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  1. Past hour
  2. If your showing the texture on a sprite make sure your using the "Unlit.fam". The default is PBR and it will try to light the sprite.
  3. Today
  4. Yes! But why when camera rendering to a texture buffer it's so dark?
  5. Yesterday
  6. 0.9.6 Entity properties editor will now be locked if a prefab is selected. Prefab subobjects can no longer be deleted from the scene. The top-level prefab must be deleted. Prefab subobjects can no longer be moved around in the scene hierarchy tree. Only the top-most prefab entity can be moved.
  7. Also, you don't need two orthographic cameras. Just place one sprite a little bit closer to the camera to make it appear on top.
  8. Is this what you are trying to do? #include "UltraEngine.h" #include "ComponentSystem.h" using namespace UltraEngine; int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { auto displays = GetDisplays(); auto window = CreateWindow("Ultra Engine", 0, 0, 1280, 720, displays[0], WINDOW_CENTER | WINDOW_TITLEBAR); auto world = CreateWorld(); auto framebuffer = CreateFramebuffer(window); auto sz = framebuffer->GetSize(); int MAIN_LAYER = 1, OUTPUT_LAYER = 2, EXTRA_LAYER = 4, EXTRA_OUTPUT_LAYER = 8; auto light = CreateBoxLight(world); light->SetRotation(35, 45, 0); light->SetRange(-10, 10); auto backBox = CreateBox(world, 5); backBox->SetPosition(0, 0, 7); backBox->SetColor(0, 1, 0, 1); auto betweenBox = CreateBox(world); betweenBox->SetRenderLayers(EXTRA_LAYER); betweenBox->SetColor(1, 0, 0, 1); auto unlitShader = LoadShaderFamily("Shaders/Unlit.fam"); auto boxMat = CreateMaterial(); boxMat->SetShaderFamily(unlitShader); betweenBox->SetMaterial(boxMat); auto frontBox = CreateBox(world, 1); frontBox->SetPosition(-0.5, 0, -0.5); frontBox->SetColor(1, 1, 0, 1); auto mainCameraInput = CreateCamera(world); mainCameraInput->SetPosition(0, 0, -3); mainCameraInput->SetRenderLayers(MAIN_LAYER); auto mainTextureBuffer = CreateTextureBuffer(sz.x, sz.y); mainCameraInput->SetRenderTarget(mainTextureBuffer); auto mainSprite = CreateSprite(world, sz.x, sz.y); mainSprite->SetRenderLayers(OUTPUT_LAYER); auto mainMaterial = CreateMaterial(); mainSprite->SetMaterial(mainMaterial); mainMaterial->SetTexture(mainTextureBuffer->GetColorAttachment()); //red transporent box render part auto extraCameraInput = CreateCamera(world); extraCameraInput->SetPosition(0, 0, -3); extraCameraInput->SetRenderLayers(EXTRA_LAYER); extraCameraInput->SetMatrix(mainCameraInput->matrix); extraCameraInput->SetLighting(false); extraCameraInput->SetClearMode(CLEAR_COLOR); auto extraTextureBuffer = CreateTextureBuffer(sz.x, sz.y); extraTextureBuffer->SetDepthAttachment(mainTextureBuffer->GetDepthAttachment()); extraCameraInput->SetRenderTarget(extraTextureBuffer); auto extraSprite = CreateSprite(world, sz.x, sz.y); extraSprite->SetRenderLayers(EXTRA_OUTPUT_LAYER); auto extraMaterial = CreateMaterial(); extraSprite->SetMaterial(extraMaterial); extraMaterial->SetTransparent(true); extraMaterial->SetTexture(extraTextureBuffer->GetColorAttachment()); extraMaterial->SetColor(1, 1, 1, 0.5); auto mainCameraOutput = CreateCamera(world, PROJECTION_ORTHOGRAPHIC); mainCameraOutput->SetPosition(sz.x * 0.5f, sz.y * 0.5f, 0); mainCameraOutput->SetRenderLayers(OUTPUT_LAYER); mainCameraOutput->SetLighting(false); auto extraCameraOutput = CreateCamera(world, PROJECTION_ORTHOGRAPHIC); extraCameraOutput->SetPosition(sz.x * 0.5f, sz.y * 0.5f, 0); extraCameraOutput->SetRenderLayers(EXTRA_OUTPUT_LAYER); extraCameraOutput->SetClearMode(CLEAR_DEPTH); extraTextureBuffer->SetDepthAttachment(mainTextureBuffer->GetDepthAttachment()); //extraCameraOutput->SetOrder(2); extraCameraOutput->SetLighting(false); //extraCameraOutput->SetHidden(true); //Main loop while (window->Closed() == false and window->KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) == false) { world->Update(); world->Render(framebuffer); } return 0; }
  9. I was able to recover this just by adding some extra checks to make the the stored values are the correct type. This will work in the next build that goes up.
  10. 0 downloads

    This Unwrap3D plugin will provide export support for Ultra and Leadwerks MDL format.
  11. Josh

    Black Dragon


    Black Dragon Rigged and Game-Ready
  12. RTN.rar After altering a few lights on my map, I accidentally changed a value I didn't mean to, and as a result my file absolutely refuses to load. This was caused by altering the light range values, accidentally putting the start of the range to further than the end of the range. I don't suppose it's possible to manually remove the lights from the map file without loading it at all is it? Otherwise it'll be another case of having to restart the map from scratch.
  13. Same result but no lighting now for unknown reason: #include "UltraEngine.h" #include "ComponentSystem.h" using namespace UltraEngine; int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { auto displays = GetDisplays(); auto window = CreateWindow("Ultra Engine", 0, 0, 1280, 720, displays[0], WINDOW_CENTER | WINDOW_TITLEBAR); auto world = CreateWorld(); auto framebuffer = CreateFramebuffer(window); auto sz = framebuffer->GetSize(); int MAIN_LAYER = 1, OUTPUT_LAYER = 2, EXTRA_LAYER = 4, EXTRA_OUTPUT_LAYER = 8; auto light = CreateBoxLight(world); light->SetRotation(35, 45, 0); light->SetRange(-10, 10); auto backBox = CreateBox(world, 5); backBox->SetPosition(0, 0, 7); backBox->SetColor(0, 1, 0, 1); auto betweenBox = CreateBox(world); betweenBox->SetRenderLayers(EXTRA_LAYER); betweenBox->SetColor(1, 0, 0, 1); auto unlitShader = LoadShaderFamily("Shaders/Unlit.fam"); auto boxMat = CreateMaterial(); boxMat->SetShaderFamily(unlitShader); betweenBox->SetMaterial(boxMat); auto frontBox = CreateBox(world, 1); frontBox->SetPosition(-0.5, 0, -0.5); frontBox->SetColor(1, 1, 0, 1); auto mainCameraInput = CreateCamera(world); mainCameraInput->SetPosition(0, 0, -3); mainCameraInput->SetRenderLayers(MAIN_LAYER); auto mainTextureBuffer = CreateTextureBuffer(sz.x, sz.y); mainCameraInput->SetRenderTarget(mainTextureBuffer); auto mainSprite = CreateSprite(world, sz.x, sz.y); mainSprite->SetRenderLayers(OUTPUT_LAYER); auto mainMaterial = CreateMaterial(); mainSprite->SetMaterial(mainMaterial); mainMaterial->SetTexture(mainTextureBuffer->GetColorAttachment()); auto mainCameraOutput = CreateCamera(world, PROJECTION_ORTHOGRAPHIC); mainCameraOutput->SetPosition(sz.x * 0.5f, sz.y * 0.5f, 0); mainCameraOutput->SetRenderLayers(OUTPUT_LAYER); mainCameraOutput->SetLighting(true); //red transporent box render part auto extraCameraInput = CreateCamera(world); extraCameraInput->SetPosition(0, 0, -3); extraCameraInput->SetRenderLayers(EXTRA_LAYER); extraCameraInput->SetMatrix(mainCameraInput->matrix); extraCameraInput->SetLighting(false); auto extraTextureBuffer = CreateTextureBuffer(sz.x, sz.y); extraCameraInput->SetRenderTarget(extraTextureBuffer); auto extraSprite = CreateSprite(world, sz.x, sz.y); extraSprite->SetRenderLayers(EXTRA_OUTPUT_LAYER); auto extraMaterial = CreateMaterial(); extraSprite->SetMaterial(extraMaterial); extraMaterial->SetTransparent(true); extraMaterial->SetTexture(extraTextureBuffer->GetColorAttachment()); extraMaterial->SetColor(1, 1, 1, 0.5); auto extraCameraOutput = CreateCamera(world, PROJECTION_ORTHOGRAPHIC); extraCameraOutput->SetPosition(sz.x * 0.5f, sz.y * 0.5f, 0); extraCameraOutput->SetRenderLayers(EXTRA_OUTPUT_LAYER); extraCameraOutput->SetClearMode(CLEAR_DEPTH); extraTextureBuffer->SetDepthAttachment(mainTextureBuffer->GetDepthAttachment()); extraCameraOutput->SetOrder(2); extraCameraOutput->SetLighting(false); //extraCameraOutput->SetHidden(true); //Main loop while (window->Closed() == false and window->KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) == false) { world->Update(); world->Render(framebuffer); } return 0; }
  14. Leag

    Size label bug

    It appears that Streamable only retains videos for seven days before automatically deleting them. Here is the video I uploaded to YouTube: Description: When I select "Frame Selection," the size labels disappear afterward.
  15. Okay so I just had a new windows update and everything's working again! Amazing! (I hate you windows 11)
  16. I have an MX Master 3S - https://www.logitech.com/en-us/products/mice/mx-master-3s.910-006557.html I'm not exactly sure if its high precision but it was working previously until about a week ago. Also, yes I am on the current stable steam branch, not in any betas. edit- All I can think is a recent windows update broke it. I will try to get my hands on a different mouse and see if it makes a difference.
  17. I think you would have to create another camera in between "camera" and cam2 with the same characteristics as "camera" but rendering to the texture buffer. That would draw the depth information, then cam2 would render the transparent objects on that, and retain the depth info to discard fragments. It would be better if "camera" was rendering to a texture buffer, you could get the depth attachment, and attach that to the texture buffer cam2 is using. Then when cam2 starts drawing, it already has the depth info from the main camera.
  18. Ok, so the solution would be to create a camera on the map and search for it from the script.
  19. Last week
  20. Thanks for sharing the link. Will check this out!
  21. Unable to move in editor viewport using mouse or WASD keys. Camera stays stationary. Please fix if possible. I still use the (now old) engine almost daily and this is the first bug in years that has actually made the editor unusable. Can give more details and troubleshoot further if needed. edit- mouse scroll still works but nothing else does. Windows 11. GTX 4080. This issue just popped up, I swear it was working fine a month ago.
  22. If the camera is on the map as a created entity, the fog is visible.
  23. Blender Market place is celebrating 10 years. As part of the celebration they are giving away a different addon each day. Unfortunately I missed the first one which a retopo tool but I got the second which simulates crowds. https://blendermarket.com/birthday
  24. 0.9.6 Full build performed with all recent fixes.
  25. No, it's just a simulated class in Lua, which when the map is loaded creates the character's controller and creates a camera to follow it in third person.
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