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Everything posted by Josh

  1. I just changed some permissions to allow regular members to post there. It was set to only allow Leadwerks Engine developers.
  2. No, that isn't a problem. I'd just rather have the report in your name than my own, so I don't get confused later, and I sometimes message people when their problems are solved. I'm not sure why people are so resistant to using the bug tracker, all you have to do is copy and paste your first post in this thread.
  3. 3D World Studio stores meshes with Euler rotations. You may need to flip a few signs to get the eulers to match the coordinate system in XNA. I think someone has already done a loader for XNA, though, so you might want to look at that.
  4. The bug tracker will reflect any changes in the status of this issue.
  5. Thank you. Can you please file a bug report here so this can get fixed?: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/tracker/project-2-3d-world-studio/
  6. Josh

    outlining a cube

    The way I find visible outlines in CSG calculations is as follows: Each edge occurs between two faces, right? And each face has a normal. A normal either faces towards or away from the camera (or perpindicular to, but we'll call that "away"). For each edge, if one face's normal points towards the camera and one points away from the camera, that edge is a visible outline edge. For arbitrary geometry, this will require some more detailed data structures than just a vertex and indice array, but for cubes you can probably figure out something simpler.
  7. Does this occur with the current version of 3D World Studio, version 5.6?: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/231-3d-world-studio-demo
  8. Josh

    Field Trip

    Some interesting observations here. It seems like for premade models, it's all or nothing. If a single character has a value of n, a complete pack of characters has a value greater than 10n. So it would be best to focus on producing large sets of complete game assets instead of individual items.
  9. Josh

    Shadow problem

    I opened your scene in the editor and set the time of day to 12 noon and don't see any problem: Don't set the light range to 7500. By default it is around 300. With directional lights, this is the depth over which the shadow is rendered, from the point of view of the light camera, when rendering the shadow. The second value of SetShadowDistance() should always be 1.0 for directional lights. 1.1 will render a slightly larger range of depth, skewing the results towards the shadow camera the further away a pixel is. 0.9 would tend to stretch the shadow away from the shadow camera. These values can be useful for point lights, because you can't use a linear shift and get the edges of the cubemap to line up, but multiplicative will work. Without a scene that demonstrates the problem I cannot help you any further.
  10. You should not need to manually cull anything. If you scene is slow, you need to think about cutting it down. The engine can handle an enormous amount of geometry, so I think you must be causing some extreme inefficiency in your scene. I can't say more without seeing a scene file.
  11. My guess would be a problem with the texture file.
  12. Josh

    Field Trip

    I was at a shopping center this afternoon wasting time, and came across a hobby shop. I can't quite articulate what it is about stuff like this that I like, but this is what I want game development with Leadwerks3D to be like. This is why I set up the Leadwerks Asset Store and make the effort to make nice thumbnails with transparency to show off items in 3D. I want more game development to be a process of producing reusable components, and then at the design level, of picking and choosing which components to utilize. This is the kind of stuff I used to do as a kid, which undoubtedly paved the way for my future work in 3D graphics. I particularly like the packaging on the box in the first image: "You can do it!" I should use that. B) Post your thoughts below.
  13. Josh


    PointEntity() only rotates an entity.
  14. The entities get stored in an octree which discards large amounts of entities at a time. You can't expect to have tens of thousands of entities rendering at a good framerate, unless they are placed in the vegetation system. That's just the way computer graphics work. Any other engine will have similar results.
  15. That's not a supported command, don't ever use that. What other behavior did you expect?
  16. Josh

    Shadow problem

    The defaults are 0.31, 0.40, 0.70, and 1.50. I can't help you beyond that unless you post an example program I can run or a scene I can load in the editor.
  17. Josh

    Shadow problem

    The shadow distance parameter controls the distances at which the directional light stages switch to the next lowest res image. There are three stages in a directional light shadow. You'll need to play around with the values to get the result you want. The shadow offset gives a slight offset to the shadow. Actually, I think this is probably causing your problem...increase it and see what happens.
  18. L3DT is great for this, and the free version goes up to 2048x2048. Michael Betke has also done a lot using GIS data and satellite images.
  19. Josh

    Shadow problem

    The light range on directional lights indicates the scale over which the shadow depth is distributed. A larger range will eliminate shadow artifacts that occur when geometry intersects the near camera range when the shadow is rendered. I can't tell from your images if this is the case for sure, but that's the only thing I've ever seen cause a problem.
  20. I'd use the entity red and green colors for the UV offset.
  21. FYI, in Leadwerks3D you can do this with all assets to load a new copy: Model* model = LoadModel("mymodel.mdl",LOAD_UNIQUE);
  22. The engine automatically instances meshes when you load a file from the same path.
  23. Josh


    He was on a few days ago.
  24. Thanks for finding that error.
  25. Check in the model viewer to make sure the file contains a limb with that name. It is case-sensitive. If it's there, FindChild() will find it.
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