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Workshop Remixes




Here's an example of something called "derivative works" which is something the Leadwerks Workshop on Steam allows us to do.


Shadmar uploaded a model from Leadwerks 2 and added some special effects to it in the Workshop here:




I subscribed to the item, and used the model and sound to make my own Workshop item here:




When you load my item up in the editor, it will automatically subscribe to and pull the needed contents from Shadmar's original item. If he updates his item, the changes will automatically show up in mine.

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Perhaps the workshop should show what package it's remixed from - and/or the combined sized for the download? - just so you don't surprised by a massive download chain

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The thing I find difficult about this is that many of the workshop items do not include source (just .mdl and .tex files), so you can't really change much.

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I subscribed to the item, and used the model and sound to make my own Workshop item here


This isn't use and reuse, it's use and modify and redistribute. So what you just said is a little confusing to people. I assume it means we can modify certain LE settings but not the source files. We can use it in another prefab and distribute that new prefab, but not modify the source files right?

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Right. Except you're not actually redistributing anything. My derivative work does not contains Shadmar's files, it just links back to them. Think of it as one big hard drive in the cloud we all share.

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That's interesting in the example above. So all that's really stored in your workshop item is a link to his workshop item, and then the settings you changed? What if I added a particle effect of sparks as a child to his and make it a prefab. Does that work for me to make that a workshop item then and my workshop item would have all the information needed to reproduce the prefab from his item?

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I don't know, this sounds a bit limiting. I mean the idea sounds good, but even little changes like what Rick suggested don't allow this. I mean, if people don't want to share source files, they shouldn't have to, but I'm sure some people would like others to modify their work. I know I would.

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That's interesting in the example above. So all that's really stored in your workshop item is a link to his workshop item, and then the settings you changed? What if I added a particle effect of sparks as a child to his and make it a prefab. Does that work for me to make that a workshop item then and my workshop item would have all the information needed to reproduce the prefab from his item?

Yes, that would work just fine.


In the future I hope to see turrets mounted on trucks, guns that shoot chickens, and giant robots made out of cars.

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In the future I hope to see turrets mounted on trucks, guns that shoot chickens, and giant robots made out of cars.

I love that reply. LOL


I was actually working on a turret before I went to bed last night... I saw that Agrror made a tutorial on Turret AI and didn't have a turret model to use :'(


A link to the general look of the model so far, nothing special yet but it will work as a decent placeholder once finished. I will try and get some more time in on it tonight and wrap it up tomorrow with a texture, if I can make the time to do that :)

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