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Leadwerks 3.6 Roadmap




I've got a pretty good idea of what features I want to pack into Leadwerks Game Engine 3.6, and I'm ready to share them with you now.


Just about all the simple easy features I think I can implement are already built into Leadwerks, but there are some bigger more involved things I want the engine to support. Instead of doing these one at a time, I am doing research on them all, and changing my focus when I get stuck. I've got a big block of research done that all revolves around creating new possibilities for map design.


The vegetation is developed far enough that I can see my new ideas will work well and provide a more powerful forest rendering system than even Leadwerks 2 provided.


Terrain tessellation is a work in progress, but it's promising. We need some high-quality textures to really show it off.


The terrain horizontal offset I talked about previously is a really nice touch but more work needs to be done to make physics match the visual geometry.


Finally, I've decided to use deferred decals rather than decals cut out of model geometry. The reason for this is that we have several types of geometry that are dynamically generated or modified on the GPU (terrain offset, tessellation, animation). Deferred decals work by rendering a volume on top of the scene gbuffer, and work regardless of the underlying geometry, so these are more appropriate for modern graphics techniques.


I'm setting a conservative release date of November 1 for this release, but many of these features will be available for testing on the beta branch before then.

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Looking back at the start of the year most users wanted, water, vegetation and decals. Its good to see these are being implemented.


Is the Steam store (artists selling their wares in the workshop) still going ahead?


Will the Game Launcher "go live"?


Are new Game Template being developed/released?


Keep up the good work, Cant wait for November.

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Paid Workshop items are being implemented, but it involves a third party. I found the author for the server code and we actually start Monday. No timeline on that since it's partially beyond my control and knowledge.

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That's awesome to see that vegetation is on the right track.


Tesselation is good but i would keep it as an option in games because it's pumping too much GPU power sometimes.


Decal , yes they are coming bringing the possibility to add lot of variations to levels or used as traditionnal decals , that's great.


Does decals means, soft particles would be possible in LE3 in the future :) ?

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With decals coming will you finally give us a the ability to extract some extra information from CSG geometry via picking? It would be nice to know what material is on that wall the player shot at to paint the proper bullet hole decal on top of it.

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Since there are now several games based on the template I call it a success, and plan on adding more.

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