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FBX converter and second UV channel


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Maybe I'm just crazy but I'm doing shaders for Micheal_J's game http://roguesystemsim.com and if I import his FBX files normally, I can't seem to get second UV channel to texture scroll, not matter what I do it scrolls in both U and V even if I just need to scroll U.


If I re-export the FBX as GMF through UU3D it all works okay.


ECS_busAlevel3.FBX - original fbx exported from MAX 2 uv channels ==> Seems to scroll UV -> Bug?

ECS_busAlevel3_UU3D_TO_GMF.mdl -> same one but re-exported as gmf 2 uv channels ==> scrolls U ->OK


Full test project attached with shaders.

I dont understand what is happening.



HP Omen - 16GB - i7 - Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB

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