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  2. @klepto2 thinks this is being caused by NAN values outputted by the shader, which then get amplified in the bloom blur.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Yue

    Terrain Collider.

    I think I discovered another strange thing, while I was thinking about how to return to motivation with the broken terrain, it works, but I have to restart the editor, and the collisions go perfectly, a fact is that the scale in the terrain is at 100.
  5. Sent you the updated shader and updated this first post to reflect the new errors.
  6. Alpha cutoff load and save to/from glTF files is fixed, will be in next build that goes up.
  7. Getting this shader error; 08/06/2024 00:31:44 : Error: Failed to compile "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/TheSeventhWorld/Materials/DynamicSky/DynamicSky.frag" 08/06/2024 00:31:44 : Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors: ERROR: 0:199: error(#162) Wrong operand types: no operation "!=" exists that takes a left-hand operand of type "in mediump 2-component vector of uvec2" and a right operand of type "const int" (or there is no acceptable conversion) WARNING: 17:1: warning(#62) enable/warn/disable extension is not found. Extension "GL_EXT_multiview" is not supported ERROR: 17:53: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: GetMaterialTransmission ERROR: 17:53: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found: GetMaterialTransmission ERROR: 17:274: error(#162) Wrong operand types: no operation "==" exists that takes a left-hand operand of type "uniform highp sampler2D" and a right operand of type "const int" (or there is no acceptable conversion) ERROR: 17:289: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: EnvironmentMap_Specular ERROR: 17:291: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: textureCubeSampler ERROR: 17:291: error(#166) Integer expression required: [] ERROR: 17:291: error(#145) Left of "[" is not of type array, matrix, or vector: textureCubeSampler ERROR: 17:291: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found: textureQueryLevels ERROR: 17:291: error(#160) Cannot convert from: "const float" to: "highp int" ERROR: 17:293: error(#166) Integer expression required: [] ERROR: 17:293: error(#145) Left of "[" is not of type array, matrix, or vector: textureCubeSampler ERROR: 17:293: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found: textureLod ERROR: 17:293: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 17:302: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: texture2DSampler ERROR: 17:302: error(#166) Integer expression required: [] ERROR: 17:302: error(#145) Left of "[" is not of type array, matrix, or vector: texture2DSampler ERROR: 17:302: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found: getIBLRadianceGGX ERROR: 17:309: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: EnvironmentMap_Diffuse ERROR: 17:311: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: textureCubeSampler ERROR: 17:311: error(#166) Integer expression required: [] ERROR: 17:311: error(#145) Left of "[" is not of type array, matrix, or vector: textureCubeSampler ERROR: 17:311: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found: texture ERROR: 17:311: error(#216) Vector field selection out of range "rgb" ERROR: 17:319: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: texture2DSampler ERROR: 17:319: error(#166) Integer expression required: [] ERROR: 17:319: error(#145) Left of "[" is not of type array, matrix, or vector: texture2DSampler ERROR: 17:319: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found: getIBLRadianceLambertian ERROR: 17:492: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found: PostFragmentFunction ERROR: error(#273) 29 compilation errors. No code generated On this GPU only; AMD R9 380 But this is the code at that location and it does not match what the error is saying. It sounds like a texture ID that used to be an "int" and now is a "uvec2" is being compared wrong but I can't find it! @Josh Could the 0:199 information be off somehow? Maybe it's in bytes or character stride instead of the line index?
  8. 0.9.6 AmbientCG integration is pretty much finished. The system will probably require some revision to work with other APIs in the future. Support for downloading masked materials and opacity maps.
  9. That's what I'm thinking unless there's any reason for that not need to be the case. I really think the RENDERLAYER enum should come back and allow us to assign renderlayers in the editor.
  10. Perhaps by default lights and probes should have their render layers set so they include all possible values? (Max unsigned integer)
  11. Yes (for the most part), but only after I figured out that the reflections were not showing on the viewmodel because it wasn't being rendered on the same layer as it. I'm not sure if this will add friction to new users. In more recent testing, I've been getting black reflections when I changed the map without rebuilding the probes or in outdoor environments. I'd have to do more testing and make an example before I can file a bug report.
  12. From your description, it sounds like the probes and render layers are working as intended? Is that correct?
  13. 0.9.6 The ambientcg.com script will now remove the _2K, _4K, etc. extensions from files, so you can install the 1K version of an asset, then go back and install a higher-res version if you want.
  14. It's an AMD ASUS RX6600 8gb. It happens with various models and materials but has only occurred since AMD updated their drivers.
  15. Does this only happen with some models? What GPU do you have?
  16. Once a terrain has like 6 to 7 * or even less ) different layers of mesh; rocks, grass, debris etc.. then you go back over the terrain to draw a road or path - it's hectic having to find each layer and remove from the path. An Eraser brush that removes all terrain mesh layers in it's path would greatly appreciated.
  17. Exactly the same map but with a completely different flavour...
  18. I'm continually getting artifacts when using the model viewer or material viewer. GPU is AMD RX6600 and I'm running the newest drivers. See below for a better idea of my terrible description:
  19. 0.9.6 Added search to asset library. I recommend deleting the folder "C:/Program Data/Ultra Engine/Asset Library" to clear the cache.
  20. Last week
  21. 0.9.6 Asset library interface is faster. Added slider to view more than one page of results. Web responses and previews are now cached. First time will be slow, then fast after that. Top-most categories no longer show any items, because there is no good way to display that many items with a good response time.
  22. Terrain does not update the collider with the change in its scale axis. The character crosses the terrain.
  23. Dear Development Team, I would like to propose a new functionality that I believe could significantly improve the workflow in Ultra Engine. The idea is to allow the import of multiple scenes into a main scene. This feature would facilitate the integration of different elements and structures created in separate scenes, enhancing modularity and efficiency in project development. Proposed Functionality: Scene Importing and Merging Description Allow users to import a secondary scene into a main scene, similar to the "merge" function found in other game engines. This would enable developers to create and manage components more efficiently and reuse them in different contexts within their project. Benefits Modularity: Facilitates the creation and management of modular components that can be reused in various parts of the project. Efficiency: Reduces the time needed to recreate repetitive structures or components in different scenes. Flexibility: Allows developers to work on different parts of the project in isolation and then integrate them easily. Example of Use Scene 1: Contains the main game environment. Scene 2: Contains a specific structure, such as a building or platform. Main Scene: The developer can import Scene 2 into Scene 1, merging the elements of both scenes. Suggested Implementation User Interface: Add an option in the scene menu to "Import Scene". Scene Management System: Adapt the current system to support the integration of multiple scenes, correctly managing the positions and properties of imported objects. Compatibility: Ensure that textures, materials, and lighting settings remain consistent when importing scenes. I am convinced that this functionality will add great value to Ultra Engine and improve the developers' experience while working on their projects. Thank you for considering my suggestion. Best regards, Yue Ultra Engine User
  24. Without diffuse and specular maps still looks wrong. Anyway even if i fix shader and gamma for all cameras manually the Editor still needs a gamma settings then to fix it there. Also gamma settings would be nice for Camera in the Editor entity properties to avoid creating extra component and applying it every time
  25. Greetings Friends, I have some brand new music to share with you: On my Fantasy 13 page: "TREASURE CAVE " https://soundimage.org/fantasy-13/ On my Funny 8 page: "SNEAKING AROUND QUIRKILY" https://soundimage.org/funny-8/ Ogg Music Packs Please make sure to check out my Ogg music packs which enable you to download all of my tracks from various genres at once...a huge time-saver. Here's a link: https://soundimage.org/ogg-music-packs-2/ Enjoy and keep being creative! :-)
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