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Everything posted by Josh

  1. No, but you can create one label on top of another. I think this is okay for now. There will undoubtedly be a lot of small adjustments that are needed. This should be fixed, but I think it can wait a little bit.
  2. I've been waiting for someone to mention this.... What you are seeing is happening because the culling is asynchronous. When you quickly scroll some items pop into view, but since a new visibility list has not been received from the culling thread, it does not draw the new objects that are in view yet. You can get the same effect with a listbox with many items or a treeview. There are some different possible solutions for this. I could make the camera culling frustum bigger, or disable frustum culling on a per-object basis. It is probably best to get the engine in people's hands first, see how it gets used, and then decide on a solution.
  3. Update Fixed keydown state not working Fixed widget clipping bug
  4. When I right-click the mouse the red panel appears. Maybe your installation is not up to date?
  5. I’ll send you some code...
  6. That's crazy! How is the IDE text being drawn?
  7. Cleaned and rebuilt the library.
  8. I don't feel like the usage of this is common enough to warrant a method. Update Fixed widget clipping
  9. I want to note that MouseEnter() etc. are now protected methods. They can be accessed from a subclass of Widget, but not from outside the class. However, you can duplicate this behavior by feeding an event into Interface::ProcessEvent.
  10. Cake is ready? Update subclassed the namespaces so UltraRender:: is now UltraEngine::Render::, etc. This won't affect you, but the preprocessor has been updated. In the preprocessor main.cpp file there are two mentions of "UltraCore". These should be changed to UltraEngine::Core: https://github.com/UltraEngine/Preprocessor/blob/main/Source/main.cpp
  11. Fixed cubemap DDS loader error.
  12. Update Added support for RGB/BGR formats in DDS files Fixed widgetblock transparency problem
  13. Although both DX and Vulkan do not support RGB or GBR texture formats, it appears the DDS file format can store these. So I added some code to convert this data to RGBA when it is encounterd.
  14. What program did you save the file from? RGB8 is not a valid DDS format: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dxgiformat/ne-dxgiformat-dxgi_format?redirectedfrom=MSDN
  15. Update Fixed spotlight shadow refresh bug
  16. You can upload the Zips and I will try it, if you can reliably reproduce the problem. Compression is an all-or-nothing thing. I doubt using max compression will make any difference.
  17. The only restriction is you should not use AES encryption.
  18. Update Fixed a problem with bone scale not being loaded from MDL files. The previous problem with bone positions in skinned models in Cyclone maps is solved. Fixed a problem with scale not being considered during animation. Was able to load level 8 with no problems with several zip files: I have also noticed animated models are not causing spotlights to refresh their shadows.
  19. Was that the cause of your problem? Update Prefabs will now be cached and instanced when loaded, instead of loading from the file each time. This is a little more efficient and you'll see fewer printed messages.
  20. Maybe the folder is missing in the zip file? Does prefabs.zip contain a folder called Prefabs?
  21. And Another You may see significant improvement in speed when skinned meshes are in use
  22. Important Update Fixed some problems with skinned models. Not completely sure if the bone starting positions are correct or not, but other than that it should be good. Fixed problem where probe and light textures never got released. Was unable to see any problems loading scenes from a zip package, may be fixed.
  23. Okay, I have to break the RenderTexture class down into two classes, otherwise it will never go out of scope...
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