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Posts posted by Josh

  1. In a word: Speed. When you don't have all those Windows background processes going, games run fast.


    OpenGL rendering in Linux is faster than OpenGL or DirectX rendering in Windows. The Linux community is doing work now to make it even faster, with performance in the neighborhood of 200% Windows performance, on the same hardware.

  2. Hey, does the license allow for SINGLE USER simultaneous installs on desktop and laptop - without having to go through activation/deactivation toggling...? I have a PC at work, but use a Macbook at home on the weekends...

    Yes, that's fine.
  3. I have that code in Main App.lua :


    function App:Start()
    --Set the application title
    --Load a map
    local mapfile = System:GetProperty("map","Maps/start.map")
    if Map:Load(mapfile)==false then return false end
    return true
    function App:Loop()
    if self.window:KeyDown(Key.L) then
    return true


    The problem is in the app loop calling : Map:Load("Maps/start2.map")

    says unknown function ? what did i missed laugh.png ?

    I copied and pasted this into the script editor to run it, but since it is not an actual runnable script I am not pursuing my investigation any further at this time.
  4. The axis argument is the axis to point, and I think he wants control of the axis it rotates around.


    If you want to rotate around the Y axis, find the XZ vector between the two entities. Something like this will do it:

    Vec2 v = entity0->GetPosition(true).xz() - entity1->GetPosition(true).xz();
    float angle = Math::ATan2(v.y,v.x);

  5. Try adding this to the end of the RectangleTesselator::Computer function:



    I am curious why you are duplicating the built-in terrain. That paper is describing almost the same exact technique I implemented. (Their geometry approach is a little different, but it looks like the texturing technique is identical.) Not that I mind.


    Their geometry approach is nice in that it would only require a few passes, although it would be more restrictive with LOD distances and max view range. Something to think about at some later point...

  6. Bear in mind if something is not documented it may not work completely, or may be subject to change in the future. For example, wireframe rendering does not work on mobile devices.


    If you are fine with that, feel free to poke around the headers and discover secret features.

  7. Linus was criticizing Nvidia for not programming switching between an integrated Intel graphics chip and the NVidia card, dynamically. This caused Linux laptops with NVidia cards to always use them, leading to shorter battery life.


    Leadwerks 2 would not have run on an old integrated graphics chip, either.


    For both ATI and NVidia, the proprietary drivers are far better than the open source alternatives.


    There is a lot of interesting things going on behind the scenes with regards to the software and hardware for Linux gaming. It's very exciting to be working together with other companies to seize our own destiny out of the jaws of Windows 8.

  8. Those games are all DirectX games. Intel's support for OpenGL is pretty poor. Even when Leadwerks is released for Linux you will need a GPU to take advantage of it. Or even an AMD APU, which are like Intel integrated graphics except not terrible.


    Crippling OpenGL is one of the tricks MS and Intel use for vendor lock-in, whether it's intentional or just out of negligence.


    You can get a GPU with 100x the performance you have now for less than $100.

  9. You run into problems like characters on two different navmeshes not avoiding each other. So at this time I am not going to try to make it more complicated than that. I think you will find characters of very different sizes can use the same size physics. I see this all the time in AAA games.

  10. 1. From what I understand in the past Leadwerks has had a mix of paid and free updates. Is this going to continue?

    Our business model is to release paid updates every 9-12 months, with free patches in between for bug fixes and small enhancements.


    2. I am not a programmer however I am an 3D Artist. Are there Programmers here willing to deal with my concepts? Just as long as I am willing to produce art for the project.

    I think you will find there are a lot of programmers here who need an artist to work with.


    4. Will the Ubuntu Linux exporter be included in the 200.00 purchase for leadwerks as an free upgrade?

    Leadwerks 3.1 is scheduled for release in December, at which point Linux support will be included. It will not be included in the current version 3.0, so you may want to wait until December.


    5. I have come from a relatively negative community *Cough* CryDev *Cough*. how positive is the Leadwerks community? I know that this is rather silly to ask. But when someone needs help and they just "troll" you till you leave both in PM and the recruitment thread you made. It is rather not helpful... So you can see why I left CryDev.

    I don't know anything about the Crytek modding community, although I am a fan of Crytek. I think you will find the community is generally very helpful.


    1. Does leadwerks 3 have support for terrain stitching via code or via GUI? From what I understand terrain was just added in.

    Our system uses one terrain per scene so there is no need to stitch separate pieces together.


    2. Does leadwerks 3 have support for multiple LOD (Level of Detail) Models?

    It's not built in yet, because it's not that high-priority, but it's fairly easy to add in the future.


    3. Does leadwerks 3 have support for game controllers/Game Pads?

    Not built in, but when the OUYA support is added we will need a general API for game controllers. It would make sense to add PC controllers at the same time, especially with the upcoming SteamBox console.


    Since Leadwerks is a C++ library it is fairly easy to integrate game controllers APIs in yourself.


    4. Does leadwerks 3 have support for the 3DConnexion Space Navigator in the editor? LINK

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