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Leadwerks Blog Post 09: The Beginning of the End




Today’s blog update on the Zone project will be quite lengthy, as over the last few weeks I have been finishing up the remaining assets and now I’m beginning to focus on the level design side of things. My new Intel i7 system is up and running once again (and no longer on fire), so today I have a good number of screenshots to share with you.


It’s been a while since I shared some overview images with you all, so I’ll start off with those:


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In these you can see where I’ve begun to detail and work over more areas of the map. I’ve also begun setting up the LUA scripts for the main buildings and assets, and correctly setting their view distance and physics settings. LODs models are also being created to help with performance. Today will be focusing on the railroad station area, but other areas you see here will be covered in future blog posts.


You may notice some obvious tiling in the ground textures. While they usually won’t be seen from this altitude, I’ve already re-processed all of them to reduce the tiling effect.


The largest model of the project, weighing in at over 22,000 polygons at the maximum LOD, is Bober Station. The name, as well as the inspiration for this building comes from the real railroad station in Bober, a small community near Chernobyl that was actually evacuated a few months after the disaster had happened when officials decided that Bober was also too contaminated.


To go along with the station, I carefully modeled an old bench (and several damaged versions) based off of a real life source that I was able to photograph and study:


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To wrap things up, I have a good selection of screenshots of Bober Station and the surrounding area. The prop detailing is close to complete, but I will probably be filling in more props before calling it complete. Enjoy!



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Guest Red Ocktober


absolutely amazing... nothing left to say...


are the assets in the scenes part of a game being developed (if so, can you reveal any details :) ), or will any of the content be offered for licensing...




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Some of these assets will be available for use with Leadwerks on the main site. I am setting up a store for content packs.

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Is this going to be part of an official Leadwerks demo or sample scene? It would be great if it was...and perhaps with basic multiplayer functionality. I am really anxious to see how LE performs with 16+ players in a professional quality level like this.

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Absolutely stunning Dave!


small suggestion: some small clouds of yellow smoke (with high opacity and barely visible). This gives certain areas (like 4 square metes) a touch of 'radiation'. also some small decals of intense yellow spatters.

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Really beautifull. You're talented ! woaw :)

i just find the field of depth view a bit strong, things become blurry too early where i would expect to still see details. But it's perhaps just me.

in picture 20, the train is blurred because you are looking at the bench, and if you look at the train the train becomes clear and the bench blurred ? If it works like this it's ok in game and just surprising on screenshots.

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Looking great. Definitely looks like an abandoned world that time has taken it's toll on.


If you want to change up anything on the train engine, let me know and I'll send you the original .psd. Might need a little more rust to fit in.

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