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Everything posted by Rick

  1. http://www.nchsoftware.com/capture/ This one was nice.
  2. That didn't work out well. It killed the fps to about 9. Plus I only get 30 seconds.
  3. I want to make a video showing what I'm doing. It also would need sound. Is there any free software that could capture a window like the Leadwerks Editor?
  4. Are we able to set a lua table to a models user data? I'm not sure if someone mentioned this before but that would also solve the multi lua state issue. Since we are able to cycle through all world entities, we could get the entity lua table that is assigned to the model, that would make things global.
  5. I can scale models in the editor. So that part is working.
  6. I actually like the airplane one. I'll spin off that. First person camera view You are in your seat next to some big fat guy who won't shut up. You can move your camera around but can't move yet. Things are happening around you like people talking, people getting drinks, etc. The ride starts getting rough Captain comes on and says things are ok and there is nothing to be worried about You notice people saying something about their window is making a strange noise. You lose control of your camera and it slowly turns to the seats on the other side of the plane. Then a hole blows open and all hell breaks out. Those people fly out of the plane in their seats. You have control of our camera in terms of looking around. The plane pitches forward to indicate it's spinning out of control. Crazy wind sound and people screaming. You hear a noise getting closer and closer (hint: it's the ground) Big crash noise and screen goes black. Load Scene. Camera is laying on the ground. It does some blinking (black over screen kind) and things are blurry. The camera slowly rotates upright (you are standing up) and things get focused. You now have full control and the game starts. All of this is fully possible with the scripting system I have. The only issue I'd have is the assets. So for now it'll be crappy programmer art. This will be my goal.
  7. From what I remember it wouldn't work because your models needs a .phy file to handle collisions. I'm guessing the .phy file isn't getting scaled the same as your model. I don't see why it couldn't though. LE would need to look at the model scale and adjust the .phy file accordingly.
  8. In your set key I think you need to get the entity from the model passed into the function. I think there is some base_Entity() or whatever where you can pass in a model and get the entity (which would really be a lua table object and not an LE TEntity). You would probably need to do the same thing in your picking code as well because I think pick.entity is TEntity and not the lua table object, but I could be wrong there.
  9. But what would be impressive about it? The functionality or the graphics? I'm more looking for the functionality side since I suck at graphics, but maybe if I can get the functionality someone will make the graphics.
  10. Rick


    Ah perfect, thanks guys. I keep forgetting that's how he set it up.
  11. Use the Kill function. Example: function Kill(model) local entity entity=entitytable[model] if entity~=nil then if entity.tire[0]~=nil then entity.tire[0]:Free() end if entity.tire[1]~=nil then entity.tire[1]:Free() end if entity.tire[2]~=nil then entity.tire[2]:Free() end if entity.tire[3]~=nil then entity.tire[3]:Free() end end end
  12. Rick


    I must be missing something. I can't seem to get my camera to point at another entity using PointEntity(). I know I have the camera object and the other object because I can set the position of my camera to the position of the object, but when I try pointing my camera to this object it doesn't seem to work. What am I missing? I'm using the fpscontroller.lua but I commented out any camera movement/rotation code in there. m = GetEntityByName("pivot01") PointEntity(fw.main.camera, m, 3, 1.0, 0.0)
  13. Rick

    December 7, 2009

    I want global variables but with a way to avoid naming collisions. Something like namespaces. Are all these classes global? So if I create a variable apart of the class I can access it via the class in another file?
  14. Anything you want. Just think of a cool intro to a game that is in-game (not a video cut scene). Any genre you want.
  15. I need some ideas for a cool opening scene that is played out in the engine as a script. Just say anything that you would like to see and you think would be cool. Any perspective or anything. I just need ideas. Thanks
  16. From my understanding the entity is a lua table where the model is an LE TModel. You can create/load any number of models and add a variable to the entity assigning your loaded model. entity = base_Entity(model) entity.mycrazyvariablename = LoadModel("abstract::mymodel.gmf") entity.anothercrazyvariablename = 5 And now these variables added to the entity table can be used anytime in your entities script I think Josh mentioned he might change the naming from entity to object since LE has a TEntity and it can be confusing when we see the word entity because does it mean a TEntity or just a lua variable? It's a lua variable but it can be confusing.
  17. You could give a setting for models that you want to be picked. pickable = true for example. Then check this setting.
  18. Rick

    December 7, 2009

    Oh, I thought you were worried about global names colliding, but that works for me. We still might run into issues with custom objects that we all create. Might encourage some kind of variable naming convention. Those kind of bugs might be tough to find.
  19. Rick

    December 7, 2009

    I think that looks pretty good. So how would we go about making global variables with this new single state design since that would be one of the benefits.
  20. Rick

    Day-Night Cycle

    I wonder how a somewhat realistic approach would look. Make a sun & moon model and place it in the sky. Then rotate them around the "world".
  21. Could we get a 2D drawing function that gets called automatically from the engine/editor? This should be pretty easy to do I would think. It's just like Update(), but this would be right before the Flip() method. It would work just like the other functions in that if it doesn't exist for an object it just doesn't get called. This would allow us to make 2D objects that people could plug-n-play via the editor that would provide huds and gui controls. I think this would go well with the new single state model as other objects would probably require data and feed data to these. I know a possible solution currently would be to do something like billboards but it would be nice to have this option also.
  22. The crappy part currently is that it would require a change to the fps and other "game" scripts. If Josh made each entity call a 2D draw function in the correct place by default then we shouldn't have to require changes to these and it would make it easier. I'll make a feature request for it.
  23. Rick

    DoWait() working

    The above is bugged btw. I have the fix just didn't post it yet. I also have DoSound() working now too which is cool. Give it a sound file and it won't continue with the script until the sound is completed. Currently working on DoMove(). My goal to show all of these off is to create a scene where the camera starts at one place and moves from pivot to pivot around the map, stopping at some pivots to explain something via sound, and continuing on after the sound is complete.
  24. He can, but how much cooler would it be to be able to distribute an entity that you can just drag & drop into the editor and have it do 2D stuff. People could make 2D HUDs and interfaces that we can just drop & drag into the editor. Now that's cool.
  25. Where are you doing this? In the main loop right before Flip() or in an entity? Remember that 2D needs to be done right before the Flip() statement so really an entity can't handle this right now. I think Josh should create a function that gets called per entity right before the Flip() so it can though. You could probably do this though by adding some code in the fps code. Loop through all entities and if the function Draw2D() exists call it. Then in the entity you want to do this add a Draw2D() function.
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