Some sample LE3 code
Here's some LE3 code for a simple program. The Graphics / Window stuff is not worked out 100%, and it's a little tricky because of the different operating systems and different kinds of windows.
I think we'll see a little more consistency across various languages with the LE3 syntax. It was suggested that the C syntax use the following scheme:
SetEntityPosition() GetMaterialTexture()
I agree with this suggestion.
SetGraphicsDriver( OpenGLGraphicsDriver() ); CreateGraphics(1024,768,4); World* world = CreateWorld(); //Load a shader Shader* shader = LoadShader("Shaders/minimal.shader"); //Create a material; Material* mat = CreateMaterial(); mat->SetShader(shader); mat->SetColor(1,0,0,1); //Create a box; Mesh* box = CreateMeshBox(1,1,1); box->SetMaterial(mat); Camera* camera = CreateCamera(); camera->SetClearColor( Vec4(0,1,0,1) ); box->SetPosition(0,0,-2,false); float yaw = 0.0; while (!window->Closed()) { yaw++; box->SetRotation(yaw,0,0,false); camera->Render(); window->Flip(); }
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