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  1. Past hour
  2. 0.9.6 Fixed bug when saving animated models with out-of-order bones IDs. Fixed bug where animation controls could crash editor if extract animation window had not been opened yet.
  3. Today
  4. I can see the bone IDs in the saved model do not match the original. This is likely the cause...
  5. 0.9.6 Fixed bug where removing an entity component still saved it in the scene.
  6. I couldn't convert FBX to MDL. I thought it was a bug. Turns out, you need to download VS2012 run-time. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679 Now the FBX to MDL works. Thanks Josh!
  7. Update WL #5 - Mounts After a lot of changes to how I originally was going to implement mounts, I finally decided on a path and began working on it. To my surprise I did not run into many speed bumps other than animating in blender and getting formats to work as they should. There's still some polishing to do overall with mounts but the framework is there and it's solid. In trying to follow the standard way of doing things in UAGC, I made a prefab for mounts with as little options as possible to keep things simple. That's really all there's needed to get a rideable mount into a game using UAGC, I will be including my horse mount as a starter mount but by using the same skeletal rigging - any mount mesh will work. I have later plans on adding exotic mounts like dragons and bears and such but for now I'm happy with just having this framework completed. This component took a good 2 weeks to complete and contains over 2,000 lines of optimized code. The update: Added: Mounts component Unlimited mounts allowed per map Mounts are configurable with variables such as scale, speed and handling. Mount name label system Mounts can go to sleep after x amount of time of no use. ( they wake back up when the player gets within range ) . Mount component is now intertwined with the player controller routines to provide a submersive experience. Sound effects added for all areas of mount riding. Mounts interact with the environment allowing for collection of powers ups and loot boxes from within the saddle. Added functions to easily allow me to install swimming and water interaction abilities when I get that far along. Added expandable functions for flying mounts. ( wip ) Combat functions are in place, not working yet but they will as soon as I get enemy AI in place. Combat from the saddle will be possible. The animal itself will be configurable for combat. ( battle-mounts* ). And much more ! The media:
  8. Update WL #5 - Mounts After a lot of changes to how I originally was going to implement mounts, I finally decided on a path and began working on it. To my surprise I did not run into many speed bumps other than animating in blender and getting formats to work as they should. There's still some polishing to do overall with mounts but the framework is there and it's solid. In trying to follow the standard way of doing things in UAGC, I made a prefab for mounts with as little options as possible to keep things simple. That's really all there's needed to get a rideable mount into a game using UAGC, I will be including my horse mount as a starter mount but by using the same skeletal rigging - any mount mesh will work. I have later plans on adding exotic mounts like dragons and bears and such but for now I'm happy with just having this framework completed. This component took a good 2 weeks to complete and contains over 2,000 lines of optimized code. The update: Added: Mounts component Unlimited mounts allowed per map Mounts are configurable with variables such as scale, speed and handling. Mount name label system Mounts can go to sleep after x amount of time of no use. ( they wake back up when the player gets within range ) . Mount component is now intertwined with the player controller routines to provide a submersive experience. Sound effects added for all areas of mount riding. Mounts interact with the environment allowing for collection of powers ups and loot boxes from within the saddle. Added functions to easily allow me to install swimming and water interaction abilities when I get that far along. Added expandable functions for flying mounts. ( wip ) Combat functions are in place, not working yet but they will as soon as I get enemy AI in place. Combat from the saddle will be possible. The animal itself will be configurable for combat. ( battle-mounts* ). And much more ! The media:
  9. So far I am unable to produce this error.
  10. Yesterday
  11. I actually prefer hotkeys for the translate, rotate and scale manipulators as I use them TONS more than the surface selectors. But I guess it's a matter of opinion in the end. Plus coming from LEADWERKS I'm already hitting 1,2,3 in the editor but nothing happens ( yet )..
  12. Working on the skills menu at the moment. First shown is the old one in Leadwerks, and then the current WIP in Ultra. Also updated the discord link at the beginning of this thread. Current in Ultra;
  13. 0.9.6 Fixed player collision on terrain mesh layers loaded from a map. Some fixes to navmeshes in editor.
  14. I can confirm the same thing, when I am coding in visual Code, and I go back to the editor it is frozen, it does not respond anywhere, I have to restart it. When it happens to me I make a video.
  15. 0.9.6 Terrain LOD issue fixed. Terrain meshlayers member is now public in C++ lib.
  16. I have noticed Ultra projects having trouble with fullscreen mode when built from the library. Adding an application manifest seems to be the only reliable way to make programs DPI-aware: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns:asmv3="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3"> <asmv3:application> <asmv3:windowsSettings> <dpiAware xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SMI/2005/WindowsSettings">true</dpiAware> <dpiAwareness xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SMI/2016/WindowsSettings">PerMonitorV2</dpiAwareness> </asmv3:windowsSettings> </asmv3:application> </assembly>
  17. How would I go about removing an attachment from an entity after it's been attached to something? Entity::Attach() But no Entity::Detach() ? I tried Entity:Attach(nil, nil) but no go.
  18. 0.9.6 Adjusted mesh layer instances alignment to terrain, it's very precise now. May not match physics exactly until I adjust that.
  19. No update this week, mainly because the next update has been a huge undertaking. I'm still putting the final touches on it but without giving to much away before it's complete - I'll leave this screenshot with you.
  20. I'm on Win10, haven't experienced any other app freeze after inactivity the same way
  21. This issue will be fixed in the next build.
  22. Sorry, I got mixed up and uploaded the wrong EXEs. It's fixed now.
  23. I get the error when hitting f5 in the editor, or attempting to launch from Vcode.
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