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Posts posted by Josh

  1. It was easy to get it to compile, but all I've got right now is a blue screen, so I am talking to Canonical about the driver situation in 13.10. I have someone else who is going to handle the remaining GTK stuff, which is the real grunt work, but this part is something I have to stay on top of. Also writing the GL4 renderer right now.

  2. Terrains render a series of repeating patches (for LOD levels) and render the area around the camera dynamically. The height date is stored in a 16-bit luminosity texture so a 4096x4096 terrain can be fit in just 33 mb of memory. If this were a model, the memory usage would be hundreds of megabytes.


    So the advantages are:

    • They render faster.
    • They use less memory.

  3. Need some inspiration? Here are some physics puzzles from different games:


    At 9:25 a box is blocking the engine from moving:


    Turn two wheels to open a door:



    At 8:17 the player turns a wheel to move a crane and bridge a gap so they can get across:


    At 2:00 various gears are assembled to make an engine:


    Other ideas:

    • Turning electricity on and off to make an area passable.
    • Controlling a crane to move objects around.
    • Running through a Halloween horror machine and dodging moving spinning blades.
    • And of course, your own off-the-wall ideas that go beyond this.


    The best approach is probably a simple idea with good execution.

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