor unusable at the moment.
  11. It might also be worth to mention that what you experience is 100% expected behavior for polymesh physics shapes. They are for static geometry only.
  12. As long as every level stays well developed and accessible for the people that want to, I'm all for it. The built-in mapping tools are my personal candidate to apply the new focus to first.
  13. How are you going to tackle melee weapons? Basically just a very short range hit scan weapon (like HL2's crowbar) or something else?
  14. I tend to agree. I added a very simple recoil mechanic, select-fire, basic hud elements, ammo scarcity, ammo pickups and some more crawlers to the AI and Events map and it made that super short sequence I played a hundred times over a lot more fun.
  15. As a rule of thumb: If the sound file is coming from an entity in 3D space it most likely has to be mono. "Disembodied" ambient sound and background music could be stereo.
  16. Some of your wav files might be stereo while you are probably using them in a situation where they need to be mono.
  17. This was planned as a response to this thread in the micro blogging system (See: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/statuses/id/7596/) but look at the size of it and you will see why I made it a proper blog post instead. ___ Here's a hard truth for indie devs: Your stuff isn't anywhere near popular enough that you could even consider the dynamics of the entire market as you do not have a snowballs chance in hell of getting that kind of traction for your product. You are not going to reach the clear cut and homogeneous entirety of the Steam user base. Instead you are probably going to reach a barely predictable heterogeneous fraction of it. The majority of the market will simply not care so addressing an under served niche audience as well as the bulk of the market can be a very prudent choice. There's a reason why all three big Mac port publishers (Aspyr, Feral and Virtual Programming) have collectively started rolling out Linux ports. They understand the dynamics of a niche market, they have done business in one for years, exclusively. Check out these sales data articles (https://www.gamingonlinux.com/articles/sales-statistics-from-developers-part-3.4090), they are mostly concerned with Linux but quite often include Mac data as well. While some of these numbers are silly low ( often owed to the fact that these ports released months after the initial Windows only release and if you look at Rust in article 1 and 3 they manage to catch up) both platforms combined can run anywhere between 6-15 percent regularly, significantly more in extreme cases. It's mostly the popular indie titles that have platform statistics more in line with total market share. But be frank with yourself: How likely is it that your game is going to be the next Rust compared to the likelihood of it being any of these games you have never heard about before? Could you honestly just ignore around 10% of total sales? (Much more in percent if you look at it as an increase over a Windows only release.) In essence you are running the Lemonade stand on the street so thinking like you were the CEO of Coca Cola doesn't exactly apply to you. And while Mac's growth is certainly limited due to the nature of being based on premium products (Some people will never shell out this much extra for a computer while cheaper options exist.) Steam Machines could increase the size of the Linux install base enormously while having just about no chance of negatively affecting the Linux market share. The people that are already using Linux for gaming on desktops do not care whether or not console machines do well or fizzle into irrelevance.
  18. The last guy in that quote has shipped plenty of Linux and OS X game ports already but he is prone to hyperbole. But even if you don't want to use it, reading SDL2's code would still be good, especially to get a proper full screen window and not just a borderless full screen window, like them lazy devs do.
  19. Here's something a little more helpful somebody dug out of his IRC logs. N***r: <S2Slacker> It uses EWMH fullscreen instead of using an override-redirect window on top that ignores the window manager N***r: <N***r> but it still uses xrandr or something to change resolution? N***r: <S2Slacker> yes, NV-CONTROL for nvidia and RANDR for ati/intel (and nvidia if dynamic twinview is disabled) N***r: <S2Slacker> just can't use XFree86-VidModeExtension as the fullscreen hint doesn't work right for gnome/kde when you change resolutions using it N***r: <S2Slacker> that's why you can't change the fullscreen resolution when using Xinerama This is quite old though.
  20. BTW: The Leadwerks account has over 1k followers on Twitter, maybe put out an official call for help there, so more people can see it and will RT it. The more eyeballs on this, the better. X versed devs don't exactly grow on trees. EDIT: Nerds react too... Writing directly to X11! m***u: just borrow from SDL N***r: oh he's coding directly for X? N***r: maybe create an SDL wrapper for him and say 'just use this damnit' f***o: **** me who seriously writes to X anymore f***o: i don't know what this code does and neither does anyone else in the world
  21. Maybe it's related to that sidebar that is unique to the shader editor? EDIT: I'm in the beta channel on Steam, btw.
  22. The reason I didn't notice this earlier is because I never even opened the shader editor before. But now I did and closing it always crashes the whole editor. The regular script editor is fine.
  23. I've forwarded this in a few places and looked at it myself and while I'm not that great a coder I don't even fully comprehend the where and how you are trying to create a full screen window after reading it (I only see redirecting the override but that sounds like stuff is missing). Mind pointing it out? Also: http://www.tonyobryan.com/index.php?article=9 At the bottom there's a Linux/GLX related tutorial: http://nehe.gamedev.net/tutorial/creating_an_opengl_window_win32/13001/ And have you looked at how SDL does it? Even if you are not using it wholly you can still use their code, the zlib license allows for it.
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