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I recently asked one of my nieces who is currently doing media and photography courses at college to keep an eye open for some "Gnarly Wood" textures. She emailed with a few images she had remembered to take. I spent an hour or two playing with them and quickly knocked up a place holder model in 3DWS to try out the two textures I had made from the images:           I then placed the model in an island scene I had built to test post processing effects using an application I have written

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

After sorting my modeling pipeline, I found som...

After sorting my modeling pipeline, I found some resources for cloth to sculpt and still I have to read more about anatomy.. I'm teaching "Mustafa" for modeling and after about 2 months results seems good. really good! now he can model almost everything in lowest possible triangles count and create UVs for his models. I will post his last model "MP5" weapon later. here is also another good polite guy "Vahid" in our modelling team. he is a highpoly modeller and I wish I could make him mor



After sorting my modeling pipeline, I found som...

After sorting my modeling pipeline, I found some resources for cloth to sculpt and still I have to read more about anatomy.. I'm teaching "Mustafa" for modeling and after about 2 months results seems good. really good! now he can model almost everything in lowest possible triangles count and create UVs for his models. I will post his last model "MP5" weapon later. here is also another good polite guy "Vahid" in our modelling team. he is a highpoly modeller and I wish I could make him mor



Windows 7

This is my opinion of Windows 7. When I tried Vista, I immediately disliked it, but used it for eight months. At the end of that period I still disliked it for all the same reasons.     Source



Get your credit card out

...and head over to www.dexsoft-games.com to buy the Northern vegetation pack. I don't care if you don't even need it, just give them money so they will continue making incredible media. This is the artistic savior independent developers have been waiting for.   http://forum.leadwerks.com/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=5509   Source



Logic Problem

I am working out the advanced logic and interaction by applying it to different problems. Messaging the way the original Quake engine was set up is pretty straightforward. Half-Life 2's input-output system is interesting, but requires an additional mechanism beyond the existing keyvalues system. Lua allows some really powerful stuff. You could enter a string in the property editor, and the script itself could execute this string! But if it's confusing for me, it's going to be really confusing fo



OpenGL 3

I finally found a good reason to upgrade the renderer to OpenGL3. This will allows MSAA with deferred lighting. It might possibly also yield some performance gains, but that is speculation. This will occur some time in 2010.   Source



Character Thingoids

I've made and continue to work on 3 objects that you can drag into the editor and get player movement features in about 2 mins. I'll discuss them and their plans here. I prefix them with Pi because that's my sort of namespace so when you place these in your editor's path they won't have the same name as other objects you create/download. Pi is the start of my last name and I'm using it as a brand or sorts also.   Character http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=46



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