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  1. Today
  2. I just spent many many hours converting, and texturing some rocks. then saved. I just came back into the editor the following day and loaded my map to find that none of the models/mats or colliders got saved,. So I redone a few of the rock formations and exited out the editor again.. To my surprise nothing got saved AGAIN. These models are lod 0, 1 to 3 with degrading materials on each LOD level.. the collider is based off the last LOD model.
  3. Josh

    sRGB color space

    Finally had time to sort out proper sRGB ->linear ->sRGB mapping.
  4. Einar


    I have gotten somewhat off my arse in terms of LUA programming, however I cannot seem to program a button in the menu screen to restart the current scene, if any help or assistance can be provided, thank you.
  5. 0.9.6 Added cubemap IBL sampler. See Scripts > Utilities > Cubemap to PBR in the main menu.
  6. Limit will be raised to 16384 in the next build.
  7. 0.9.6 HDRI to PBR tool now performs color space conversion so images will look more like you would expect them to. Added Pixmap methods sRgbToLinear and LinearTosRgb.
  8. Yep, if you load an image with a 6x1 aspect ratio, the option for cubemaps will appear:
  9. Nvidia Texture Tool might be the easiest: https://developer.nvidia.com/texture-tools-exporter
  10. You can use these tools to assemble DDS cubemaps: https://github.com/microsoft/DirectXTex Example: texassemble cube -w 1024 -h 1024 -o cubemap.dds px.jpg nx.jpg py.jpg ny.jpg pz.jpg nz.jpg texconv cubemap.dds -m 0 -y -f BC1_UNORM
  11. With the old Leadwerks converter the conversion to mdl works.
  12. What are the steps to create a sky for Ultra Engine?
  13. 0.9.6 HDRI to PBR tool now supports EXR files as inputs.
  14. Yesterday
  15. It's working. Those pixels are blank. They have no material assigned to them. Don't think of the materials layers as being on top of each other. They aren't. Each terrain point just has a material assigned to it.
  16. The button clear layer no Work. The material is still there, but in the field you can see the void where the material was.
  17. These are the environment settings I am using in my forest scene forest_env.json
  18. I reverted the terrain system back to using bindless textures and forgot to update some shaders. It's available now.
  19. Josh

    Canyon WIP

    This is much more the look I wanted to get. I used a different skybox, added auto-exposure, and detail textures.
  20. 0.9.6 Shader update to fix terrain error on Nvidia cards.
  21. A basic implementation of HDRI to PBR is now available in the editor, without using Vulkan. See Scripts > Utilities > Hdri to PBR in the main menu.
  22. Just making some examples here for later: https://ambientcg.com/api/v2/full_json?type=HDRI&sort=Popular&limit=10&include=downloadData&offset=0 Docs: https://docs.ambientcg.com/api/v2/full_json/
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