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Everything posted by Josh

  1. There actually is a RenderTexture::GetImageLayout method if you feel brave, but I would not come to rely on this.
  2. I don't know, because I am pretty sure any textures that have been created are initialized in a step prior to user hooks being called. I have not changed anything here. Does the code still work the same in release mode? It is possible for validation layers to have bugs.
  3. Josh

    Scifi Corridor

    Yes, but just this corridor is about 7 million polygons. I think you could get about the same look with a low-poly model.
  4. You guys in the developer group can see the store page WIP: https://www.ultraengine.com/community/store/product/11-ultra-engine-early-access/ The interface allows you to purchase any number of months at a time, so that takes care of one request we had, without making a separate product.
  5. If the image layout is undefined that means the initial image has not been initialized / had any pixel data sent to it yet. I gave up on image layouts and I just use the general layout for everything, but there is still the first transition from UNDEFINED to GENERAL. The CreateTexture function is designed to avoid this problem, but maybe a texture is being created somehow without any pixel data being applied?
  6. I take that last part back. On closer inspection, there is no disadvantage to using the GUI like this. Don't worry.
  7. @SpiderPigI fixed the shader family reload issue. Fix will be in the next update. However, it might be slightly faster if you use a sprite instead. When you use a sprite and call SetText() it reuses the same mesh, whereas the GUI is more complex and may create new sprites.
  8. The install path of the client app is the install path of the program. You can change this when you run the client installer. See the documentation for World::Render. There's a parameter to disable vsync.
  9. Benchmarks are updated so they will work with AMD 480/580 cards: https://github.com/UltraEngine/Benchmarks
  10. Updated the client installer. All this does is fix the goofy wobbly spinner animation. If you download it, wait a few minutes from now for the CDN to propagate.
  11. Update Added work around for some invalid WAV files. I think the file above might have an error in it, but it can be avoided. Eliminated OpenAL error messages on shutdown. Fixed sound range not working. Example: https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/Entity_Listen?lang=cpp
  12. Update Fixed compatibility with AMD 480/580 cards with @reepblue's help. That is a load off my mind. 😌
  13. The main website and the header here are all using resolution-independent SVG images wherever possible. Looks quite good!
  14. Client installer is updated. All this does is add the fix below so the window border isn't white when it is not the active window, and updates the EULA https://www.ultraengine.com/community/topic/61266-dark-window-titlebar/#comment-297899
  15. EULA is finalized. It's the same as Leadwerks but does not allow for use by a company with >= $100,000 in revenue, or by any government or military agency: https://www.ultraengine.com/eula (These are still possible, but require a separate licensing agreement.)
  16. You can make a Window have dark / black titlebar without overriding drawing: #include <dwmapi.h> // put this somewhere... //Get the display list auto displays = GetDisplays(); //Create a window auto window = CreateWindow("Ultra Engine", 0, 0, 1280, 720, displays[0], WINDOW_HIDDEN | WINDOW_CENTER | WINDOW_TITLEBAR); BOOL USE_DARK_MODE = true; BOOL SET_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE_SUCCESS = SUCCEEDED(DwmSetWindowAttribute( window->GetHandle(), DWMWINDOWATTRIBUTE::DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE, &USE_DARK_MODE, sizeof(USE_DARK_MODE))); window->SetHidden(false); This requires the WIndows 11 SDK to be installed (which still works with Win10). Unfortunately on Windows 10 it appears all this does is prevent the window titlebar from being white when it is not active. The titlbar will still be the primary system color when the window is active. But it's an improvement. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39261826/change-the-color-of-the-title-bar-caption-of-a-win32-application
  17. Josh


    This is an interesting implementation of the marching cubes algorithm. I'm going to leave this here and maybe try it out some time. Metaballs2.zip
  18. Update Fixed validation error Camera::Pick and World::Pick changed to use callback filter instead of collision type. Example here: https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/Camera_Pick?lang=cpp
  19. I installed the latest version of the Vulkan SDK and I get the same validation error. I think I just have to specify the nearest filter when I create that texture.
  20. Client installer is updated. The changes are only cosmetic but I think you will like it: https://github.com/UltraEngine/ultraengine.github.io/raw/main/files/UltraClient.exe
  21. I might implement this as a more capable collision API, so I would like to hold off on it right now.
  22. That's what I get for uploading before I go to bed...I updated it again, should be working fine. @klepto2 Is that validation error occurring as a result of your own Vulkan code? It says the problem is an RGBA 32-bit integer texture is using a linear sampler.
  23. 1. No, it performs a raycast test on the mesh geometry. 2. The collision type follows the rules of the collision responses: https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/World_SetCollisionResponse?lang=cpp 3. There is a feature partially implemented that would perform a raycast on the physics collider instead of the visual geometry. It's not accessible so I should fix the docs. 4. See #2. It would be possible for me to add a callback function to handle the filtering yourself. That might be a better approach for Ultra. It would be something like this: bool PickFilter(shared_ptr<Entity> entity, shared_ptr<Object> extra) { //This makes it so only a terrain can be picked if (entity->As<Terrain>()) return true; else return false; }
  24. Update Fixed this issue: https://www.ultraengine.com/community/topic/61132-ultra-engine-testing/page/26/#comment-297777 @klepto2Quads are probably better for water. You can create a quad mesh by supplying MESH_QUADS in the last parameter. Basically for any geometry that can use quads, that will always tessellate better than triangles.
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