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Everything posted by Josh

  1. I experienced this in pure depth-calculated approaches because there was no way to know whether the face was angled, or if it was on an edge with another pixel next to it, further back in the depth buffer.
  2. Incidentally, the reason Crysis SSAO tends to shade object faces for no reason is that because Crysis is a forward renderer, they have no access to screen normals data in the post processing pass. That's why Lord Hippo's SSAO looks better.
  3. In normal usage culling will result in a massive improvement to otherwise unplayable framerates. If you pack thousands of entities into a small space, of course performance will be bad. It's fine for polygon counts to be high, but you should keep the number of passes / meshes as low as possible. This is the nature of modern graphics hardware.
  4. It's working as I would expect. Culling has a cost, but typically also results in savings because entities get skipped. If all entities are onscreen, there will be no savings to balance this cost. It's drawing a lot of meshes for the shadow render. The directional light shadow does not just render what you see, it renders anything the directional light sees that might cast a shadow into your field of view. An object can be offscreen, but still cast a shadow that falls onscreen. The directional light shadow renders three passes for the different light volumes the shadow uses. If you disable shadows you will see that the number of entities drawn corresponds perfectly to what you see onscreen.
  5. You may want to check the model's bounding box. This is a fairly common issue with animated models. Sometimes the animation makes vertices move outside the original bounding box. The solution is to add a few dummy vertices that encompass the entire range of motion.
  6. The limiting factor is how quickly LuaJIT comes up-to-date. We won't see this in LE2.
  7. 3D World Studio is a modeling program to make interior environments and buildings. It is not a game engine.
  8. The BlitzMax module and DLL are updated. ForEachEntityInAABBDo should work with Lua. Just supply the function name instead of a pointer. Requires BlitzMax 1.45.
  9. GetModelLODEntity() and CountModelLODEntities() will let you access all LOD versions of a model. LOD entities get removed from the model hierarchy and are not children when they are not in use at a certain distance. This is because a simple rotation or repositioning of the root model requires all child matrices to be updated. If you have a character with 100 bones, and three LOD levels, that means ~300 matrices have to be updated each time anything moves! In Leadwerks3D, hidden entities will simply not have their matrices updated at all, and LOD entities will still be children. This is a tradeoff because it means you can never count on a hidden entity to have correct matrix data.
  10. I can't comment on the scene without seeing it on my own computer. Something seems really wrong. I see about 20 models onscreen, not 300.
  11. Much more. I think I have the ForEach... command working now with Lua, will upload tonight...
  12. If all your entities are parented to one pivot, as they are when you load a scene, they will all be iterated through, at least. After loading a scene, the first thing to do is unparent everything from the scene root, which provides an easy way to keep track of what just got loaded. However, you should use the vegetation system for stuff like this, as it is specially designed to be very efficient for static objects.
  13. Something is wrong if 4000 entities are being drawn. The Zone only had about 1000 at any given time. Perhaps you have large numbers of models that have complex hierarchies. I can't diagnose this further without seeing the scene files.
  14. No, these get removed from the octree and will not be iterated through.
  15. 3D World Studio doesn't necessarily need a dedicated forum, since the program is so easy to use. If you do need one, I recommend the 3D World Studio forum on TheGameCreators.com. It will make more sense six months from now.
  16. Just run the installer/updater, and you know you are up to date. I haven't made any changes in about 6 weeks.
  17. Awwww, you called her an angel. I'm sorry if my reply came across as terse, but I was up until midnight this morning coding the new art pipeline, and I don't always have time to write a big statement about anything. We take the quality of discourse around here pretty seriously, and hijacking threads is considered a big violation of the rules.
  18. All 3D World Studio posts were moved to "3D Artwork". 3D World Studio and Leadwerks Engine functionality are merging in the next version of the engine. I admit this will be a little awkward for a few months, but it will all make sense after Leadwerks3D is released.
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